Saying that regardless of what EU-Juncker and that Arab from the UN or foreign (((media))) is saying - he is getting more powerful by the minute, he is getting stronger and more determined.
Norbert Hofer launches his campaign
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Unfortunatly he's an Austrian in Austria = nothing will change.
Achso, was sagst du denn ist, dass er in Deutschland sein muss, ob will er eine Ă„nderung machen... Einfach wie Hitler?
Man, Hofer looks like such a nice, gentle guy to me. It must be the walking stick.
Hoffer is so much more based than drumpf, it's kind of sad really. Hope he wins and brings glorious Anschluss to osterreich
Bist du Backpacker oder Auswanderer?
Alter, kannst du nicht lesen? Das ist doch eindeutig per Google Translate (
FPO made a left-turn and declared themselves pro-EU, how do you think this will impact the election? Btw., any foreign-living Austrian got their Wahlkarte already? I live in the UK and haven't gotten shit yet.
Ich bin weder. Ich lerne Deutsch.
>Das ist doch eindeutig per Google Translate (
Lerne ich immer noch
When he wins, will he trigger a leave EU referendum?
Kek. You definitely write like the Google algorithm would.