Norway and EU face off over sheep and salmon

The EU has temporarily suspended the import of Norwegian biologically raised salmon which led to an outrage by the German agricultural lobby as tons and tons of Norwegian perfectly good salmon had to be thrown away.

The dispute is over an EU law which Norway has not yet implemented into Norwegian law and the EU insists it has to, or it cannot export Norwegian agricultural products to the EU.

Apparently the whole dispute is actually about how to keep sheep. The EU says sheep need to have at least half of their indoor area covered with straw to stuff all narrow spaces between planks. But Norwegians have a shortage of straw, so are up in arms against the sheep legislation.

Dear Britbongs, this is what the EU will do with you as well. Not even kidding.

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>Dear Britbongs, this is what the EU will do with you as well. Not even kidding.

All the more reason to cut trading with the EU even further and start trading with the rest of the world.

I wish the EU regulated the boipucci supply as tightly as it does fish and agriculture.

Is Scandinavian boipucci the best the Eurozone has to offer?

>All the more reason to cut trading with the EU even further and start trading with the rest of the world.

Last I checked, Serbs want to still join the EU... desperately even.

I concur my Islamic brother, the German boipussy is pig disgusting

Last I checked, Serbs are fucking retards. Who gives a shit what they think?

EU's loss, not ours.

fish is one of our largest export industries, larger than our oil industry.

Not somethin to fuck around with.

>EU's loss, not ours.
It is your salmon which is now rotting on your grandma's fyord.

Since when have suggestions become laws?

It doesn't sound like a law, it sounds more like guidelines.

" The EU says sheep need to have at least half of their indoor area covered with straw to stuff all narrow spaces between planks."

This really sounds like an attempt to force distribution and trade of Pallets/planks and straws.

What if our standards are better? What if sheep farmers here do something else?

the problem with the salmon is that they are overtreated with antibiotics.

now the parasites are immune.
the problem is greedy fish farmers.

You have no idea how many of these things the EU tried imposing already.

First they wanted us to change all the traffic signs in the country because they were 'outdated'.
That was over ten years ago. We changed signs in literally one village and postponed the project indefinitely.

The second was the same, but with roads. Changes the main ones, left everything else as it was and it still works fine. Why would we waste that much money when we don't have to.

The third thing was the 17.000 immigrants a year quota so we imported sub-saharan niggies who can't get used to this place so much that they just go back themselves.

We'll find a way around this too. There is no silly small-time corruption in Norway like in... well for example Serbia here (I know because I've been there so much due to work that I'm more or less fluent in Serbian)
There's only major-league master corruption which is basically the end of your life if you get sucked into it. Nothing of it is known among the general public, even old, redpilled people stay ignorant to it. If you end up being a problem for the government, you'll be exported somewhere with a stamp on every document you have, including your forehead.

Consider that Norway has the highest living standard in the world. Now consider the amount of money the elite has. Now imagine if it is possible for a place with that much money to not have as much criminals wanting some of it. Eh? Right, there are hardcore criminals here, no albanian or Russian mafia is worse than these. No cartel is worse than these.

And you think sheep and salmon are inportant?

The EU have been doing well at alienating everyone recently...

Literally since we also have a large sheep and salmon industry

t. Scot

The salmon having parasites is actually related to that they are lazy and keep their farms in actual lakes/rivers, just enclosed (constant water circulation) instead of keeping it a closed pool.

It's contaminating all the fish, not just our salmon.

>(I know because I've been there so much due to work that I'm more or less fluent in Serbian)

Jebem ti mater.

What line of work are you in, anyway?

>Dear Britbongs, this is what the EU will do with you as well. Not even kidding.
>Y-you better stay and do what we say 100% or we'll be like a mean schoolgirl and call you names behind your back and tell you you can't do stuff with us!

Considering how effeminate thier men are becoming, it's all they've really got left.

Sve sto mogu da kazem jeste Ljudska Prava i politika.

