>tfw not born in Dixie land
Why live
Tfw not born in Dixie land
>tfw no Dixie gf
> The land of niggers
I'm good thanks,
New England Master Race
I moved from mooshine country to meth country and didn't really notice a difference, aside from there being fewer blacks and more mexicans.
Why is rural America so awful? Can we just nuke the flyovers?
Right in the feels, Alberto
Don't bother, too many spics and niggers here.
All better than real niggers
>tfw arizona is never considered dixie
>Why live
Well you arent surrounded by niggers, the morbidly obese, or "people" with double digit IQs
south was great 30 years ago now mexicans niggers drugs and pills EVERYWHERE EVERYWHERE also assimilation country folks rednecks southerners hardly exist anymore
>land of liberal weenies
I moved up here from KY and ever since I've been disgusted by how pro American you yanks are on the outside, yet secretly hate yourselves just beneath the surface.
There's a Chinese guy handing out communist fliers in the city green, got himself a table and everything. People were actually taking these fliers! I've talked with people who don't like the idea of being Nationalistic/patriotic, you fuckers always have to have a protest going on, nigger stole my bike and had the gall to try to sell it back to me instead of being up forth and fighting for it like you expect. There's orthodox Jews fucking EVERYWHERE! I'd never seen so many in my home city, but they run in hordes here!
No wonder you fuckers hang our flag up over bridges, Windows and everywhere else you can stick it, I'd forget what country I was in otherwise.
>tfw southern birthright
>tfw Eurocuck want to live were you do
>tfw You don't fucking blame them
>born in East Texas
>wish I was born the Midwest instead
Dixie isn't all that great desu
So Dixie sucks?
there are some decent places with good people but it is probably the place in the USA changed most by subversion southern accent has almost vanished and people now confuse nigger babble and southern slang for one in the same
If you really want a good read about a victorious Dixie
Try How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove
the entire series goes from the US Civil War to post WW2
its a good read
What are the decent places?
Based 502 here.
New England Yankees can eat a bag of dicks. No other American is as obnoxious, self centered, and oblivious to their douchebag-ery.
Mississippi is a nice state despite what it's reputation is. It's highly segregated and the White towns like Oxford (home of Ol' Miss) and Hattisburg are very White and nice. Even the black places aren't too bad. Towns like Clarksdale though have more noticeable poverty.
Mississippi also has a beautiful farms, pristine forests, rolling hills, a beautiful coastline.
Worst part is a lack of a major airport, being positioned between Houston and Atlanta, two major hubs.
Rural Georgiafag here, I enjoy putting a dip in when I wake up and going in the back yard to shoot shit in my pee stained whitey tighties
this just stay out of nigger areas
>Including Missouri and Kentucky
You wouldn't understand, cuck
Visually Maine is one of the nicest states though. Still, since I'm from the Western U.S. being in a place where most of the land is privately held and you can only look but not trespass was weird.
>tfw born in Georgia but grew up in Vermont
Southern pride r-right?
Mah nigga.
I don't know what the law is in Maine, but in VT you can trespass on private land unless they have it "posted."
You belong in Minnesota
The city of Louisville was a staging point for Union operations in the west, and it never came under attack by secessionists.
Kentuckians are naturally distrustful of both the aristocratic slave owning lowland planters and northeastern social engineering. Fuck all of you
Hillbillies get out
haha, i'm in love with tennessee now
You found his two obvious mistakes. Keep going...
Your dixie land is niggerland
The United States would be better-off if those states were given a mass nigger-exodus
>wanting to live in a meth ridden shithole full of obese retards and niggers
Dixie is the epitome of Ameriburger stereotypes. It's a complete shithole.
TN fag here.
The south is horrible, which is why the Yankee's should stay out. The Whiteflight Euros who are not cucks can come though.
But yeah, horrible, yep. Should just stay in New York where everything is 'okay'. Nothing to see here. We don't want you here and you don't want you to be here either.
The worst nigger shit holes are in the north tho
are you a hillbilly if you're from a city of one million+ people?
Based Orients are also welcome. But again, Yankee's stay home. You'll hate it here.
>Should just stay in New York where everything is 'okay'
Most of NY is fucking terrible, the entire western half is part of the rust belt, even the nice northern part is filled with shitty run down towns and drug addicted white trash.
>Born in Louisiana
>live in Georgia
>never had to step foot on shitty yankee soil
Feels good man
Erick Erickson? is that you?
Kentucky is more southern than Atlanta, Huston, Austin or Miami. Better than St. Augustine or New Orleans.
Border states swing and y'all have more in common with us than you do with Virginia now. Kentucky ain't nothing like Ohio, or those fuckers in Indiana!
Then move to Kansas or Alaska.
I am fully aware. And I have been told a million fucking times by cucks that this is 'okay, much better than the South'. IF that is what they think, I don't want that mentality here to rot out our hearts even more.
