think of the backlash against peaceful Muslims
think of the backlash against peaceful Muslims
>There were almost twice as many terrorist incidents by right-wing extremists as by Islamist extremists in the U.S. from 2008 to 2016
>Muslim terrorist - blame all 1.6 billion followers
>Christian terrorist - only blame the terrorist & not the 2.2 billion christians
really makes you think
Source for claims
I got a stats for you
You think this is fucking plebbit? Asking for a source lmao, get the fuck off this website, newfag
>mother jones
>2012 in the link
You're dead kiddo
>terrorist 'incidents'
>a white guy hitting a spic constitutes as terrorism
>Muslims flying airplanes into buildings and killing thousands of people is swept under the rug like it never happened
Islamists are right-wing extremists, they're just not racists.
Nice source
>terrorist incidents
So strange that you use that word instead of "deaths" or "murders" or "casualties"
The only incidents in the stat include fatalities.
we need fat, hoodie wearing norm back
Is this that ADL article that included """"attempted"""" incidents?
Were they all on downers this episode? I was excited because jokes were back but they seemed completely devoid of energy. They didn't really even talk about anything and ran a bit short.
uhhh buddy.. if you think islamics aren't racist clearly you have never been around these people.
But that's the complete fucking opposite of what happens in the media
so what is the source?
Fuck that you insular minded mega melt
GLOBALLY that is far from the fucking case
lol okay
Can mods please ban these right-wing retards?
Great example of how to skew stats to push an agenda here. No source. No list of actual attacks to know what's being coconsidered right wing extremism. No mention of population sizes or consideration of per capita stats.
america also has alot more right-wing extremists than islamic extremists you stupid piece of shit
>GLOBALLY that is far from the fucking case
No it is not
Listen dude, I agree with your sentiment somewhat. It's not as cut and dry as "all muslims are terrorists" "Not all christians are gun wielding nuts".
using salon as a representation of the media makes you look like the kinda guy who watches "feminist rekt" compilations on youtube.
I should say not racist in theory.
>using salon as a representation of the media makes you look like the kinda guy who watches "feminist rekt" compilations on youtube.
Nice reddit spacing, also why isn't salon a relevant example of media bias? Or are they now equivalent to random youtube videos.
>he calls out reddit spacing as he reddit spaces
>using salon as a representation of the media makes you look like the kinda guy who watches "feminist rekt" compilations on youtube.
Every single media website does essentially the same thing you naive retard
We can say there is, at minimum, 100 million people in the USA who are "right wing". Shit, we could even call it 50 million.
There are 3 million followers of Islam in the US.
There are 36 green markers in that image.
There are ~100 red markers in that image. (I think I may have double-counted a few, but let's say 100)
This would mean that even by your own image, "right wing" terrorists are, per-capita, far less common than Islamist ones
Great job!
Look up the Oklahoma City Bombing
>literally has no idea what leddit spacing is
Can you fucks be anymore obvious?
>Nice reddit spacing
Nice paranoia
I personally don't use reddit as I'm too used to 4chans format. Though theres no point me saying this as you probably won't believe me.
Salon isn't a relevant example of media bias because no one fucking reads it. It's also not a major news network or newspaper like CNN or the Guardian.
Also while I love shitting on these trash sites, the hypocrisy isn't quite as juicy if it's by two seperate writers.
Yeah I'll wait for you to post that CNN article or MSNBC article that says "all muslims are terrorists"
epic strawman
>Nice paranoia
>I personally don't use reddit as I'm too used to 4chans format.
You say while using leddit spacing, and calling it "Sup Forums format" You are a fucking tourist and your attempts to fit in are failing double nigger.
Nice job deflecting while also defending salon you fucking faggot.
>you think thats a strawman
This post speaks volumes about your intelligence
I wasn't saying that my dude. I was saying that I agree with his sentiment in his reply to who said all muslims are blamed for terrorism
is this a new meme that Sup Forums made while I was away
why is this topic this instead of making fun of margaret cho for having her head so far up her ass all of norms jokes were going over it
I've never actually seen any right winger or center-lefty say that muslims are to blame for terrorism; they seem to instead blame the political ideology and religion of Islam, not the followers themselves
>complains of leddit spacing when he sees it
>knows how to use it
Game of Normalfags is over, you can stop pretending to fit in, "user." Back to school with you. Don't you have a Rick and Morty subreddit to post in?
>ever since the biggest attack on us soil and the us ramped up its protection against muslims, there have been far less muslim attacks..
Wow its almost like the US plans for it to happen and keeps them under close watch.
Feel free to explain how it's a strawman.
thats a pretty shitty theory then
Pick one
Jesus wept I wasn't defending salon I'm just calling it low hanging fruit for fucks sake. I can't stand sjws and far left cunts but I've moved past the cringy "DUDE SALON LMAO DUDE FEMINSTS GET REKT"
I don't even know what the fuck reddit spacing is and when referring to "Sup Forums format" I was talking about the layout and imageboard anonymous posting style. Stop being such a SJWesque witchhunting cuck faggot I've been here since 09
>Game of Normalfags is over, you can stop pretending to fit in, "user." Back to school with you. Don't you have a Rick and Morty subreddit to post in?
Tell us more about how cool the "Sup Forums format" is you fucking tourist
>Stop being such a SJWesque witchhunting cuck faggot I've been here since 09
fuck off then you fucking faggot
far right cunts are exactly the same are you too dense to realize this
>far right cunts are exactly the same are you too dense to realize this
I sure do, where did I state otherwise
Because Sup Forums apparently didn't get them either.
