Just saw IT, is a shameless nightmare on helm street rip off. King even wrote the book 2 years after the movie release when everyone was talking about it.
Stephen King is an overrated hack.
Just saw IT, is a shameless nightmare on helm street rip off. King even wrote the book 2 years after the movie release when everyone was talking about it.
Stephen King is an overrated hack.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Both villains love fear
>Both villains favorite trick is creating the victim biggest fear
>Both villains turn near powerless when the victim stop being afraid
>Both villains target kids
>Both villains love to make jokes
>Both villains are defeated by a group of desperate kids
>Adults ignore the threat
>both villains target people of a specified community
I need to go on?
>King has stated that he first conceived the story in 1978, and began writing it in 1981
saging your thread sweetie :^)
Too bad he can't prove it, also is funny that he finished the book right after the sucess of helm street when Freddy turned into an horroc icon with a giant fanbase.
I will make a book where the villain is a mimic that target kids creating their biggest fear and is defeated by a group of kids when they stop fearing him and claim that I started writting it before the book release and the nerd will claim that I rip off him.
I think you might actually have autism
Funny how you couldn't refute anything I just said.Not even a single argument.
Why don't you go read the 1100 page book before you claim he ripped off a 90-minute movie. If you haven't read it then you literally don't know what you're talking about.
Why you so mad tho
>being this much of a faggot
stop it.
>there's a nightmare on elm street easter egg in the movie
>nightmare on helm street
jesus christ kill yourself
So IT is not a supernatural being the target kids to terrorize and then kill them?And use magic powers to use their powers to attack the kid with their greatest fear? It is not defeated when his young victims join up and stop being afraid of him? IT in the books don't target one single place ?IT in the books is not a smartass that make jokes about his victims?IT in the books don't return from the dead after being seemingly killed by the protagonists?IT don't make it sound like he know their victims personally?
Honestly there is too much similarities, is impossible that stephen didn't wrote the character to be a freddy krueger wannabe
You are so fucking stupid I actually can't talk to you. I'll come back when I'm less triggered.
Are these threads made by the same guy everytime?
>nightmare on helm street
Are you 12? I listed a couple dozen similarities beetwen the character,protagonists and plot , gave you dates of the release dates and suspicious close it was and even the cultural impact of the movie.
Those are your answers so far
>u autist
>read da book
>u stupid
Looks like you're the one baiting after all and I'm the one being logical here.
meme disease is not even real
helm street
Because the book is about how the disturbing mundanity of small town life is actually caused by an ancient cosmological being. You are comparing a movie to a movie and drawing a conclusion about the author of a book you've never read.
>Stephen King is an overrated hack.
No shit.
I'm using a phone give me a break, yeah inb4 the "ur phone poster gtfo" Sup Forumstard meme
To extrapolate, what you're doing is akin to comparing two superheroes with similar powers and saying that the creator of one must have ripped off the other. It has nothing to do with the actual content of the writing. It's just you drawing an autistic comparison between two similar properties that actually have almost nothing in common besides a few tropes you've latched on to because it fits your cognitive bias.
Keep drinkin that haterade, bitch
Phone posters aren't a Sup Forums meme
Fucking phoneposter
Im comparing a book released 2 years after a super famous movie with an impossible number of similarities.
Stephen King is a horror nerd, so we know for sure that he watched this movie, also we know that when the book was released Freddy was the most popular horror character of the time.
Both villains face a team of underage victims instead of the typical adult male,both villains can turn your greatest fears into reality instead of being a simple ghost,zombie or serial killer like 99% of the horror genre, both villains target one place only unlike other villains that target mutiple places
wtf I love Nightmare on Elmstreet now
>Also both villains are can live forever but can be murdered
>Both got no real physical body
>both are forced to keep killing even though they enjoy it
>both killed years before the main story, disappear for years and return to kill more
>Freddy is a spawn pedophile that can only kill in dreams
>IT is a ancient alien that's been on Earth since the beginning of time and only kills every 27 years
>duurrrrr their both tha same becuz dey targit preteens
Kys faggot.
don't you have a Sneeds thread to post you faggot
>a wizard create children greatest fears to scare and kill them because he need their deaths and fears so he can keep living forever, he is defeated when a group of kids stop being afraid of him so his powers no long work, he dies but some time later he return without explanation to get revenge against the kids of this same village
Is that an original story?
>the amount of triggering in this thread
well done, OP, I'm saving this for later
Yes, actually.
>caring this much about a single typo
He says this when people claim he ripped off the Simpsons movie too.
Yeah we all watched the RLM video, fuck off
first post ever on this board, anyone got a torrent for IT?
Dream Child playing at the local theater. Had a dumb plot but a couple decent kills.
just drive to a nearby theater, go to the matinee if you want to save money
1. Freddy wasn't a wise-cracking smart-ass in the first one, he was just growling and evil.
2. He didn't attack their greatest fears, he just fucked their shit up with dream powers unexpectedly.
3. Freddy didn't target one place, he was targeting the kids of those who killed him via their nightmares, the most prominent of which was shown through the main character, who lived on Elm Street.
4. Freddy wasn't defeated by them teaming up, Nancy had to do that shit solo.
5. I don't think he made it seem like he knew them personally, either, he was just scary, and like "I'm going to kill you."
At the time Freddy was more "The gorey guy with the claw that attacks people in their dreams."
It was a bit divergent from that concept, any similarities could be argued to have either come from Wes Craven reading King's book, or by coincidence. The similarities in the adaption of it could be due to simplifying the story, and making it more like other, already successful films.
how inspiration happens:
>watch a bunch of shit
>utilize ideas plucked from a variety of places, including real life
>change and mix everything enough so it's not a rip off
how ripoffs happen:
>don't change enough details or make them unique enough
what you're suggesting:
>successful horror novelist writes 1000+ page book
>hasn't finished revising for publication
>watches very popular movie
>shoehorns elements from recent movie into already written book, elements that he couldn't come up with on his own
>nobody notices or thinks the similarities are significant enough until user watches the 2017 movie adaptation
Goddamn you must be a genius, I'm truly impressed. He would have gotten away with it, but you were just too clever for him.
Not to mention the reveal about the NOES film adults basically causing everything in the first place and hiding it out of shame is a polar opposite of It adults being unwitting pawns of the dark forces always lying in wait in King novels like It and Pet Sematary (probably a ripoff of Exorcist and Romero's zombie movies given how King makes Gage swear like a sailor when inhabited, and King actively writing a character saying he thought of zombies when he saw a Wendigo, haha).
not only have you not read It, you apparently never watched Elm Street either.
And it's true.
In 1984, Douglas Winter published The Art of Darkness, which contained a 1982 interview with King talking about an unfinished work called Under the Dome.
The Shawshank Redemption is a rip off of Escape from Alcatraz
My sweet little whorish Pennywise. I did as you told me, you dirty little clown, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting clown when every fuck drives one out of him. I think I would know Pennywise's fart anywhere. I think I could pick his out in a roomful of farting clowns. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat Losers have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a sewer at night. I hope Pennywise will let off no end of his farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.
>Nightmare on Elm Street and Burton Batman on theaters on It Chapter 1
>The Conjuring 3 and Wonder Woman 2 probably on It Chapter 2 theaters
Time really flies. Casting for It Chapter 2 is going to be real fun.
>nightmare on helm street
Funny because bottom and mid are supposed to be the glue that brings everybody back together, and one of the most emotional parts in part 2 respectively.
well, you can prove the fact that IT's 1138 pages. So, despite his coke habit, it probably wasn't written over night, took a while to be proof-read, edited, marketed, published, etc.