How would you survive a nuclear war?

So with the increasing threat of nuclear war and the second cold war being well underway, I thought I'd begin looking into possible steps or try to educate myself in surviving a nuclear blast should it actually happen.

Anyway, I hit google and it turns out the BBC has an interactive choice-and-consequence adventure to kind of test how long you'd survive and how well you'd do in the first few days.

Notice anything?

Anyway that's not really the point of this thread. I wanted to start a tips and tricks survival strategy thread in preparation for the ultimate happening.

Anyone have any good guides/books on the subject?

Other urls found in this thread:

They could've just put a picture frame somewhere, I'm much more triggered by the absurdity of the positioning here.

The funny thing is, the main protagonist and all the "good" characters in the game are black or minorities.

The only villains are all white male.

White women are shown dating black guys, as you see in the picture.

It's fucking hilarious.

she looks fat.

I bet they all fat.

>notice anything?

Yes, I notice they're pushing a racemixing agena with her once alive bf being a nigger.

I'm set.

The older model.

you're an idiot if you want to survive full blown nuclear war
seriously, you have no fucking idea

A radiation detection kit isn't going to save you from a nuclear blast.

No one is gonna nuke you straya. There is literally no advantage to loose a nuke, it's not even bants, it's a commonly accepted fact. You shouldn't focus on a bunker, you should get equipment.

>tfw straya will be the new cradle of humanity

Shitpost the stars my friends.

It doesn't matter, unless we prolong Nuclear War forever or spread humanity throughout the stars there will only be one Nuclear War to end all Nuclear Wars, and humanity and all life on Earth aswell.

We had so many close calls in real life due to false alarms that almost caused WW3, I guarantee if even one nuke is launched it's gg, they will all start flying. I guess if you are on the later half of your life and you only care about existing you can probably survive a nuclear war by living in a completely sealed radiation proof bunker with oxygen already supplied and decades worth of food and water.

This isn't me being cynical, you may as well ask:
"how would you survive the Sun swallowing the Earth". Like you won't, best focus on preventing the problem in the first place rather then try to adapt to it.

>there will only be one Nuclear War to end all Nuclear Wars, and humanity and all life on Earth aswell.

I'm too lazy and about to go to work to jewgle the links but there's a bunch of serious docu out there just saying how wrong this is. It'll be chaotic but it wont be terminator like at all.

I guess once your stockpiled water runs out you will have to find a supply somewhere that's not irradiated.
How long would the countryside be irradiated for after a nuclear war?

Here are some declassified nuclear targeats for the Warsaw Pact back in the late 50's that gives you an ideea of what will be nuked first.

In Romania most of those targets are military outposts and industries like plane manufacturers like IAR from Brasov, weapons industry,
Chemicals industry, important train stations for goods transportation etc.

7 days, stay the fuck out of the rain.

I lost the will to live because I saw injured people and didnt run around spending time dragging people up from ruins. Great game 10/racemixing

I ve reasumujÄ…c somewhere that reds evaluated nuclear attack vs e.g New York. It would take 17 nukes to make City out of combat. Btw nuclear Winter is a meme

Burn the coal...

they should nuke the aids factory first

I'm out, peace out bitches



>How long would the countryside be irradiated for after a nuclear war?

For fucking ever

Toll paid

id survive by not getting hit at all

If an all-out nuclear war happens, life on Earth will definetly not go extinct.
But let's say that NATO and Russia have a nuclear exchange. Even if both sides manage to shoot down some missiles before they drop their payload, it's guaranteed that every major city in Europe and the US will be destroyed. Most if not all military bases will be destroyed as well. These are the priority targets. From here on in, submarines will take the torch and will continue raining hell down into lesser bases and cities until either side capitulates. Interestingly, in a nuclear conflict, the side with the less population will ""win"". AKA NATO will have far more civilian casualties than Russia. However, as the leaf said, there won't be such things as a nuclear winter. But the power-vacuum created by the destruction of all western powers through depopulation will let shitholes like India and China take the torch. We don't want that. However, tell that to Hillary.

To survive the blast tak your gas mask, NBC suit, a bit of water and emergency rations and your handgun, open a man hole in front of your home and sit it out in the sewers.

After the detonations are over, put on your nbc suit and your gas mask, climb up and make your way to the rest of your equipment.

Oh and don't look into the light.

>The brave nigger protagonist actually gets robbed by a mob of evil white men

Stored a bit of food in mylar bags a few days ago

I wouldn't, I'd be running directly towards ground zero with open arms

Nuclear warfare is a high price indeed.

Don't live next to a nuclear target.


Pic related is a book I recommend

another one

Good to see jews wanting to die.

check the phone...fucking lol

serves him right. it was the black nuclear scientists who invented the bomb

I would remember to duck and cover

This guy has some good videos on prepping and off grid living:

I would not :(

the blast isn't the only thing she was hit by

>tfw greater israel

Unless you're near ground zero it'll only be a couple months at most

PJF is a good man, answered some of my emails with religious questions

I've been meaning to get around to something like this.

>Shitpost the stars my friends.

>seti's first contact will be with an aussie

oh fug

When first nuke hits we all want to become Turkroaches, scariest thought ever to cross my mind

BBC bbc propaganda is relentless isnt it? White liberals are truly sick retards

I would move to the Swiss alps

Mankind will not survive nuclear war. Nature will be fine withing a few decades. Maybe it's better that way.


