>no majority can be formed without the PVV
No majority can be formed without the PVV
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Make Nederland White Again.
fucking kill yourself you filthy stinking fucking nigger
This guy has massive balls. The danger he has put himself and his family in for speaking out about Islam is massive. Major respect.
the fun thing is that most dutch who would vote PVV now only do so because literally every other party is more shit
How about a VVD, CDA, GroenLinks & SP super-coalition?
>forced attempt to form a 5-6 party coalition
Fucking wait for it.
Does that mean he's going to come to more Draw Muhammad Days now?
that wouldn't ever happen because the VVD is liberal and the SP and GroenLinks are socialists
Explain each party? Ideology, policies etc
They are kike lovers. Dropped
Who else is anti-immigration and anti-islam in your poitical sphere? Parties i mean Geert cam ally with.
What do 50PLUS stand for? Are they more likely to be pro-Wilders since old people tend to be more conservative?
PVV, anti immigrant, but pretty socialist in other aspects
VVD, hardline liberals
CDA, I don't even know man
GroenLinks, SP, PvdA, Partij van de Dieren are all socialists but different varients
50PLUS is a party aimed at senior citizen concerns
ChristenUnie, leftist christians
SGP, right leaning christians
>50PLUS is a party aimed at senior citizen concerns
I know, but I'm asking if they are likely to support PVV?
Geert made quite some remarks about how our eldery are wasting away while our country sends tons of money abroad, just gotta see if 50 plus is willing
PVV does argue we should be more supportive of senior citizens so they might join them
SGP might join them as well
I see. Is it conceivable that Geert could end up becoming the Prime Minister or are too many parties opposed to him?
they might form a minority cabinet but it would be shitshow
I can't wait desu
>ChristenUnie, leftist christians
>SGP, right leaning christians
Interesting. I thought Netherlands was very secular.
PVV: extreme right wing, anti islam anti immigration anti eu
VVD: right wing, elitist party
CDA: center, Christian party
Groenlinks: literal translation "greenleft"
SP: left wing, cultural/socialist party
D66: center/left, old men's party
Pvda: center/left, workers party screwed us over in the current parliament.
50plus: left, old peoples party
CU: right, christen conservatives
Partij vd Dieren: extreme left, literal translation party for animals
SGP: right wing Christian conservatives even worse then CU
Society was divided among religious heavy communities for most of the twentieth century. The political parties we have are a relic of those times in a way.
the last few votes they got so little votes they actually shared their voting entry to get more votes overall
also SGP might be rightist but they're also quite anti degeneracy
they wanted to ban ads for services that promote adultery
>our current PM is a literal virgin who fucked us over TWICE yet still wants to run again
Hi Abdul
So when are the elections?
VNL, UKIP's sister party. According to their website that is.
Can't ____ the Geert
next march
fun fact
this is the first time since 1998 that the government lasted it's full ruling period
>PVV: extreme right wing
every time
PVV isn't extreme right wing, save for immigration and EU they are more left leaning than vvd
VNL, which can be found in this chart under "overig" (others) together with a turkroach party known as DENK
Anyone else noticed how much the media has been pushing this faggot? See him everywhere on normie.tv.
What are they planning?
Because they are so fucking afraid of Geert Wilders (and democracy) they will do anything to keep the election as far away as possible.
snotneus klaver is a little cuck and everyone knows that
I've seen him on the front page of NOS.nl multiple times now.
Why are the PvdA so JUST?
What did they do to lose so much support?
Don't cheer too soon. They were polling as low as they are now last time around and came in second in the end.
they are the labour party but they got in a coalition with the economic liberals and completely abandoned their own principles
they are the party in a coalition with our center right. a 'purple' coalition. They're center left socialists.
1. working with center right pissing off leftists
2. pandering to Muslims pissing off the working class.
I'll give it my best shot.
