This meme needs to end. 1) Polish immigrants bring crime with them. Just ask the Brits and Germans. 2) They are pro-EU. Poles love gibmedats at home and abroad. 3) They boast about being a leech in the EU. Respectable people don't have this mentality. 4) They always get invaded. They cannot defend themselves. They are weak. 5) They were communists for decades. No doubt their gibmedat culture comes from this. 6) They are self important. As if Britain joining a world war because a cabbage field near Germany got invaded was bad enough, Poles actually think Britain are somehow the bad guys. Poles are as ungrateful as the French. 7) Their national past-time is cleaning Western toilets.
So tell me Sup Forums, why is Poland based again? Inb4 'dey stopped da Mooslims hundreds of years ago n shieeet'. That doesn't cut it anymore.
Poot countries get treated like pets here "aww look, the hamster done something redpilled, so cuuute"
Camden Harris
At least they have a nice cultural heritage... oh no, wait, that's all German stuff. Welps...
Parker White
>a fucking toothpaste And we supposed to take it seriously? Go back to clogging your fag boyfriends ass.
Carson Hughes
>Colgate tries to be funny
go back to your swamp
Nicholas Adams
Whenever American banks need propaganda, Poland becomes some sort of nationwide hero character. This echoes around the world and there you have the mess then.
In the current case the plan is to get Europe on board with Israel through forcing confrontations with the Muslim element, so of cause Poland got permission to not be too on board with that idea; after all, now that "the goyim have been broken anyway" we might as well get to play hero for the kike and Schabbesgoj: The Country has a history at that.