He's halfway convinced me to become a keeper of Torah

These are the mylar bags I used:

Just need an iron to seal them up. I was able to fit 25lbs in each 5 gal bucket.

my god, some sharp eyes on pol. the tribe and their tricks never get by

>Mankind will not survive nuclear war.
I recommend reading before jumping to conclusions like that. As long as the nuke doesn't land in your house it is totally survivable

It's available online for free if anyone's interested

If she's been hit by a nearby nuke why the hell is her phone still one? Is Jewish racemixing propaganda so strong it deflects EMP? Is that the secret to American supremacy? DU Armour is actually just lined with screenshots?

My time and training as a nuclear engineer in the Navy taught me enough to know the truth about nukes, for example, nuclear winter is a fucking meme.

As far as radiation goes, I can almost feel physical pain in my brain when people try to talk about it like they know wtf they're talking about. Forget everything you think you know about nuclear radiation. Modern day nukes don't actually give off much radiation, not anything like the first nukes from the 60s. As long as you stay at least a couple miles outside of the blast radius, you won't get a big enough dose to even make your stomach hurt.

As far as surviving goes, my grandma owns a hundred acres in the mountains in upstate Vermont. There's a creek that has water 365 days a year, good hunting, plenty of herbs and berries, wild onions, etc. I've been stockpiling ammunition for the past 3 years, over 2000 rounds of .22lr and a thousand rounds of 5.56NATO, about a thousand 12ga 00Buck shells, about 500 rounds of 7.62x54. I'm good to go.

>The illusion of safety.

Mankind as a whole will not survive. Civilization as you know it will cease to exist. Nuclear winter and global radiation poisoning.

And what's worse has yet to come... famine, pestilence, cannibalism, looting, birth defects and malformations. Why would you even want to survive in such a world?

Did the shitty flash animation.

First four panels is older white brits helping brown people out of rubble, and white couples.

Also the main character is a white chad in a hoodie.

>you will never be this White
Why live?

>nuclear winter and global radiation poisoning

Those are memes. Do some research and educate yourself. The only way to cause nuclear winter would be to literally blanket the globe with nuclear blasts, and even then it would only last a week at the most.

Modern nukes don't give off a lot of radiation, they don't use the same uranium that reactors use. The radiation only spreads about as far as the actual blast, and it's only strong enough to kill for about 3-4 weeks after detonation. It doesn't poison the soil, the ground you walk on is already filled with an element called radium that gives off radiation constantly.

No doubt that the unprepared will face some hard times. Most people in urban centers will probably starve when their food supply is cut off. People should be moving out of urban areas. However, nuclear winter and birth defects from fallout are pretty much a hoax.

Libtard Daria Morgandorfer BTFO

Halflife isn't just a game and totally unrelated movie user.

If we would talk supervulcanic eruption, that would be tough shit.
Although, as i had read, most problems of nuclear war would be caused by breakdown of world trade. Hunger would sweep in in les than three months, and this is when real fun begins.

family live in a farm in very rural ireland

i live in london. i would just have the challenge of surviving the bombing/roving dindus and then make my way home and then im good

My main concern is power plants having mass meltdowns, which would turn them into fallout generators.
Lads, please reassure me that wouldn't be the case.

As far as i know, (which is not much) Nuclear reactor can be defused in one week (meaning, safely turned of and prevented from melting) so if not specifically targeted, operators would probably shut them down without much of a problem. If targeted, well, shit.

Stay in shelter for 2 weeks. After that radiation levels will have fallen enough to allow you to venture out for short periods. Children and the elderly should remain under shelter for longer. As time goes on you can remain outside for longer periods until about 8 Months to a year radiation should have fallen to normal background levels on areas not directly hit.

I was a nuclear reactor operator in the Navy, my training is the equivalent of a civilian getting a masters in nuclear physics

You have nothing to worry about, US reactors, even the civilian ones, can be shut down in seconds, they have dozens of redundant failsafe systems, and if even all that somehow fails, they have a system that basically floods the entire reactor with cement to smother the entire thing and seal it off

It would take a bit to explain neutron generations and reactivity quotient, but the basic gist of it is that the way we make our reactors and because we use just plain water as coolant, the reactor will actually slowly shut itself down without any user input, you couldn't cause a nuclear reactor to meltdown or go super critical if you purposely tried to

Should probably add, reactors don't explode, that's a sci-fi entertainment meme, they can become damaged and spew radioactive coolant into the atmosphere which can spread fairly far based on wind and stuff, but they don't actually explode or anything like that

>Pressurized Water reactors
>What is a negative void coefficient

You dun goofed physics bro

>increasing threat of nuclear war

put a stop to this shit meme

if anyone is going to start a nuclear war it's India-Pakistan because they're too stupid to take the proper precautions to prevent accidents and misunderstandings


Of course the apocalypse would happen in a world where white women date black men and the people perceived as good are ((( minorities)))

But first you have to reach Vermont. Can you survive "The Road"? Best of luck, no sarc.

game was pretty for the average britbong
>nuclear blast
>see mob of injured muzzies and dindus
>choose to run into fire rather than go to them
>dindu catches up with me and we escape fire
>find body of chick and game keeps showing me how happy her interracial relationship is
>dindu and i steal from grocery store
>dindu gets sick and i dont give him medicine
>mob of muzzies attack and i end up being "too demoralized" to continue.

Since op can't post a link...