Nelson Mandela died in the 80's and the riots that followed brought about the end of Apartheid.

I am now discovering this never happened ..


haha, we did it reddit!

Nah he died after 2007, at least. I remember a brit getting arrested for joking about his computer being slower to shut down than mandelas life support.



Me and my brother used to make fun of them and call them Jew bears.

>not remembering historu correctly

Berenstein posters please go fuck off to

Which is it?

From memory Pik Botha was part of the deconstruction of apartheid, that was ages ago

Its Stein.

>It's a "when maymays go too far" episode

tip: nelson mandela is still alive
both of his deaths were hoaxes except for the first one

So go pick up a book and explain why it says stain

F.W. De Klerk I was thinking of.

And i know im not making this up. My best friend in high school was a white South African who had to flee SA in the 80's because blacks were taking over.

OK, does anybody else remember watching footage from Ronald Reagan's funeral in 2002?

And then hearing the news that he died in 2004?

I'm not big on this whole Berenstain universe meme but I distinctly remember sitting in my friend's dorm room taking bong hits and watching a memorial service for Ronald Reagan two years before he supposedly died.

It really made me doubt my sanity when I heard that he died AGAIN.

I Remember Nancy Reagan wearing a blue dress and crying in the front row, i cant remember the exact year.

ok wtf

but really
can Sup Forums get to the bottom of this mandela effect shit
it's no coincidence that lots of people, including me, thought that he died in the 80s
another weird thing is that i don't ever remember learning about mandela, and i have a relatively good memory for this kind of stuff (i can remember history facts from the fourth grade)
but i know exactly who he was and what he did
anyone else?

>died in the 80's

You stupid fucks

>Nelson Mandela died in the 80's
He died in 2013. It was only a few years ago. Obama went to his funeral. You must be some kind of newfag if you don't remember the theads.

>some event I swore happened when I was a kid because some other faggot kid told me happened, happened. I SWEAR!

The Mandela effect.

>it's no coincidence that lots of people, including me, thought that he died in the 80s
It totally can be a coincidence though.

The idea that you and many others were simply ignorant of what actually happened is far more believable than any of this time travel conspiracy shit. You were wrong get over it.

you're dumb, that's why. south africa was in the national spotlight during the 80's. there were several massacres and scandals during that time. mandela was locked in a prison during that time and finally freed after racial tensions grew too high.

let me shorten it down for you so you don't misremember:

you're a fuckwit with the attention span of a fly. kys

>stupid fucks
This is some stupid meme about people confusing poor memory with quantum mechanics.

>New Zealand isn't north of Australia any more
>Australia closer to Asia
Why all the changes in the Oceania region?

epic reddit meme xD

am i the only one remembering katy perry as kate ?

You people are really fucking stupid.

go rp somewhere else you fags

I misremember all sorts of shit, does this mean I can just claim it actually happened in a parallel universe?

I remember Mohamed Ali being dead in his Thirties.
Maybe it's the meme magic.

back to the rpers on /x/

2 soon :(
I cry erryteim

If the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics is to be believed, taken to its logical conclusions, that did actually happen in a parallel universe.


I could have sworn my mom's name was rachel, it's actually jessica

I am now discovering it was somehow jessica all along, and not only that but my dad is apparently a carpenter now, not an electrician. also, now I apparently have no siblings. none. despite the fact that I distinctly remember having 3 siblings, in fact I was once in a cafeteria with a friend talking about how much I hate my older sister, this was after she erased my save in pokemon orange, which is apparently now "pokemon red" which I apparently now never even owned because I had pokemon blue instead

and I'm also a man. literally no vagina at all, there's no a penis between my legs

what the fuck is going on? is this a dimensional shift?


Does it?


You're speaking to a millennial product of American education who wasn't around for the first 50. What happened 80yrs ago?

Sort of, that is to say, it is and it isn't, its pretty much the same thing, but different in its own way, so just be yourself.