If RACISTS like you were in control I would be dead in Syria right now!! How can you want me dead because of my skin color???!! It outrageous!!!! imagine i would be dead if u had control!! how can u live with yourself'res
If RACISTS like you were in control I would be dead in Syria right now!! How can you want me dead because of my skin...
>If RACISTS like you were in control I would be dead in Syria right now!
Hey, thats our argument, stop using it.
You, you, you, you, you. It isn't fucking about you. You traveled 4500 km to find happiness. We have to pay for your happiness when we are already straining to pay the taxes we have. Not only that but you are ungrateful and bring hateful backward ideologies with you. And crime, so much crime.
We don't need you, you need us. Respect us or fuck off.
why would a syrian be dead if they stayed in syria? sounds like the blame lies on whatever is making syria such a dangerous place.
Fuck off turkroach
wtf i hate racism now.
You're already dead sweden
Would you have any chance been killed by Syrians? Seems like grounds for discrimination.
Sorry, but this part of the world is governed by laws. Illegal immigration is a crime.
>risk life of self and family for welfare in white nation
You have to go back.
It's more your culture and religion than skin color, why not go to a country that you'll fit in more easily instead of leech off of Europe
Well for one thing if you were dead I wouldn't be reading your shitty thread and feeling compelled to respond to it even though I know it's shitty bait, so there's that.
We want you in your own nation not ours. Has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with the middle east being a violent nation full of animals. You don't move wolves in to your own back yard unless you want to be killed. Now go home Mohammed and behead your own people.
Looks like the swedish IQ is dropping already
Tell your damn cowardly dad to go back, make a stand, and fight. He's a quitter and a coward. What's more, he needs me to help take care of you.
We don't want YOU dead. But your dad should seriously kill himself.
Jesus. Who writes shit like this?
Is this what passes for an argument amongst 16 year old Swedes nowadays?
Isn't 99% of the threads here bait? I understand this, am I the only one who doesn't take anyone seriously?
and yet your faux shilling has affected no one's opinion
so tell me again why ARE there shills everywhere?
Jokes on you, we did it only to found an actual racist on /pol, because we all are liberals here.
>How can you want me dead
It's quite simple. The fact that the reasons slip your infantile and quite frankly underdeveloped mind, is no surprise.
That is one reason why we don't want you.
b-but I'm racist too, I don't like libtards
And inferior? I'm surprised you had time between getting raped by muhammed and watching your wife get it to be on four chan to talk shit
pick one
the problem arent really syrians...
syrian refugees are not even 1/3 of all the people coming to europe the rest is africans, zoomalie, Moroccans and others that have NO right to even be here and by law are not refugees.
If our stupid politicians would denied economic immigrants only looking for a better deal in europe there would not even be a problem..
Again syrian refugees are not the problem you are a small group compared to the people that use your situation to smuggle themselves illegal into Europe, these cunts are the problem.
Hey how's Jamal doing? You know, your wifes boyfriend?
Is he really fucking her in the ass?
Assad literally did nothing wrong
Go back or die sandnigger.
When you cum but she still gives the succ
>i-i was just pretending to be retarded!
>When one of the sharia police cum during one of their weekly sexual emergencies and there are still 3 more men waiting outside.
The boy is terrified and crying from all the rape from the grown muzzies.
It's not your skin colour that's the problem.
It's the mediaeval death cult you belong to. You know, the intended that wants world dominion and death for the unbelievers.
>refugees running war
>still make sure to give little muhammed a fresh fuccboi haircut
You say racist like its a bad thing.
well i like my skin color better than i like yours
No problem.
Come to my country.
You'll have to work/study.
You'll be under constant vigilance. With a 25 year period in which if you do anything criminal you will be deported back to your country, plus your family for 3 generations.
You will not have access to citizenship neither will your children, only the third generation will be accepted as a national.
Failure to keep employment for a period over 2 years will mean that you will be deported.
Health insurance will be mandatory, since you will not be made part of the national health care system.
Any affiliations or funded suspicions of affiliations with radical/terrorist groups will mean instant deportation.
There will be frequent reviews to your situation in order to access integration. Failure to be assessed as integrated will mean deportation.
It will be required for you to know the language and customs of the country.
You will not have by any means of forms granted or recognized any kind of privilege for being a minority.
Do you still want to come?
I am all for taking in genuine refos like women and children on the proviso that they give up their beliefs and adopt our way of life or gtfo. Australia has shitloads of Croats and Serbs who are almost indistinguishable from Aussies.
Even the Vietnamese here are alright.
Love those staged photos. They have absolutely no issues not only with throwing a little shitskin in the water, but also to kill one for the collaborationist press to further their agenda.
Rapefugees should camp in Turkey and Saudi and Kuwait and Qatar. They speak the same languages, they worship the same devil, they enjoy raping the same goats and also have much more money than Europe.
>Fleeing like a coward instead of fighting to make your country great
Pathetic. You deserve to be dead.
fuck off and go fight for your country you punk ass pussy bitch
Is pootugal white
wow such a rich and diverse culture being brought to Europe thank god for mass immigration
yes, trust me :)
How does that kid have that sick fade if he's endangered?