Dutch politics are different because of the fractionalized nature of the parties. This means that unless you win an absolute majority (which afaik has never happened, certainly not in our lifetime) you have to compromise. VVD for instance gets a lot of shit for promising to lower taxes (amongst other things) which they didn't do because they had to work with PvdA.
PVV: This is actually a left wing party (fiscal policy is a complete copy of SP) but they're the ONLY ONES who want closed borders and less EU. This, and only this, is what gets them votes. If you ask people about PVV policies other than IMMIGRATION and EU, 9 times of of 10 they don't know.
VVD: traditionally, the most liberal party we have. Note that when the Dutch say liberal we mean fiscally liberal, not LBGTQHIDKFB+ degeneracy. This is the closest thing we have to Tories.
CDA: moderate party with a Christian background, but this is hardly reflected in their policies. They're kind of cool because they believe in personal responsibility, but still open boarder cucks.
GroenLinks: Literally means GreenLeft. This should tell you enough.
SP: Acronym for Socialist Party. Extremely left wing, high taxes, the rich are evil etc. Has never governed.
D66: Traditionally moderate right, slightly left of VVD. Lately I get the feeling they're searching for an identity. Strong on education and strong on Europe.
PvdA: Labour party. Left wing but less so than SP. Has actually governed (a lot of times), and objectively done well at it in the past. Less muh corporations rhetoric. Despite disagreeing with them, I can somewhat respect these guys.
50+: More money for old people
ChristenUnie: You tell me. Moderately left with a Christian flavor.
Partij voor de Dieren: Animal rights party. Not making this up.
Overig means other
SGP: Christian fundamentalists. Only allowed women to join their party like 2 years ago.
>inb4 SGP sounds based. They're retards.
don't get your'e hopes upp
>>inb4 SGP sounds based. They're retards.
I did look them up. They do sound based
Here in Australia our Senate got flooded with Anti-Islam independents.
Now they have to haggle with FAR RIGHT NAZI RACISTS every time they want to get shit done.
He's no longer banned in Australia.
They were worried he would come here and start an anti-Islam party.
The first thing he did after his ban was lifted was come here and start an anti-Islam party.
Much kek.
their figurehead is actually a really good debater
I really doubt this can happen in dutch politics
It's good that Wilders is so open about the problems of Islam but why on earth does he have a left wing fiscal policy they're always so fucking retarded.
If I lived there I'd have to take a serious think about whether I'd want to vote for something with such a socialist fiscal policy. I mean I'd probably still vote for them because of the cultural implications but still.
>If I lived there I'd have to take a serious think about whether I'd want to vote for something with such a socialist fiscal policy. I mean I'd probably still vote for them because of the cultural implications but still.
I'd say 70% of their voters at least think this
This is really hard to fill in desu
pls no
he's also said he wants to lower taxes and increase defence spending. These people are perpetuating a meme that it's a socialist party while it is simply populist.
Saying his policies are cardboard copies of the SP (as some in this thread have) is retarded.
The only thing they care about is immigration everything else is filler.
The SGP is less retarded than WIlders or any leftist party desu.
>cardboard copies
lol, look at Belgium, we had a purple (liberal + socialist) government for decades
I wish you guys luck, I hope you leave the EU too then it will be the end of it for good and we can go back to making our own trade agreements and making our own laws.
The left wing tears will drown us all.
Oh sounds a bit like UKIP before the 2015 election to be honest where they tried to come up with actual policies.
our current parliament is purple and literally everyone hates it
>ChristenUnie, leftist christians
Not really. More like save everybody Christians, but still quite conservative
>SGP, right leaning christians
These are more like Orthodox protestants.. They don't even allow women among their ranks.
This is my issue with PVV as well. VNL, which is sort of a spin off of the PVV, is a far better choice but I doubt they will make the electoral threshold.
SP and Groenlinks arent center left though, they are FAR FAR left wing environmentalists & crypto-communists.
Pretty much
I think the VVD talked about being harder on refugees or something but everyone knows it's horseshit.
