Can we appreciate France for a bit?

France is the only country resisting neoliberalism.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lost cause desu

"learn to live with terrorism"

France, the centre of fashion, culture, art, and science.


thx for the support lads, but we're quite fucked

>can't even perform acts of terrorism correctly
>surrender everything, including their own country. France is shit.
>terrible food
Nothing to appreciate

At least we have Marine, r-right guys?

France is a fucking degenerate worthless country that's beyond saving

Paris is no longer Paris.

Trust in FN, our last chance to leave this Fucking European union

> France is a worthless country
> Australia

One day, the French will fight back against Islam. When that fight gets nasty, I will be there to subvert the population into eradicating the Aryan filth once and for all.



> Australia is a worthless country
> America

France created liberalism.

Think about real policies you want to adopt.

Electing right-wing parties out of butthurt is fine, but alone doesn't make a difference yet.

does no one know this or are the Jews just sliding this so no one cares?

Your time is nearing it's end Jerry!

I mean neoliberalism, the dwarfing of employee rights for the sake of global finance and capital.


Holy shit!. It seems it has been slid. Link and I will shill this for the Anglo race.

Actually how do you archive shit?

I haven't seen a Frexit

Sadly you frogs even fucked that up.


No. They are full of cancer. And niggers.

Elect Le Penn and then we'll talk.

Well, us and France will. You're even more cucked and desperate to spread your disease to the rest of Europe. Germany should be fucking nuked for what you've done to our continent.

Hurry up and post it you fat retarded faggot

What we have done?

We create this continent, all the royal families are french. England is just a french colony.

this is the face of a french citizen in 2016

france sucks

>Rainbow warrior


Disagree user. It used to resist neoliberalism, now it has given up.

Hopefully the fire will rise again.
There is objectively not one country which comes close to France. I really hope you guys make it alright in the future

You have spread leftist cancer everywhere on the continent. Your fucking 'Libertie Fraternitie Equalitie' is disgusting. Your army is full of niggers. You have no 'identitie' because you give it away to any nigger you feel like.

You are somehow worse than us. You are over 10% mudshit. You make me fucking sick. Why can't you be a decent enemy again, instead of a mudshit rabble?

>Disagree user. It used to resist neoliberalism, now it has given up.
They we're rioting against Hollandes labour reforms, and they will continue to do so, if they need to.

Shut up rosbeef. You have always been the middle piece of a huge threesome, where you suck USA's dick and France fucks you up the arse.

>They have rioted against another labour reform

Yet the law has been signed. The riots stopped during summer, and government used this to opportunity to turn the bill into a law. As much as I love my people, they'll get what they deserve. In this case, that is ruin.

>go to
>past link

>Your fucking 'Libertie Fraternitie Equalitie' is disgusting
Hello there Ahmed. You have to go back

Cheers frog ears

If even the country that stood up against inequality first falls - what will there be left against the international capital?

You would not even exist if not for the Americans. You are infected with communism and it has infected half your country. It is a huge tumour that takes up half your landmass.

You really have no place to talk on this matter at all, subhuman.

Nice try. My country is now awful yet somehow you manage to be worse. We don't give away citizenship the way you do. To be English means something. To be French means nothing. Nigger.


You wish, bro. You can say shart in mart all day long on here, but you're still a hellhole prison colony while we went to the moon.


Reason : capitalism.
What are you believing your Marine will do ?

not hard to use jewggle fucko. fuck even archiving, let the DM get the shekels:

No problem my emu friend

Have you ever heard about Guillaume le Conquérant?

That's going to change soon.
The French will take so much, then they'll flip their shit.

Are you conscious that nobody can figure what you wrote ?

Ashes mein Freund, in deine Heimat genau so wie meine.

But from the ashes will the best of us rise again, I believe in this.

You're right Senpai. Oh wait I don't give a shit, I'm French. You're so jelly to be France and USA's bitch that you resolve to use "tu quoque" fallacy? I'd say it's up to you Brits to rise up a bit. You used to be quite decent ennemies.

>Can we appreciate France for a bit?
never m8

can any french say if there were any twaats over last 4-5 days about RAID arrests? They arrested 6 (why sand niggers on "watchlists" are still free amazes me)?

I think they must have twatter censoring shit now, no way not one tourist saw bomb squad and then a bunch of RAID arrests over 5 days.

>copying a fat fuck American's post
>becomes a good point

France's empire was nothingn compared to the British empire. Everyone knows France is England's bitch; that's why they're the only country that gets butthurt over speaking English.

>t. Ahmed "Liberty is disgusting" Abdullah

You'll be fine, you have to crack a few eggs too make an ommlett.
Just sweep up the mess after and throw the rubbish away.
Enjoy your omelette FrogBro.

Ah, the Normans were French meme. Bitch, please.

>copying a poison addled, sun bleached colonial's post
>making any point

The Liberty bit is fine. It's the other two that sound socialist.

We are less informed than any foreigner about what happens in France when it comes to security and demographics, for a "western democracy", the censorship is maybe the strongest of the world.