We aren't talking about your sex industry McGinty

I thought it were the welshmen and the kiwi's that were sheepshaggers

Oh Jesus fuck, you're one of (((them))).

It is, and I would appreciate it if you would leave us to it.

Norwexit when?

>bully top tier 1st world country like Norway or they won't be able to export salmon to EU
>meanwhile loads and loads of Bangladeshi and other shitskin sweatshop clothes in stores

>tfw norway and Britain start selling food to each other
Give us all your mutant fish, we don't give a fuck

No, don't da mi ides na kurac motherfucker. If it wasn't for one of (((us))) things would have went a lot more to shit. Why do you think I speak Serbian? To infiltrate you? For what in the 21st century? Be real, Serbia has no value any more.

If it wasn't for exactly us, 1999 would've been much motherfucking worse, Kosovo would have been worse. I said human fucking rights, alright? I meant it. We're no lobbying company with smiley faces and rainbows, otherwise I could have told you my line of work.

This. I can't help but think the EU is just trying to throw it;s weight around at the moment since the Brexit vote. Irish tax, Swiss immigration and now Norwegian fish.
They're trying to look important, and in reality looking very stupid.

What's the swiss immigration thing?

Quickly IP trace the fucker.

I bet he works for amnesty.

>If it wasn't for exactly us, 1999 would've been much motherfucking worse, Kosovo would have been worse

Alright, now I have no clue what you're talking about. A NATO country hardly made things "better" in 1999.

Norway isn't technically part of the EU.

>Dear Britbongs, this is what the EU will do with you as well. Not even kidding.
This is what the EU is actually making with every country idiot.

>Kosovo would be worse goy trust me.
>What would you do without all these shiptars

Switzerland held a ref regarding free movement of people. The EU are playing hardball and causing a constitutional crisis in Swissland.

we're not in the EU, we got a trade agreement with them.

I thought they didn't have free movement of people in the first place?

They did, but recently decided to end it by popular vote. But you know the EU and democracy...

Not anymore, they just prohibited agricultural trade lmao

No trade = no reason to follow their demands

So, are you like batman or something?

This. What's the point of being in the EEC if the EU can ban certain imports on a whim?


EOS (EEC) is also a "no-border" agreement, kinda like schengen-agreement.

Meaning, you can hop between countries and suckle on the welfare teet day 1

Hope that comes to fruition, doubt it.



We do not care if we all die in the proces, but you stay the fuck away from my Hans!



There will be war. Cod World War 3 inc.

Also fucking stupid regulations, a sheep is a fucking sheep, all it needs is a haircut and walk outside to grass in the summer and then back in and eat kraftfor and hey...


Soon they are requiring these animals to fill out tons of paper just to take a poop, which is all the time, to you city faggots. Stupid ass shit coming here and telling what he have done for thousands of years.


It's more or less a reality already, EU have messed up if they don't back away from the demand.

It's a TRADE agreement, and if you remove trade out of the equation, you got no agreement left.

There isn't any, and the EU is finally fucking up the façade.

War is declared

they can't take your fisk son, but they are always scheeming.

The sheepniggers are still under the wrong crown, the danish one, but they are norse. So they are under the danish throne, but they are not in the EU like Denmark. Because it's þeir fiskur

Also Dan is a whale loving faggit not a northsea nigger

>they can't take your fisk son, but they are always scheeming.
Well they took ours. Scotlands fishing industry was almost wiped out by the Common Fisheries Policy. They want your fish too now.

skulle ikke dere vært på jobb?

Gjorde meg ferdig kl13 idag, starta ekstra tidlig.

Concerning the Norwegian budget in the bombing.

Without the money though, sorta

nice try politiet, haven't we been through this before?

