>when the backwards satanic music hits
The fuck am I watching? Is this a horror film?
When the backwards satanic music hits
No it's a pornographic documentary
no, this is what happens behind the curtain
this is what the elites are up to: having lots of sex
pretty scary right?
its literally a swingers club where people larp as Venetians
Can I get a quick rundown?
We all know in real life the girls would all be 12 year olds. That's why the costume man calls the girl a "child." Unfortunately (((they))) would never allow it to be obvious. Kubrick did well
>having lots of sex
>implying the ritual to satan wasn't a big deal
Hate to break it to you but
Satan don't real
"satanists" are actually just tryhard hedonists
>limo bus driver
>have a load full of 18 wealthy clients doing a wine tour
>work phone is loaded with pleasant muzak to bluetooth to the bus' speakers
>accidentally download EWS OST to a folder not protected by .nomedia
>everyone's pretty buzzed and chattering amongst themselves
>Masked Ball starts playing
Jew World Order
Lovecraftian horror
Yahweh is a volcano god, the god of fire, Lucifer
stop posting and watching at the same time faggot
It's the worst kind of horror: Absolute Reality.
I once dropped acid with a chick while watching this kino.
>first time watching it
>know Kubrick inside out
>notice subtle kubrickesque queues
>narrate them
>"Is he really going for that prostitute?"
>prostitute scene
>"wtf user, are you controlling my mind"
>"I can't stand this"
>starts crying uncontrollably
>I slowly move away from her
>she looks up to me at the other end of the sofa
>starts crying harder
>think "Wtf do I do"
>call her a taxi
>later I find out she was molested
>watch movie
>come to Sup Forums
>magically a thread about movie
welcome to the matrix enjoy your stay
Go on...
>bus falls silent and everyone stares at me
>mutters of "what the fuck" begin sprouting
>I cannot legally handle my phone while driving so have to pull over and flash the hazards
>there's not enough space on the shoulder for a limo bus
>cars are honking and swerving around us dangerously as I mistype my unlock code five times
>finally stop Masked Ball
>pull my laptop from my satchel to create a .nomedia file
>look for my USB cord for three minutes
>entire bus starts hurling wine glasses at me
>transfer the file to the appropriate directory as my body is punctured by glass shards
>resume musak
>turn off hazards
>attempt to reintegrate into traffic when I realize my femoral has been severed
>Masked Ball starts playing
Nice work, user (especially the ending).
it's a known phenomenom that alot experience. I cant remember it's name but the gist of it is that you dont notice it when you werent aware of it. In your case hadnt seen the film so you didnt notice any thread about the film untill you had and now it seems to pop up everywhere.
Yeah - all I knew about the film was that there was a cult, and Wikipedia called it an 'erotic drama film'.
I would not describe it as an erotic drama at all. It was a great surprise.
It almost actually kind of is.
Everything after the doctor and his wife smoking pot is a dream.
As they say, that's bullshit but I believe it.
Actually I just absolutely believe it and know it's real.
Novice, you need to watch more Alex Jones obviously.
Alex Jones is a con man and a concern troll. He's also mentally ill.
This: is what literal retards think about everyone smarter than them
Alex Jones has no intelligence. He's a water filter salesman and a con artist.
You shouldnt be here
there's a reason kubrick died mysteriously only days after revealing the final product to warner
confirmation bias i think?
basically just that you notice things that connect, such as the one thread about the movie you just watched, but ignore the fact that its one out of like 30 that had no relevance to you. I still think certain coincidences are very strange sometimes but the psychological explanation is just that you actual have to ignore a lot of unrelated stuff but then zoom in on the few things that link up.
for instance while talking and watching tv sometimes i say a word and the tv does too and its spooky but im ignoring the 8,000 words i said that the tv didnt repeat so really statistically speaking its not that odd of a coincidence but in the moment you have bias to think it is because it lined up with you.
There is a reason to everything... many reasons actually.