Why did civilisation flourish in colder climates and those in a hot environment barely evolved past chimpanzees?
Why did civilisation flourish in colder climates and those in a hot environment barely evolved past chimpanzees?
cold climates select for advanced planning (food and warmth for winter); which means intelligence, ambition, cooperation, etc.
The need for forward planning.
You have to think ahead and overcome a lot of tough conditions in the cold.
In the warm you just strut around naked all day hunting and building mud muts and culture stagnated.
It pretty cold in the Mediterranean?
Maybe because more innovation was needed to just survive in the cold. Idiot.
Or mabye there was just less of nature that could murder you in poisonous ways and you could have more time to think and invent shit. I don't know...
Primates thrive in tropics so obviously the most primate like humans live in the tropics.
r/K selection theory
>ancient greeks
>Roman Empire
>Persian Empire
>colder climate
nigger what?
Also people undertook more intellectual pursuits when shut in during winter months.
I never opened a History book: the post.
Arabs and chinks did ok tbqhwyf
>civilisation flourish in colder climates
Define "cold".
Many civilizations flourished in subtropical regions. (Egypt, Fertile Crescent, Persia, Italy, Greece)
Then it spread to the North (most of Europe)
Then this North colonized the tropical and equatorial areas (Africa, most of S.America)
So, yes, equatorial and tropical are bad for civilization, but not subtropical.
Less food, so you need more brain power to survive, humans that prioritize low time preference and save for the future are the only groups that can survive whereas in hot Africa you can be a dumb motherfucker and there's always plenty of food to grab.
Civilisation advances from one climate to another. Stone age monkeys live in the tropic. Agriculture is born in the subtropic and advanced civilisations from iron age thrive in temperate. This culminates in the subarctic.
Max Weber discusses this in one of his papers. Can't remember which one though.
There are some very advanced civilizations that flourished in warm climates.
Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia... etc Obviously the factors influencing the success of various modern civilizations are more numerous than just climate.
say it again
There's plenty of civilizations that thrived in warmer climates. Mediterranean, East-Asian, Central American, and Middle-Eastern civilizations existed.
In fact, civilization in the far north was introduced by civilizations of the south. The celts, the nordics, the eskimos, and the siberians were very primitive.
Why is greece such a failure today?
The same reason why diseases and pests thrive in warm weather.
Too much sandnigger admixture in them.
I don't know but intelligence,ambition and cooperation would be useful in every environment.
>There's plenty of civilizations that thrived in warmer climates. Mediterranean, East-Asian, Central American, and Middle-Eastern civilizations existed.
All of the early agriculture-based civilizations appeared in locations that had little available food for hunter-gatherer societies. At that stage, it's not about warm/cold, but at the same time agriculture is just a stepping stone to further civilization development.
>In fact, civilization in the far north was introduced by civilizations of the south. The celts, the nordics, the eskimos, and the siberians were very primitive.
Technologically, they were primitive, but they display all the social traits of later cold-climate civilizations (e.g., East Asia and Europe).
Except northern peoples were pretty much savages until Christianity came to them.
Dont ruin the pseudo-science illusion.
Clearly in Africa its genetically beneficial to be less intelligent and not work together.
>Technologically they were primitive
Exactly. They weren't dumb as people by any means and you could teach an ancient Nordic, an Eskimo, a Celt, or a Siberian to integrate and be functional in a civilization, but their respective civilizations without influence from other groups were very primitive.
>Why did civilisation flourish in colder climates
Had to really work at survival
>and those in a hot environment barely evolved past chimpanzees?
Didn't have to really work at survival
>Why did civilisation flourish in colder climates
Oh boy here we go again
Because cold whether means you have fridges which makes for more efficiency when you can put your chicken tendies in the fridge to eat the next day whereas Africans are too busy getting fresh chicken tendies daily that they have no time to built civilization.
Huh. Food-preservation in some sort of cellar, certainly adds the ability to plan longer in terms of food - but so does drying or smoking meat or fruits.
So I'd pin it on other things, but this among them, at best.
Food preservation was the key to surviving in colder climates.
Because farming was very hard the further north you went, people took to freezing their food in the Old World, and drying out their food in the New World.
>tfw I made a troll post and there is some truth to it
Racists can you fuck off back to >>stormfront please. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
First civilization was born in North Africa. Mediterraneans had pyramids while snow niggers were throwing poop at each other
>Facts are racist
People here are commie-retards.Most Greeks dream of being hired in public sector the "sacred cow".Our previous right_wing goverment was doing a good job and we were starting paying our debnts and becoming economic independent but my retard compatriots voted for communists and guess what...communists screwed everything.Actually our economy has great potential and strategic advantages(tourism infrastracture,big ports with advantaged position in south europe and a lot of young doctors and scientists.You see it's a matter of reforms and not of us being sandniggers :\
>First civilization was born in North Africa
But the Euphrates is in the Middle-East lol.
