ITT, only countries older than 600 years

ITT, only countries older than 600 years.



finally this thread


I think I count...?


Isn't Russia like 23? Or do you consider the loss of land weight loss?


40,000 years mate.


Well OK then.

I actually live here

No country has the same borders it had 600 years ago.

>mfw this building is older than the United States

I am a Greek.





Reporting in

a country without south limburg. seems like utopia.

Itt, countries that will only be around in 600 years
Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada need not apply

So no countries from Europe? Are there really any countries older than 600 years around anyhow?

Most are new world countries or got re-written following WWII. Sure, same name. But not really the same country.



I guess I don't really belong ITT...feelsbad.jpg

>Isn't Russia like 23?
WHY the hell things like this coming only from americans? 90% source of literally abo tier dumb shit is fucking american posters
first you confuse french and russian flags
then you cant name british anthem
now fucking this, what the hell is wrong with you americans? are you mixed with niggers to this point or what? even this wouldnt explain things since i saw many somalian posters here and they've never said anything even remotely so dumb you guys saying every day
seriously, what the hell?


How about countries over 1300 years old?

Yep you're the sole survivor Carlos

As someone from Limburg, I agree.

Bulgaria, you idiot, your country began in like 681

she doesn't look a day over 30,000

what "no?"
our foundation is 1291

1000 years
top that

We are the oldest nation on this board, brother.

This is from 9th century

hey there

dumb amerifats, bratan

1648, SwissMiss.

>Russian """Federation"""
>founded in 1991


kek, you jews are always good for a laugh.

Besides a mistake, what was the USSR?

Already did, see above


I genuinely want more trade with Russia, sorry for the sanctions bro. It's the US fault, not ours. I like how Putin is promoting European Nationalism. St. Petersburg is nice. Please keep the Turks out of Europe

Hello friend.

Russia traces its history to the founding of the Rus by Rurik, my fellow burger

I don't know the date but it was like the 9th century


sorry for posting, everyone.

It's a shame Mudslimes will build Mosque over this place


you just named yourself after something that existed 1300 years ago

that was peace of westphalia we were already defacto independent

not really a lot of muslims around here.

I hope Geert Wilders wins next year.

>t. I have zero knowledge of european history
You're confusing us with Macedonia

Yes i know but that's like the US tracing its history back to 1610

Either way, bro, it wasn't a country in it's own right.

Hey guys

Our nation is older than yours. Just because we were a nation-in-exile for a while doesn't mean we didn't develop and grow over the years.

Our modern state didn't come from nothing.



Nederland cucks get BTFO in Swedish waters.

You know it doesn't count if you loose your country right? England's last invasion was 1066 so I count from there.

I really want us to have our 1000 years of monarchy from the Norman Conquest.

I think we can do it. Do we could the interregnum, lads?

So are most buldings in London desu

speaking of how likely is that looking? You may be a small country but the impact having that guy in office would be huge.

Shalom. Thank you for making my country rich during the 17th Century Golden Age. We have always been tolerant to your highly valued and economical beneficial kind, espescially during times when the French and Spanish catholic Kings chased you away, we took you in. Please don't forget this when you establish Greater-Israel. Your loves, Holland

Out of this thread, yankofat

>Only 1000



Not really the same thing at all. Russian Empire, Soviet Union and Russian Federation are just different regimes in the same country. The USA was not a sovereign nation before the Revolution, just a colony.

are you even trying?

Richard Branson looks worse for wear after that bike accident.

Thank you, DutchBro! You will always have a friend in Israel, especially if Wilders is elected.


Likewise. Sorry about the Mistral thing.

Literally take a walk down the town and I see things twice as old as the USA, and even Roman structures.

Feels good.

But dude, you aint 600 years old
> Proclaimed 26 July 1581
> Recognised 30 January 1648

Denmark on hte under hand, existed since forever, officially declared a kingdom and such in the 10th century.

But who is the oldest of them all?


India is a artificial construct.

You were never united until the 20th century.

h-hey guys

Israel. :^)))))

Open your Bible.

Protip: it's Israel.



K then.


Get out. You have no history.


yeah germany too we are thousands years old.... no country have the same name over a long time expect the USA...


>tfw held back the mongols
feels good

You bantered with scotched earth policy. I like that.

HRE counts r-right?

Probably Iran if you think its just Persia with a name change.


>thousands of years old
Oktoberfest must have started early, because clearly you are drunk.

So are we doing this by "how far we can trace our history back to?"

Othewise the UK only dates back to 1922 with the creation of the Irish Free State.