>He's my friend
>So was I
How would DC handle this scene?
>He's my friend
>So was I
How would DC handle this scene?
The whole fucking thing was stupid and contrived.
>Bucky killed my parents, but I know he was being used and had his mind fucked with. Time to kill my teammates!
When exactly were they friends?
It seems like they hate eachother
is this the worst Marvel disney film? at best I could give it a 4/10
Agreed. It made Black Widow look retarded >Oh this African guy wants to shit on the UN talks and murder Bucky, better invite him to the gangbang!
Black Panther was a Mary Sue, crappy actor too
Sharon has zero screen presence, zero chemistry with Steve, and a hook nose.
>I don't care
>he killed my mom
They literally explain that Tony does not give a shit about all the mind control
they actually started to foreshadowing this conflict in the avengers scene where steve confronts tony about what kind of hero he is without the armor.
The conflict would be based around control v freedom and the state v individual liberty and not a contrivance like Bucky's hypnotism so they can have a pointless badly-done fistfight in a gray bunker at the end of the movie that resolved nothing and was overturned with RDJ all but winking into the camera after reading a letter saying "Yeah we're still best buds"
No shit, but you can't hold Bucky accountable.
>holds a man responsible for actions performed when he literally wasn't in control of his own mind
Pretty rich coming from the guy whose defining character trait is being absolutely incapable of taking responsibility for his own actions
Bucky held himself accountable
Did you not watch the fucking movie?
>BvS spends 2 hours setting up that Batman is not mentally stable and that his madness, a mixture of paranoid fear, traumatic projection and masculine insecurity, is driving him to commit murder
Wow no character motivation!!!
>Civil War sets up the Sokovia Accords as something that divides Cap and Iron Man. Then the conflict shifts to wanting to apprehend Bucky who is being framed for a terrorist attack. Both of these plot points are made irrelevant because the real reason Iron Man and Captain America fight is because he finds out Bucky (while brainwashed) killed his parents and his motivation is just rage born from the heat of the moment.
Logic doesn't matter because the character plainly said he didn't care!
The state of the capeshit audience.
It's ok for him to feel bad for doing it, but it might as well not even been him. That's the point I'm making.
Why rip apart the world's greatest group of superhumans because a guy under mind control did something he had no power over?
Enough of this meme.
at least civil war was fun (not being sarcastic btw)
>breath it in, thats fear. You're not brave, men are brave
that entire scene was great
>at least civil war was fun
Aside from Dr Strange and Avengers 2 it was the least entertaining Marvel movie so far. Wanted to sleep by the time they found the bunker.
He killed his mom, why the fuck would the reasons matter?
It was his MOM. Are you all autistic?
No shit, but it figuratively wasn't Bucky.
>He killed his mom
Bucky didn't. Whoever gave the order did.
you just can't fix a plothole with "he doesn't care". he's not retarded he knows he was being mind controlled and chose to ignore it and try to kill him
That guy died at the beginning of the movie, meanwhile Bucky has blown up a bridge in Bucharest, attacked federal agents in Berlin, and whilst driving a lynchpin between the only family that Tony has left (the Avengers), come to find out he had a literal hand in the tearing apart of his real family.
Yeah, but they were never friends. Tony and Bruce (Banner)? Yes. Tony and Thor? Even they talked sometimes.
Tony and Steve? They always showed they dislike for one another and were up in each other's throats.
You don't know what a plothole is.
Maybe you're trying to insinuate that Tony acted out of character, but then again this is the same person that gave out his address to a terrorist on national television because he hurt his friend, so you'd still be wrong. Smart but rash is literally his entire character.
If was your mom the dude had raped while drunk, would you say the same?
Tony's family is Pepper, Rhodes and Roggan. Not the Avengers.
>You're not a god. You were never even a man.
>Synder ruined this shit with far too many merged comic storylines
I'd say he made it better by linking the whole thing to Bruce's worship of his father, which relates to Clark's worship of his own father, which is the reason for Clark to come back as Superman.
>Tony's family is Pepper
They were separated at the time of the movie.
An Avenger, also insured in a conflict that hinged on Bucky.
Seth or Joe?
It's almost like a character flaw.
Yep, the ultimate flaw of BvS is that it bit off way more than it could - or should - chew, what a tight storyline it could have been if it were simply the vengeful Batman versus the false god Superman.
so much this! batman should have been the antagonist straight up
It would have been way less than it was, if it had done that. For example you'd lose the whole son-father thing and Bruce trying to punish himself through Superman.
If your mother died 20 years ago in a car accident and you found out who was driving the car, would you actually try to murder that person if they were standing next to you? The Avengers have the psychology of kindergarteners in adult bodies.
>Black Panther was a Mary Sue
ex-fucking-plain how exactly he was a Mary Sue you shitposting pleb.
But Bucky didn't do any of those things.
How would it have been lost? Keep Lex as the antagonist starting conflict between the two and public distrust of Superman.
Doomsday and his whole fight could've been cut and no one would miss it.
She wasn't in a car accident, she was murdered. There is a moral difference between the two.
Do you also blame the car?
>Ave Maria starts playing
Not an argument.
Do you blame the gun in a shooting, the knife in a stabbing?
How can you blame Bucky if you do not blame these things? He is made a mindless tool and cannot be held responsible.
If the Russians had a weapon that kept coming and killing people then I think we'd be within our rights to destroy it.
You can when you have a personality like Tony Stark's. This is man driven by guilt and ego. He often contradicts himself and was established in the first Iron man movie. The MCU has been very consistent with this characterization that Tony acts like he's morally superior to others, yet driven by impulse and recklessness and often creating his own problems.
It honestly amazes me how many anons can get autistically in-depth about BvS, yet fail to grasp basic plot points or characterizations when it comes to Civil War.
>4th image literally looks like the image he's replying to
lol'd again
>Superman: He's my friend.
>Batman: Then you can join him... in the grave!
Even though you've already cornered it and it surrendered and you have the means to isolate it without killing it?
So Snyder will give you colour, but only one at a time...
Marvel movie
>tv-tier framing
>no dramatic lighting
>what little color is completely washed out
>no use of shadows
DC Movies
>dramatic comic-iconography framing
>colors pop out when appropriate because of high contrast and saturation
The airport and missile base would have been full of innocent bystanders that were killed.
>russia sends a nuke at us
>we manage to catch it in flight
why wouldn't we destroy it
if you're gonna treat bucky as an object when placing blame for his killings then you need to treat him as an object when deciding what to do with him
Tony isn't thinking straight, he's in a blind rage.
non autistic people have something called emotions, which sometimes cause them to make irrational decisions
Figures being a manlet.
That's kinda the point - Tony's arrogant to think that he's just as important to a work buddy than that guy's lifelong best friend.
It's not murder if the "killer" was not conscious during the act.
>it is wrong to kill a person who is disarmed and posing no immediate threat just because they are powerful enough to have the potential to harm others
>It is ok to kill a person who is disarmed and posing no immediate threat to you if it's out of revenge for an act they did not consciously execute
Really Walter Goggins the noggin.
>duuurrrr i like pritty colerz
umm yeah and I would probably focus on the one who mind controlled him and ultimately is the cause for killing mommy
So do you want to treat Bucky as a person or as an object?