>THIS is the average Drumpf cuck
No wonder you all hide behind anime avatars you fucking ugly losers.
>THIS is the average Drumpf cuck
No wonder you all hide behind anime avatars you fucking ugly losers.
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he looks 25 percent jewish. you fucked up goy
Thanks for your input senpai.
>all trump supporters are shitposters that hang out on anime imageboards
Nice projection, I bet you have an ugly as fuck face and trying to blame your insecurities on cherry picking 1 trump supporter
really made me think
sage all ctr shill threads
Looks like a nice kid. At least he isn't covered in piercings, tats, and whatever. May be an autistic but I'd take an autist over the other filth any day
This is me you australian faggot
You don't know shit about this country
Racism can't win in this melting pot in 2016. My parents sacrificed a lot to come here for me and I'm a American citizen. Only bitter racists who can't handle the changing world are getting behind that clown
whatever spic