Britbro is right. Rome wasn't built in a day and getting rid of pesky moon-worshiping sandniggers isn't going to be a short and easy process. But I think it's still doable at this point.

>The U.K ruled over more niggers than France did

Good on them I say. But then again, perhaps are you bitter that your fellow countrymen did not have what it takes to continuously resist to the beady eyed anglo?

Classical liberalism, nigger

The EU's going to crumble in 10 years. There's no need for a Frexit (although I think it may happen soon)

>why sand niggers on "watchlists" are still free amazes me
If they're arrested they can't be sent to prison. They have done nothing yet, that's why they're on the watchlist.

France SUCKS. Fuck these bunch of cucks, leftists and mudslimes. I hope more terror attacks will happen very soon. I'm leaving this shit hole anyway.

The French flag is my toilet paper, next to the Koran.

> Netherland speaking about colonial empire

Top Kek, go eat your shit cheese and smoke weed, fucking dead end race.

is it true bataclan sand durkas did some tortures and mutilations but french press lied about it for 8 months

or is that just a conspiracy

'Liberty to promote multiculturalism' don't you dare pretend it means anything else.

it got public today, read some fucking newspaper.

And sometime, low profile on such events is needed for police to work with good conditions.

Good riddance Abdel, go back to Algeria

This is the perfect truth. The medias admitted it for one second and then covered another subject about muh racism because of the burkini.

This is not the first time they do something like this. In 2013 summer, a Paris suburb train derailed, there were corpses and wouded next to the tracks. Some sandniggers of the neighborhood came and robed them while they were dying. This became a rumor the medias denied for six months, treating as racist anyone who said that. Then they admitted it was true rapidly and covered something else.

You will soon become a part of Algeria, you retarded cuck. you will end up like this

>And sometime, low profile on such events is needed for police to work with good conditions.
Don't pretend like that's the reason Pierre. They just want to keep you in the dark until the dark consumes you.

nothing wrong with neoliberalism, worked rather well for the UK.

Socialist shithole.

The French work like a balloon.
They can take a lot of shit, they'll starve, sit in holes, take the redpill, and fund Marxists.
But then they will behead a hundred people, start the largest war until the Great War, and fuck over all of Europe except Britain.
I'm almost scared for the middle East. If some fucker manages to destroy the Eiffel tower, notre Dame, or start shredding up art in the Louvre, there will be either a revolution, or Syria will be a crater. Probably both, in sequential order.


Not everyone wants to become a Social Darwinist binge worker, like the Anglos are.

Retards, FN Retards everywhere.

This is utter bullshit, first published by a shitty british tabloid straining declaration by intelligence sources in a report for the Assemblée Nationale

I get the concept under your law, but it's not going to work. If this one had worked, you would have lost certainly the stained-glass windows and maybe the structure of notre dame.

They need to be sent to a French island possession and kept in an internment camp. 200+ already in 10 months dead.
What will it take?

Keep going Abdel, you are almost funny with your bants. Next time remember your swiming lesson before jumping in the Seine

There is a lot of disinfo going both ways actually so it is very hard to say. Lots of formely (((leftist intellectuals))) have gone full nationalists recently, it might be part of the plan to push French voters into FN which is now a pro jew controlled opposition in case you didn't now it yet


do you realize how warped we are in the West? If a bunch of us had just tried to bomb mecca, do you think the muslim's biggest concern would be how Western women in their nations can dress?

they won't even allow non-muslims into mecca. We are such cucks. Starting to believe even after a dirt bomb comes, nothing will happen.

I'm a Beady. It's quite pleasurable watching France fade away. You were once a formidable opponent, but history remembers us as the winners. Enjoy mosque today.

Look at British colonies. US, Canada, Australia, NZ. Look at French colonies. Algeria, Morocco, African shitholes. Says it all.

I will call you winners the day you bomb the shit out of London and his beloved ISIS mayor.

France invented neoliberalism you dummy.

Stay cucked, France, Britain will always be one step ahead of you.

> It's quite pleasurable watching France fade away


France is the only country with the USA who is able to project power across the globe, the second largest diplomatic networks and beyond british in GDP if you cunt did not count prostitution and illegal trafic as valuable.

Maybe France is fadding away, but you already are squirming in oblivion dear friend

>beyond british in GDP if you cunt did not count prostitution and illegal trafic

What's this meme about?

That's not neoliberalism, dummy. Neoliberalism is a school of economics.

yep, we are beyond saving

Please, this is always the same story and it was already like this before the age of enrichment. They try to hide something, this becomes a rumor they deny but in the end, you know they lied and no one cares.
Indeed, there is no worse blind than the one who doesn't want to see. There is no worse deaf than the one who doesn't want to hear.
People in the West want their comfort at any cost, that's all. But remove their comfort and they will get mad.

Those are some real nice bodies.

Ask around you, no one trust the media including the most cucked sjw, the most prestigious the news outlet the most distrusted it is. Nobody care about what they except a few member of the intellingenstia and some old folks who still care about politics

bataclan + nice attacks < germanwings

*normand colony