Post thicc Portuguese qts to prove it.
One Australian mother approved this kind of cultural appropriation my migrating to Syria instead
>My homeland my homeland! What trouble!
>Runs away
Solve your own problems you person with brown skin
Everyone worth a damn leaves the country, and you squat in a better country till.... Who fixes your home?
Oh wait, you have no intention to ever go back.
Okay. You're a traitor to your kind.
This. I'm not convinced poortugal is white
OP can you stop falseflagging? we both know you're baiting and you're embarassing our country.
Not the same poster.
There are white, there are moor descendents, some latinized people. But mainly white.
Thankfully very easy to distinguish and therefore avoid mingling with the shitskins.
2bh I'd just let you die for being an annoying cunt.
>my grandfather's country gets split between Nazis and Soviets in the biggest war the world has ever seen
>spends 6 years on a wild ride of mayhem through North Africa and Italy to BTFO the people who did this to him
>Syrians have a little civil war
>less than 500k dead in 4 years
>all the young men flee to Europe for gibs
Get out of my country you piece of "human" garbage.
Are shitskins seen as an invasive species or more apart of the wildlife?
hhh nfo5o ya 7mar
When I used the term I was oogling the darker coloured nationals.
Shitskins as in Sup Forums understanding are still a rather rare vision. Some in the major cities but nothing out of the ordinary.
Portugal is cute
I don't want you dead because of your skin color. I want you dead because your a coward who has abandoned his homeland.
Hope those kids died. Fucking hate those fucking shitskin mudshits.
Hang yourself you worthless fucking cunt.
Funny thing is, if you really cared so much about your safety you just would have stayed in the country you first fled to you piece of shit! But, no, the truth is you went on a long and painful journey and risked your life illegally crossing half a dozen borders on your way to Sweden.
For the gibsmedats!
Because you're a fucking shitskin retard.
>War breaks out in country
>Instead of staying to fight for your homeland, you flee thousands of miles
>Expect to somehow be a good citizen
This is my problem with """refugees""", nothing to do with race. If a civil war broke out in England and boatloads of able-bodied Anglos started arriving in NYC I'd have the same argument.
So how did it feel when you turned 13 this year? Do you almost feel like an adult already?
I don't hate your skin colour, therefore not racist, but I love my own culture and so no, I don't think anyone from outside this continent with no ties here should be able to claim they are X,Y or Z and just walk in and live off our welfare. Seriously, if you're persecuted in the Middle East, go live in another Middle Eastern nation in close proximity to your home. Or another, remoter part of your own nation away from the worst fighting. If your government or a religious group is persecuting you, play by their rules until it is safe for you to be yourself. Don't come begging me for charity and for me to change my own culture to put up with all the shit yours has caused here.
instead of joining SAA and fighting other sandniggers you cowardly fled to Sweden
there is nothing else for you to do than go rape someone and land in a cushy cell, subhuman
It is YOU who is the racist, by leaving your nation you are admitting that it is a shithole full of useless shitskins.
If shitskins were able to develop proper civilisations, there would be no need to flee as you have done. But as you do flee as a coward, you do because your own race is worthless and you are admitting it and showing it to the world.
Fuck you. #MAGA
Whiter than Australia going forward if they maintain policies like that. Enjoy your dim sum, roo.
More money yes, but no welfare, and if you steal shit over there they cut off your fucking hands.
If racists like me were in control, then you be dead in the Mediterranean Sea after I firebomb your shitty boats.
This has gone from unaware, to satire, all the way around to autism again. There are no contexts in which this could possibly be a salient point.
I have nothing against people of colour. I just shouldn't have to pay to feed, clothe, house, nurture, and educate them simply because they made their home country into a war torn shithole.
it's the behaviour of your people and the host nation doesn't want to give up on what nature wills the tribes of the human race.
Survival and replication. You threat that in identity and genetically.
You know this. And your people behave like such savages that they deserve to die in syria. Your people will never fit in to first world civilised society until you completely abandon everything from your past life, culture, tradition, religion etc.
You've wormed your way into a new tribe. You cannot live as a tribe within a tribe. You give up everything of your past or go the fuck back to syria to die like a man you fucking bitch nigger.
Also people want real men, not cowards who flee from war and won't even defend their homelands. If you can't defend your homeland how will you ever come to the defence of the new tribe you snuck into.
Aren't the Syrians escaping from Syria the ones who were throwing gays off of roofs? Before the Russians joined the fray, you guys also liked to decapitate, hang and burn prisoners of war, right?
Also, you guys are awfully rapey.
Seeing this is like witnessing some kind of super leader god politician.
Maybe you can save Trump from himself.
Who am I kidding, no one can do that. That takes black magic and ancient relics.
I want you dead because you are a coward and a free-loader.
>Sup Forums can't into bait awareness
Fuck off and rebuild your own country.
You should have gone to Turkey or Lebanon, these are safe countries.
Oh yes, Captain Sweeden!!
Yihadists WELCOME
In what way is my life better because you exist?
What right do you have to leeches off our societies you pedophile worshipping cunt.
If this isn't Masterbate
I don't know what Is