Cut it out or we will start dropping doxes on the highest ranking ones first. Take that and think about last time I don't think Ola Krokan liked that. We also got som registered keypairs for your here, so we have a service distributed in case you try your self again

Yes you are all going online with your sposes and family. Now fuck our board and this shit, you are a joke. While 200+ FBI shits are sitting here learning, you are running around hoping to catch anonlings from posting something stupid on an anonymous shitposting board

geeet politiet

Aldri svar på slike sporsmål, der de prover sirkle deg inn.

I am warning you, thiis is not a TV show

Jeg for betalt av staten til å spille spill og shitposte online.

This was the police again if anyone wondered.
They are really really retarded here

First time they almost really said "what is your name?" well didn't that but it was more like "where do you live? do you want to meet me?"
1 post by this.... yeah... fucking jews

EU BTFO. Send in the British fleet to teach you cucktinentals a lesson.

Are you for real? Wasn't he asking "weren't you at work today?", what would the cops benefit from that?

ka meiner du fo noko når du pratar om konstabel-blå spor slike ting?

koffor skule dem gjore slik?

This is what I ment.

If we (the iceniggers, sheepnigger or mountainniggers) had joined the EU, we would have big mountains of spanish ships here taking everything and destroying all the livelyhood of all the villages along the coast, decimating and depopulating them.

The only reason to live most places is fisk.

In the EEC we rule our waters, but as stated earlier we're the EU's bitch so their laws overturn ours..... this has to go right now

So don't for the love of God join that sneaky backdoor.

sauce on this

Norway isn't a member of your gay little club, Hans. Jesus fuck Bomber Harris do it again.

You could have just googled it, could you not?

>not reading norwaytoday and fishupdate on a regular basis... cretins!

>Norway isn't a member of your gay little club, Hans.
And yet we can tell them what to do.

Guess how your "special relationship" treaty with us will turn out. Yep, exactly, we will have the same provisions in there we put in for Norway and Switzerland. Don't like it? Fine, then we go back to WTO rules - which are perfect for the German car export market, but fucking awful for Scottish exports to the EU and London services.

>koffor skule dem gjore slik?

Jeg har ikke sausen, men vi merka rundt jul engang at tydligvis noen hadde fått med seg Sup Forums og muh schoolshootings. Så den loken Anundsen er ute å leker "handlekraftig" lol... dvs da så vi at dem opplagt dukka opp her

Altså dem er så dumme, så det kan hende dem trur det her er noe slags silkroad piss eller noe sånn, vi har ikke vært å sett i papira dems,

Uansett så gjentatte ganger her, så var det flagg med få posts eller ingen som da starta prove få personlig info ut av folk. De har utivkla seg litt.

Men det som er viktig er bare det å ikke gi vekk noe informasjon, og bruke taqqyia kek. Si at er bergenser om du ser dem om du sitter i karasjokk, tronderlag om du er i agder osv.

Nei jeg a faen hva dem vil jeg ass, men jo vi veit dem er her.

Du har sikkert fått med deg at dem dreiv en sånn bust på disse silkroad x, husker faen ikke navna på alle dem her lengre. på en del folk som motte dem. Utrolig nok lkarte de faktisk å lage seg gpg2 nokkelpar, de betalte sikkert en konsulent 6 millioner kroner for det, samt dekryptering og kryptering for dem for hver jævla melding..

Etterpå kommer det mase inbrudd og voldtekter og ja ordentlig kriminalitet; VI HAR IKKE HAR RESURSJER

faen ta det landet her ass... Behaglig å sitte på rævva i stolen da sikkert vott... + kvinnfolk kan jo egentlig ikke akkurat gjore noe i felten. En mann tar da 5 av dem hvis'n ikke er en pakkis

Ja bærer du uniform eller våpen, er du et lovlig mål

I'm not sure if you faggots know this or not but this is how they killed British fishing industry as well. There is a full documentary on it.

>implying it isn't all exported to new zealand repackaged and exported to russia as we speak
It's how we got around the russian ban on norwegian salmon due to EU sanctions

You don't even have a functioning military, and your government is wilfully importing a hostile invasion force past your borders. Whatever we do, you're in no position to stop us. Maybe go crying to America and see whose side they take.

