Sup Forums! Send your strongest hero! Baragon's appeared in France!

Sup Forums! Send your strongest hero! Baragon's appeared in France!

>Well fuck it, I'm going back to Monster Island. No one takes me seriously anymore.

(Aww shit, I can't let this guy feel useless...) Oh no, it's Baragon! Better uh, better send in my city's mightiest hero!


>got warned for posting a fucking godzilla thread on Sup Forums
So Muppets and Godzilla aren't allowed on Sup Forums anymore thanks to the new Janitor. It's been a good run Sup Forums.

I'm sorry for what I do but you have forced my hand.

Tell me this isn't the most awesome thing you've seen.


Is not, it's Nogarab.

Prove it

When you spell Baragon backwards, it spells out G, O, and D


Didn't he canonically take on a kaiju-type monster?
It was after he became Mecha-Poyo though.

There's no D in Baragon.

Dude, it's Baragon. He's got the biggest D of them all.

Goddamn looking at the change in artstyle is shocking when its not happening naturally


>Sup Forums! Send your strongest hero!


I fucken love these threads


I'm thinking Poyo might be overkill here.

Hey buddy, I'm sure we can resolve this peacefully :)

That's why I posted non-bionic Poyo.

Would Superman subdue Baragon with bellyrub?

Honestly the only real upgrade the mechanical upgrades gave Poyo was the ability to fly, the missiles and shit barely factor in.

The metal only serves to contain his hate.

>only real upgrade the mechanical PARTS gave Poyo

That'll teach me to rewrite a sentence and then skip proofreading.

he could, if Baragon wants bellyrub

That...that might be a little overkill, user...

Who drew this?

>expecting edgeman to resolve shit peacefully

One of the artist for Rulers of Earth.

Not yet, anyway

didn't he get kicked like a football

he's like the milhouse of kaijus