Can't skilder the Wilders?
Can't hinder the Wilders?
Questions of the Dutch politics
Will the PM ever lose his virginity
Will the libertarian party ever get a single vote
Let's hope VNL leaches off some VVD voters so we can have a PVV/VNL cabinet.
This is gonna be so great, all pisslamics will be removed.
Where does this PM virginity meme come from?
VNL is a meme best we can hope for is force VVD into a PVV coalition.
In a TV interview a short while ago he said he likes being single
Also he lived with his mum until he became PM
>Also he lived with his mum until he became PM
How old was he?
VVD has to go. Why they're still polling so high after their continuous betrayal is beyond me.
It's weird, seems like most the new votes PVV gained from the polling comes from leftist parties.
It does
Why would that be surprising? They are an anti immigrant socialist party
In fact, almost every party is left wing and near everyone in the Netherlands is a proud believer of some blend of socialism.
They are populists that claim to want to keep both socialist policies in place and lower taxes + increase defence. Compared to the rest of the world they're socialist but so is every other party in the NL in that context except perhaps VNL.
Also the only major party actively pursuing votes from the PVV is the VVD. See Minister Schippers latest speech.
What would have happened if he was never killed?
>ywn witness another Pim
This man was a once in a lifetime politician. Honestly Trump/Nige-tier
He would have Made the Netherlands Great Again
I can't even imagine how much better off we'd be. Like having a Trump / Farage in charge but 10 years earlier.
Can't skirt the Geert
Wouldn't Can't ... the Wilders make more sense?
Can't bewilder the Wilders.
I didn't know who he was until after he was shot, but something tells me Geert isnt quite of the same caliber.
Less Jew stuff
More Faggot
Less willing to work with other anti-immigration parties, Front National, etc.
Hated (and was hated by) environmentalists.
and he was almost certainly going to become PM so there is that.
Yeah, and far leftists would rather die than ever form a coalition with liberals. Hence why the Nazi party came into power in the first place.
>keep both socialist policies in place and lower taxes + increase defence
Where do they get the money?
That is my point, whatever they say about other policies is all over the place and wildly contradictory.
Immigration is the only policy they care about the rest is filler.
Why does he have so many seats in the polls when VVD has about the same % of votes? Do you have local elections with FPTP like britain?
>SGP and CU still haven't merged with CDA yet and are still splitting the vote
fucking christcucks are fucking everything up
>but everyone knows it's horseshit.
everyone except for the 15% that would still get them seats
>when VVD has about the same % of votes?
they don't?
They also never fail to emphasize how he's so very much like Trudeau.
He announced his election program last night. I heard some 'analysts' talking about it on the radio. They were focussing on the way he'd rolled up his shirt sleeves 'in the style of Trudeau and Obama but with a personal twist'. Just fucking kill me.
Pretty sure the guy who did it is walking the streets free today, isnt he?
Why is that allowed?
(((Ipsos))) is always off from the others.
This is why Trudeau is constantly doing propaganda stunts, like turning down American, Russian, Mexican and Australian aide for the forest fire, only to let South Africans send a pure nigger team of firefighters, who had no training with hoses and were used to using pieces of leather attached to sticks to beat out brush fires.. instead of fighting high up canopy top forest fires.. so he trains them for 2 weeks, and then they refuse to even help over a pay dispute.
Then they also refused to leave, and we dont deport, so now they get free Canadian status and welfare. I guess they figured it was better than going back to be firefighters again in South Africa.
>PvdA: Labour party. Left wing but less so than SP. Has actually governed (a lot of times), and objectively done well at it in the past
PvdA is literally the reason we got fucked in WW2 and the reason we are stuck with so much shit today
PvdA has historically been a bigger threat than SP
He is absolutely disgusting. I did the numbers and theres 30% more men in poverty, in Canada than women.. but he goes around saying bullshit like pic related.