What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
>be duterte
>say "son of a bitch" to a reporter
>gets accused of calling Obama a "son of a bitch"
what's with the OP pic?
are they gonna make a Duterte anime?
Didn't vote for him but I love the guy. He works as what a politician should be, serving the country. Never mind the stupid shit he says every now and then.
If you lived through the last 5 presidents and remember, you must love this guy. If you don't like him, you're a fucking shill (probably for the Cojuangcos) or a Generation Z faggot.
Tang ina will become a meme soon, fellowmen. Just wait, the meme magic is due.
From what I can tell he's going to make the Philippines great again.
We will be the next kurwas! :^D
This. And I hope Caucasian Duterte (pbuh) wins!
so who'd you vote for
He's muslim.
And dumb. He may have balls to say that Barock is a nigger whoreson, but that's the dumbest thing you can do as a leader of a nation.
>He's muslim.
That's not what I heard.
lmao, what's the US going to do, surrender the Philipinnes to China?
>Oh no, an ally insulted us. Better let the enemy have a shittonne of resources to punish them.
The Iron Lady senpai.
>He's muslim.
>Duterte to Abu Sayyaf: 'I will eat you alive – just give me salt and vinegar'
A muslim would say this to terrorist muslims as well?
Ill keep taking my medicine no matter what he says.
In a Monday-night address to the Filipino community in Laos, where he is attending the ASEAN Summit, Duterte threatened to “eat” members of the Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf that operates in his country’s South, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
“If I have to face them, you know I can eat humans,” he was quoted as saying, to an audience that reportedly included young children. “I will really open up your body. Just give me vinegar and salt, and I will eat you.”
Isn't the Philippines a Muslim country ?
Part of it is, Doot Doot is christian if I reckon correctly.
Nope. In fact, many flips hate mudslimes.
From what I've seen, he's thrown up loads of common sense policies and made a positive difference, aside from just being based
No he isnt. He just fell from the muh sozial justic jew and muh historical injusteez jew tho
He's a gay son of a whore.
No, it's a Christian country with some separatist Muhammadans.
Spanish converted a lot of people to Catholicism back when they were in charge. But there were some muslims in the south before they arrived.
He follows no religion now, but his lineage is Christian.
It's as Christian as it can get, down here in Southeast Asia.
Pretty based desu senpai
how do the flips in here feel about me taking stimulants but keeping to myself?
>never pushed or harmed another soul and always keep to myself.
>I am using it medicinally not recreationally.
The media is blowing it all out of proportion.
The expletive "Putang Ina" was used not as a direct insult to Obama's mother being a whore, but as an expressed state of opinion before a statement; like:
"Son of a bitch, those russians sure know how to party."
"Goddamn, these steaks are good."
"Fucking hell, those bullets hurt like a bitch."
If used with "Mo," as in "Putang ina mo, Obama, huwag ka maki-alam sa hindi mo bayan.'
Translated to:"Obama, you son of a bitch, don't meddle with a country that's not yours."
This means it's a direct insult.
King Nigger's mother is still a bitch whore, though.
Pretty based.
He said he is going after the Muslims now and is "going to cook and eat them"
Also told Obama to fuck off and not lecture him about purging of degenerates.
I hope he works out for you guys, but he seems like the kind of guy who is going to be the next Ghadafi in about 10 years. As in, getting killed by his own people.
AFAIK we're the only Christian country in SEA
You legal? You clean.
top kekkles
We are pushing for le stimulants to be accessible who really needs it my good man. Anyone with half a brain doesn't mind it.
yeah I have Manic Depression
Stimulants for depression, Marijuana for Mania.
>If I go manic its worse than a regular person taking stims, I am doing what my doctor told me.
>he believed this
Daily reminder that he still IS a devout Catholic and our local Parish priest is his friend
>implying we're all christian
>Sup Forums Sup Forumslack
>implying YOU're christian
If I didn't have to take CBD I wouldn't I don't want to take anything but I also don't want to lose control and do something insane.
to me thats most important that I never ever ever hurt anyone but me.
This. He's just flipping his shit because the corrupt CBCP is screaming muh druggies at every turn.
t. balik Katolisismo who is no longer a fedora
My friend hates this guy, even though I explained that the Philippines don't have a lot of jails and money to do the "ethical" thing. I would go after El Chapo types personally.
but if you want someone to do suicide missions ill go stims only.
DuNigga never killed anyone over the leaf. Only the hard drugs.
>tipping his fedora very hard
>on Sup Forums
This is not reddit seanigger
I think they have been trying but a bunch of crazies showed their real colours.
On one hand I like that he went off like a madman on Obama
On the other hand he seems extremely stupid
Overall I'd say hes good for lulz. Not so great for leading a country.
Then again its the Philippines so it's not like he does all that much.
Then I am now his biggest fan!
i grew up on amphetamines and shit as a kid for "ADHD" and it gave me hypomania
i mean i was so high i was nearly catatonic, frozen in fear, for years, it was crazy
He's part of quiloboy christian cult
He's not a Catholic anymore
Are you telling me if this guy caught you with a FUCKING LEAF of weed, he'd shoot you in the street.
I want him to be president of Japan too
Japan doesn't even have a president so it'll be an easy election
I-I do my devotionals every morning! I swear!
He regrets it anyway and they are already meet as we speak
If your friend is a flip, ask him how "great" the PH was before Du30 and the crime rates.
Most of the time, Flips outside the country praise Aquino and lambast Duterte. They have no idea how life is out here.
