Good morning, wagecuck. About time you got up. I feared you'd be late again. That's always a possibility though. Just look at how backed up and congested this traffic already is. Their honking and screaming at each other is music to my ears. Oh yes, the sound of ragie wagies.
Oh, better get ready. You'll be late at this rate, wagecuck. Another day, another dollar.
i took a day off today because i sprained my ankle on a lawnmower
Parker White
What do you think of the idea to give every citizen $1,000 bi-weekly, and anyone who wants more can get a job. This would lead to the materialistic people to join the labor force, and the unmaterialstic to sit comfy all day.
Henry Phillips
One day all of us wage cucks are going to seize the means of production and eliminate the capitalist middle man who exploits us.
Then we're gonna kill all of the NEETs for being leeches. He who does not work shall not eat.
Julian Cook
> How dare muh boss oppress me by giving me a better option than wildness survival.
Leo Brown
Why would unmaterialistic people need 1k every 2 weeks? You want to be the modern Diogenes? Enjoy your barrel.
Carter Moore
That's pretty unfair, there isn't enough jobs for everyone. If my phone rings today for a job I will take it, but it won't ring because there are no jobs.
Aiden Sanchez
>tfw useless NEET doesnt know some people actually work because they have a passion for their job
Hudson Myers
They want people to have money to go out and spend. Maybe a restaurant once in a while or a new shirt. It's no secret that there simply aren't enough jobs for everybody. Something has to change soon.
Jordan Ross
And pray tell me, how do you spend your day 'o-wise-and-mighty user?