Hey police, I just lit my first hashish for the day ahhh.. . man you should try this crap some time

or wait no.. you get stupid of it, it's called getting stoned, I think you are already there....

nice shit though really really nice shit. No go like some fucking swede or nanny looking for someone who have hurt your feels here, or threatenened you, anonyously without we even "knowing" who you are..

Why do EUcucks advertise how much of a bully the EU is?

>D-don't leave the bully!
>He will just bully you from afar!
>Pay him and let him make laws instead

>Ja bærer du uniform eller våpen, er du et lovlig mål

maximum edge

du lever i norge, ikke USA.

Her jeg bor, er det ikke politi 2 timer unna, og det er garantert MYE bråk her, pga asylmottak plasert rundt-om-kring i ingenmannsland

desu, politi er nodvendig, og det er for få av dem.

det var ett lensmanskontor 5 minutter unna som var bemannet av en lensmann, men det ble lagt ned og inkorporert med hovedkontoret et godt stykke unna.

Send me that salmon instead of throwing it away. Time to rev up them cedar planks.

fucking feminists paki cocksuckers, traitors of the people. There will be a 2nd Nuremberg trial, and this time "I just did my work" is not going to get you TRAITORS off the hook

How can Brussels be this stupid?

Do they want the EU to fail? Because that's what they're going to get.

It is not an advertisement. It is a statement of fact.

The UK is leaving. Everyone knows that. But don't forget how the EU works - you cannot just get access to the EU single market, unless you implement EU law on a constant basis.


sikker på at du ikke er mild-sagt schizofren?

Mye av det du sier som er på bær-tur, og vrangforestillinger om politiets tilstedeværelse her.

anbefaler å ta kontakt med lege og få sortert det.

blir kanskje mer ro i hodet ditt.

>Whatever we do, you're in no position to stop us.
Who said we want to stop you?

The point is that the EU bureaucracy will fucking screw you in the ass during and after Brexit as we have seen with Norway and Switzerland.

In what way? Remember, no military strength means no real power of any kind.
Actually, it means we don't have /membership/ of the single-market. There is a small but important difference. And membership means we can't trade outside the EEC, so why the fuck would we want it?

>>D-don't leave the bully!
>>He will just bully you from afar!
>>Pay him and let him make laws instead

Clinging to stupid principles is not noble, it's stupid

Trained by serbian mountain guerrillas in their secret monastery in the ways of kebab removal, he is THE SALMONMAN.

Germany, you need to learn to pick your battles.

The US is back to back World War champs because we determined that we would be on the winning side before we joined.

The EU has to stop with this ultimatum crap and learn to negotiate.

This isn't a Norway-specific issue at all. If you don't comply to the regulations and standards, you can't sell your shit. Period.

Austrians wouldn't be able to sell their stuff even within Austria if they didn't comply, so don't make it sound it's some weird political stab against the Norwegians. The Norwegian authorities knew exactly what they were up to when joining the EEA.

>politi er nodvendig
nå er det på tide at de trår til side, å la oss mannfolka gjore det som er rett. Så har du ikke noe asylmotak der oppe.

De svina her, vil bare beskytte dem. Forste du gjor hvis du horer om ficki, ikke snuten. Dra med deg bygda så fort du kan, få med deg grisebonden å fån til å ta med strikk og klepp bjellene av dem, ta kukken og

Hva tror du politiet gjor?
Dem vil bli kanskje deportert, bare le av alt sammen, ta masse bilder og filmer. Dem gir faen, våkn opp nå. Kan ikke sitta der å forvente at dem skal gjora noe som helst vettug.

Det er ballerosking tymu og dem er ikkke invitert. Er dem korrupte nok der du bor, ikke si hvor, så kan du tom hinte til en orning, dme liker ikke det her dem helller.