>he still thinks its only salon that does this
>he still doesn't think salon's behavior is also similar to how many progressives and leftie normies think
Its great that you're naive but you are seriously getting way too ass-pained over someone posting Salon memes
yeah now compare the population of white dudes and sandnigger muslims in america
This "reddit spacing" meme has gone too fucking far, people have been putting in extra line breaks since day fucking 1 of Sup Forums because it makes things easier to read
Shit, I've never seen anyone complain about "reddit spacing" until a few months ago
>probably thinks he's oldfag for coming here in 2013
What is this shit terminology. nipmoot please end newfag summer.
>dat pic
legit lol'd
Its dumb mobileposters, line breaks fuck with their shitty little screens and that makes them butthurt.
just ignore it when people say something about reddit spacing. you really shouldn't pay it any mind desu
>still doesn't think salon's behavior is also similar to how many progressives and leftie normies think
Never said that. But salon is the lowest of the low regarding progressive media and isn't taken seriously as an example.
> seriously getting way too ass-pained over someone posting Salon memes
Nah was getting ass-pained over the guy, whom i was merely trying to suggest using a different example as an argument, flipping the fuck out and calling me reddit
>the country's real race war
The real race war is the war that blacks wage on whites and have been waging on whites this entire time. White victimization by blacks is radically disproportionate and more often than not the motives behind their targets are racial. Blacks fucking hate whites and always have, they show it regularly. Dylann Roof did nothing wrong. He could have killed 100 blacks, men women and children all and it would have been a drop in the bucket, nowhere near adequate "reparations" for the radically disproportionate targeting of whites by blacks every single day in America.
It was amazing to see reactions to that joke.
It fell flat because both panellists have been ingrained with an ideology to think so absurdly.
>But salon is the lowest of the low regarding progressive media and isn't taken seriously as an example.
its clearly not taken seriously not by you, because you have some weird thing against it. However, other people aren't autistic and they can see what the person is trying to communicate by posting salon memes and don't get hung up on it being >muh low-hangeeing froot
Oi, statistics and facts have no place in journalism, what if someone got offended?
nuke this threads
both sides are morons following their black-or-white ideologies
the world is shades of grey. i know that might be hard for you to comprehend
This thread is about as interesting as this season of Norm Macdonald Live
Well I'm sorry that I din't quite catch that this
where he says
>But that's the complete fucking opposite of what happens in the media
In response to a claim, wasn't infact a piece of evidence to help back up his statement, and was in fact a dank may may.
Foiled again by muh autism :DD
>muh shades of grey
wow look at this guys, the epic centrist just solved everything. everythings so much more complicated than we could have ever guessed.
time to pack up our bags bois, this post is /thread
>sargon of akkad
Snacks needs to come back
HA HA HA everyone is dumb except me!
The original claim is:
>Media blames all muslims for terrorist attacks
This claim was backed up by ZERO evidence
The next post asserted that the media does the opposite, claiming that Islamic terrorist attacks are not related to Islam, and provided SOME evidence for this, even if it's not particularly strong evidence.
Eat shit, my autism is stronger than yours
>post memes when they're wrong
hi Sup Forums!
You could tell this was an egret choice. He clearly idolizes mr show so norm let him have at it and it was pretty shitty. Still, norm could relate with cho on a lot of instances and clearly appreciated her taste for comedy. But this was by far the driest norm live which I actually kind of really like.
Pretty sure adding Sargoy of Cuckad's youtube channel at the bottom is like putting "Ben Garrison" on racist cartoons, considering Sargoy is a youtube skeptic one step removed from banana fucking AmazingAtheist and a total "enlightened moderate" aka cockless centrist faggot who thinks that the Rotherham rapes are a "British problem".
b-b-b-but what if there's a solution that works for every single person involved and there's no negative consequences whatsoever and everyone sings happy songs and dance happy dances?
your point was so stupid it wasn't worth a reasoned response.
Lets take a look at what you implied here >>still doesn't think salon's behavior is also similar to how many progressives and leftie normies think
>Never said that. But salon is the lowest of the low regarding progressive media and isn't taken seriously as an example.
You are clearly agreeing with the sentiment that this is how many other people and media organizations think, and act.
So why are you attacking his use of Salon as an example and "isn't a piece of evidence" when you apparently completely agree with him? You're being a faggot.
Saron is a genuine nigger and cuckold
He Twitter with gay porn whenever he's confronted
except far-right ideologies only work if someone they dislike is suffering while they reap the benefits :^)
prove me wrong
Study Islamic jihaf,shoot up ft.hood.
Somehow not terrorism.
>banana fucking AmazingAtheist
That dude has the smallest penis I've ever seen, no wonder liberal white guys are always so mad, if was born with a baby dick I'd be angry too.
Absolutely true.
Hey that's all fair I was just trying to help but it dissolved into a shitshow. Then again what did I expect. Congratulations on your superior autism though you have changed it from "meme" to "evidence". It would seem your Autism isn't the strongest.
You don't get it. The point completely flew over your little head. Everyone was mocking you for making a empty post that said absolutely nothing substantial, yet you believe you were posting something profound. Get over yourself
it's a british police problem to be sure
Go away Destiny, I don't want to debate you!
I stopped listening to right-wingers when they insisted that gay marriage was somehow impeding their rights. those are the types of people we're dealing with
great, lets go for a far-left ideology like communism. wait, everyone suffers, whoops
>Brits don't do shit and actively allow pedos to rape kids
>not a British problem
yeah man, and posting in your echo chamber on the internet will completely change the world