I am going to be honest, we are however still developing. Unlike say, Germany, the South never got tons of assets focused to actually develop the land in the aftermath of it's war. It has a shitton of potential, but we have alot of work to do.
However we are making frightening headway, I expect that in about 10-20 years if this keeps up that alot of the poorer states will be making half the GDP of California instead of 1/10th or less, and wealth to rival it in 50.
We don't need any yankee defeatists ruining our chances.
>kentucky is more southern than major cities
well no fucking shit major cities are all just clones of each other everywhere in the world you fucking idiot
kentucky is NOT as southern as georgia or alabama or mississippi or any part of the deep south
You've never been to Louisville. The whole city functions like a big small town.
thats because it is a big small town and it isnt a major city
Literally the worst geographic area in the country.
Fuck off, you jew fellating yankee son of a bitch.
Tennessee is still glorious and white outside of the negroid inner city zones and all of Memphis. If you're not poor living here is pretty damn awesome.
It's the biggest small town in the country. We have ourselves a proper skyline, basketball stadium, skyscrapers, luxury hotel and a well defined ghetto separated from proper suburbia by a major financial district. We're a city, maybe not a big city under the top 10 biggest cities, but a city nonetheless.
North Carolina reporting in. Feels good mane.
/VA/ checking in.
NOVA need not apply.
Find a flaw.
>KY ain't like OH
this is true. When I see any of y'all come north I feel like I'm talking to someone from another planet. A less intelligent planet.
t. Southern Ohioan
>Why live?
Because I was born in the lower Midwest, which has all the good parts of southern culture with none of the niggers
t. Indiana
>mfw from southern maryland
>mfw we are more southern than nova
>mfw we didn't get to secede thanks to lincoln
>mfw liberals have taken over the state
I hate and love my home at the same time.
NCfag here as well, can confirm. Pretty segregated desu.
>Kentucky ain't like Ohio or Indiana
Correct, so please keep to your side of the Ohio, it's fucking infuriating how awful Kentucky drivers are when they come up here to spend their food stamps. Also,
>literally having blue people
Nice photoshop
and trashy tattoo
It's two worlds in the South. The good hard working church going family man, and the niggers, spics, pill heads and crack whores.
Looks like GA
>Southern accent has almost vanished
Not true at all man, I'm from Houston which is a big city so most city-born people don't have the accent but I've still come across plenty of people from small towns in Texas or people from Louisiana who have accents. It could be coincidence but the most beautiful women I've seen are country girls from Louisiana with those endearing Louisiana accents, ive had a secret desire to marry a Louisiana girl for a while now desu. A close 2nd in beauty are the German women I've seen in texas (large numbers of German descendants in texas)
California reporting in
I visited Indy recently (cool city btw) and I was surprised at all the weird hick accents
I know Dixie is typically conservative and votes Republican. But which state is the most based? Or in other words, which has least amount of nig nogs, trailer trash and jew worshiping neo-cons?
>fw northern kentucky
>all the southern people are drowned out by the overwhelming liberal cuck populace from cincinnati
Doesn't look like photoshop to me
Kentucky is the middle star on the virginia battle flag of the confederacy.
No state saw brother fighting brother more than Kentucky.
Kentucky had more battles than most of the states
Kentucky is currently than nearly every southern state
The appalachians in east KY didn't want to fight in the war because they were mistreated by both sides, and since slavery was legal in kentucky, they saw no reason to take part.
Don't blame them for not fighting for you after you shit talk them and spit on them for years
Kentucky is currently more white than nearly every southern state*****
Yeah, while I wouldn't call us southern, we are by far the most "southern" Midwest state.
Don't forget Louisville
Are people from Louisville even Kentuckians?
Every convo I've had with someone from Louisville has led me to believe they're fucking weirdos who don't want to be from Kentucky.
Never had this problem from anyone from Lexington or other KY cities
like it or not it is something that is slowly fading away as internet culture grows and people begin to merge nigger speak and southern language together as if they are one it will vanish it has already drastically changed
This is proof we are the most American
All hail the superior North Carolinian master race.
>Blue state
>Master race
Oops! That language can put in you in jail here big boy.
First in flight, mother fuckers.
Come on down to Georgia my friends and help me destroy the devil in a fiddle battle.
Fuck Brazil
We don't have many of (((them))) senpai, our roads suck but you can safely let your daughter go to the bathroom so I think it makes up for the nogs. North Carolina is easily best Carolina
Brazil just wanted to feel good about themselves, I'm talking about NC famalam.
>our roads suck
Where I live the back roads that see probably 100 people a week are great
True, I mainly meant downtown Raleigh/Durham area and the like.
Missouri is in the Midwest, the only people who think it's part of the South are the tards in southern Missouri
The south is constantly getting cucked by niggers.
Missouri and Kentucky make some sense if we're talking about slave states, Missouri compromise and all. But today Missouri at least is definitely a part of the Midwest, not the South.
Because the north can't get anymore cucked
Dixie is the best place on Earth. Thread theme: youtu.be
Fuck NOVA, libtarded fags