Ellers bare hold dem unna, til dere får fjerna utstyret på dem. Kast i pesisen og på med tennveske så det ikke kan sys på plass. Det sender også signalet. Vi har en sånn greie her, ikke m snuten dem må vi bare sloss av, det er bare være nok så får dem ikke gjort en dritt selv med våpen.

Lop inn, av med buksa, av med ballene. Bruk masker, bruk samme klær, stikk mens snuten blir holdt igjen. De kan bare late som de prover tom.
Vi venta dem her i sommer og ordna et varsels system for området, jeg går ikke i detalj for da veit dme lol. Men ja hensikten er den som jeg sier, ta dem FOR snuten kommer til. Så får dem plukke upp restene. Ikke drep dem, la dem leve med det for resten av sitt liv

po-po confirmed

du minner meg om en svenske som poster fra tid til tid, spesifikt i natsoc general, men han er ikke svensk. Han er faktisk signoyner

han også er schizofren.

btw, det å hate politi er venstre-ekstremistisk

froken blond

>Remember, no military strength means no real power of any kind.
Nobody cares about the military these days. It is all about shekels.

Guess what your farmers will do if their fish or sheep or potatoes can't be exported any more because Westminster doesn't pass an EU law into British law. they will go bananas.

>And membership means we can't trade outside the EEC, so why the fuck would we want it?
Membership means you have a right to trade inside the EEC and can trade outside as much s you like.

But that is not what the UK wants, it wants a relationship like Switzerland or Canada or Turkey or Albania. The funny thiing is, the difference between EEC membership and a tight trade relationship is that in tight trade relationship you end up not having the right to sue against the EU Commission...

>Clinging to stupid principles is not noble, it's stupid

Yes. The EU is stupid. That is what I am saying. They try to be relevant by bullying other countries.

Prepare to be bullied, the EU Commission will do exactly that when it comes to the UK. IT is in the nature of the EU to steer shit up and seek conflicts.

>make retarded laws
>wonder why nations resist Brussels "leadership"
you're pretty dense for a kraut.

>Nobody cares about the military these days. It is all about shekels.
>actually believing this
All power grows from the barrel of a gun. Your currency has value because your country sells things. The things you sell have value because we don't simply take them at gunpoint. Nothing will ever, or can ever, supplant violence as the universal currency.

I agree it will be tough. The EU elites have giant egos.

We will see if the EU is silly enough to hurt itself in order to hurt us. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried, but I think businesses in Germany won't stand for it (like we saw with the car manufacturers/exporters)


>I think businesses in Germany won't stand for it
WTO rules make businesses in Germany safe. Cars and machinery can be exported to the UK even without any exit agreement for little or no tariffs under WTO rules.

The point is whether the EU is going to start actively placing high tariffs on things to punish us, Hans. They would never be able to do that for industries which rely heavily on the UK's business, like the car manufacturers

hehe du har ikke vært her lenge nok politiet.
kontakte lege...

Du har ikke vært lenge i gamet. Jeg kan ikke detalj for det vil avslore meg, og du bor vite det her.

Damn. If only I could read any of this.

>The point is whether the EU is going to start actively placing high tariffs on things to punish us, Hans.
Why would the EU negotiators even consider that? Nobody has the intention of damaging the EU economy to a higher extent that will already and ultimately happen from the UK leaving the market.

just some advisory snipping in case of ficki, just telling user that you can't depend on the police for shit, not these in these times.

These semites needs to be taken care of by the people if they ficki and he should gather a ficki watch where he lives too.

The game is as follow: Get to ficki place before cops, have enough people to hold them off, while other small team go in pref with a pigfarmer and do some snipping.

Point is arrested by police_>deported, sneak back in.. laugh at it make movies etc
We get there first>no balls, and the pigfarmer so they don't bleed out and have to live with it

basically kek

There's that old imperial streak. I feared Europe had lost it.