Same here. During the campaign period I hated his fucking guts and blast him every possible moment. Never so glad to be wrong once he claimed his position!
Marijuana is still illegal here
A lot of the victims of ejk are also marijuana users
The police and vigilantes will
>killed by (((his own people)))
Most of those flips are from US though. If you've seen the voting count of other flips from Japan,Middle east at least 70% of them voted for duterte.
Yeah if I don't smoke the herb I go into that state but I am not frozen I am fully animated and crazy.
>Before anyone asks no I was born this way I spent alot of time researching chemicals (theory side not practical) to find the right stuff for me.
>when I say stimulants too I am just talking about energy soft drinks not coke or amph
He is truly a great Man now I can see the full picture.
He just btfod him very hard when Quiboloy tried to meddle to him about to his personal interests. He knows how to play people. He still celebrate Christmas in our local parish church and just posing as an agnostic to please these moslem and secular retards
Crime rate went down and drug war started around 2011
>>implying we're all christian
>Philippines is a christian country
>therefore all Filipinos are Christian
Nasobrahan ka yata sa rugby pare
they raided a prison where most of the crimelords run their bussiness complete with jacuzzis and orgy rooms
That is very sad :(
>its not the plant its the people thats the gateway.
I am really quite fond of him for putting in emergency service numbers, that will be his greatest achievement, In my opinion.
Ubos na supply pre. Pinatay ang supplier ko nung nakaraang araw.
He's still part of his church
Didn't he call all Catholic priest gay and was thankfull for not turning out to be a priest
Canadian flips love Dooty doot.
hope you get well from whatever you're using it for, friendo
This is why I prefer Imperial Spain than the (((heroes))) who rebelled from them
Each city already has a emergency number so local police will respond more faster other than going through the call centers in manila first
And we already have 117 before 911
tangina mo bumili ka na lang sa hardware store bobo
he isn't wrong though there are ALOT of faggot priests and they should be killed.
This is why we are better of separated
Yeah. But the most vocal ones are the retarded Roxas voters though. They're fucking annoying. You'd find them on any news page especially part of the Yellow Media mafia.
Sure. But not low enough where you can just go out without the fear of being mugged. It's just safer now even in MM.
It's illegal but those fags where killed because of shabu. Haven't heard weed addicts getting killed because they liked the plant too much.
So far. The greatest achievements will be federalism, decentralizing imperial Manila, and
making our streets safer and traffic. MManileño here btw.
Tarantado may mga hardware stores pa. Iwasan mo lang yung may sesame oil baka madedz ka.
As do most OFW everywhere senpai. That's a fact.
Thanks Man got " bipolar / manic depressive " one day I hope to not need to take any shit too.
Hopefully we can get some more magnets or shock therapy research goin.
Ah I see , I heard there was some phone number issues and response time was bad, Glad he sorted it out a bunch.
Yall folks deserve peace n safety, Just like every good person on the Planet.
They also hate Trump which I don't understand. Duterte is crazier than the Donald imo.
he will snatch every motherfucker birthday
>he doesnt put God before country
Good goy eat the freemason jew you faggot
Don't let the media spin get you guys down, I pride myself of knowing the truth but they even got me with their propaganda about him killing aspirin users n shit.
Keep doing the Good Work.
God Bless Robert Duetre and the decent folk of The Philippines.
We don't understand Trump's agenda. There's no clear roadmap for his solution. Dudut's was simple, kill drug suppliers.
I'm not going out at night and I will not recomed it to anyone especially on metro manila
They were at least two in Naga and camrines sur
Its in the kill list
Hehe good vocabulary we left ;)
Trump wants USA civilians to have the same Figure the Philippines has.
Trump is the same as Duetre.
Its still bad from want I heard they just re numbered 911 to 117
It probably better if you call the local police directly
Trump is a rich guy trying to cut his taxes. Nowhere near the same.
Thats what I was being impressed by getting the routing done so 911 calls your local station straight away.
Im not saying what he says is true, But that is the style he is going.
The creation of this country is a fraud when You think about it
We can still put god first even if we separate
thank you for correcting the record
Do your old rulers a favor and annex us. This leftist shithole needs a man like Duterte.
So far ours routes to call centers in manila
If you are not within the vicinity then its useless
Anyone who is a minority would fall for the MSM meme when in fact White Duterte will clean house of the illegals that would steal jobs from them. It's no secret the libs are pandering to anyone who isn't white to buff their numbers.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you Westerners find your own way too. Stop this multikulti bullshit. Power to the nationalists!
Well it's definitely safer now than before. If I want some yummy burgers @ 3am I will and can get it now.
If you say there were weedheads killed is true, well there you have it folks. Watch out for them death squads.
Thanks based papa. We don't know how to live without qt mestizas and putang.
>He's muslim.
that would be you user
God > Family > Nation
No problem fampai. Dont forget to vote for #Hillmissle.
Ah sucks Mate, hope you get it sorted soon.
Im fixing to do something about it politically myself.
>look up his religion on wikipedia
>see this " in a speech before a gathering of a religious group in Davao City, Duterte said that he once considered being a priest: "It's good I didn't join the priesthood," said Duterte, "or else now I would be a homosexual."
Oh riceniggers, never change.
Duterte WILL be or is already a Putin shill. I think you should look help for Rusia. KEK
Novus Ordo was a mistake
Putin is not that kind of Leader Mate.
Putin is Bro-Level Man.
A Great Man.