Believe it or not those places also get winter
>Exactly. They weren't dumb as people by any means and you could teach an ancient Nordic, an Eskimo, a Celt, or a Siberian to integrate and be functional in a civilization, but their respective civilizations without influence from other groups were very primitive.
It seems, then, that the key to the long-term success of a civilization is a people who developed agriculture in the sub-tropical areas then moved further north into areas with higher seasonal variation to refine the practice.
Because white people lived there. 2000 years later niggers still cant build a house out of anything but mud.
stormfront is a site of peace, dont blame the majority of peaceful stormfronters for the actions of a radical minority fringe group
Dumb people can't survive in the cold. So they die. Which means the smarter people breed.
The oldest civilizations we've found concrete evidence of are in the middle-east, but the oldest advanced architecture we've found are literally in the heart of Europe desu. Not Nordic by any means. Modern civilization as we know it spread to Africa, Asia, and Europe from the middle-east, not from Africa.
>Mediterranean has good crops all year round, no winter.
Achmed, there's this thing called seasons, you'll see it this December. You'll probably freeze.
Because niggers. That's why.
Humans that left Sub-Saharan Africa had to be cunning enough to cross a desert the size of the United States.
You tell 'em Jamal... we was kangz and shiiet
evolutionary pressure always produces better results
Celts actually had cities and civilization though
Northern European agriculture was difficult because the soil was heavier with minerals, it wasn't until the time of Charlemagne that plows which could properly till the soil were invented and from that point onwards the population of northern europe increased rapidly.
wew lad
In Africa it's just less likely that you'll fucking die if you're less intelligent and don't work with others.
When you can walk around and eat grubs and pick ripe fruit off trees everywhere there's no real force of natural selection beyond predators and opposing tribes. In colder climates you have many more environmental factors to consider and it's much more critical that you do things like store food for winter. Not to mention that in many places food was relatively scarce throughout the entire year, so if you failed to improvise effectively you would probably die. This isn't even pseudo-science, senpai, just common sense.
Go away, the most generalizing shitposter of those, is you. Fuck off ahmed.
>had to be cunning
user the ancestors of Abos left Africa you dont have to be cunning to cross a savannah(yes the desert use to be a savannah).
>commies ruin yet another country
when will they learn that commutism a shit?
>implying Abos are human.
Oddly enough, all of them known for the tough winter and cold times, aren't they..?
Centuries and centuries of inbreeding, an inability to farm, and relatively little natural selection beyond killing eachother will do that.
You guys forgetting about the Catholic church.
When the roman empire collapsed the only thing preventing Europe from reverting back to tribals was the scholarly works of the church and their ability to tell nobles to fall the fuck in line.
>Many civilizations flourished in subtropical regions. (Egypt, Fertile Crescent, Persia, Italy, Greece)
That was centuries and millenniums ago. They had to flourish because that was as far as humans had explored. Now we're in the Current Year and all the greatest cities and countries are in colder climates because there's nowhere left to settle.
>8 hours of sunlight on the winter solstice
>warmer climate
One thing I never understood, why were ancient Irish structures in 3000 BC more impressive than other ancient structures found all throughout the globe at the time?
This was Ireland in 3000 BC. Nothing nearly as impressive (as far as we know) was created until Egyptian pyramids started being built roughly 500 years later.
The deserts require intelligence to survive in though, since food is scarce but the pressures are not the same as a seasonal climate. So the mystery is why are Saharan niggers just as subhuman as the ones from the jungle?
Ireland had a bunch of humans living on it, the subhuman potato niggers you see today raped and killed the smart Irish natives.
>names a bunch of civilisations that pale when compared to what North Western Europe became
But what about the British island, though? The ancient bongs were building things but they didn't look nearly as great.
Colder climates select for long term planning and community
Furthermore, with approximately 8 hours of daylight on the shortest day of the year in Europe, that's 2 hours of daylight less than in Australia during their solstice with approximately 10 hours.
The further south you go, the more energy gib me dats your people get. The southern hemisphere should be booming with 1st world wealth and standard of living.
Kek Anglos are Germanics invaders that killed/raped all the native whites that lived in Britain.
>not an argument
Which is clearly why every single mammal is intelligent, tool using and a pack animal.
>Indus valley, fertile crescent, the Nile
utter bs. the isles have genetic continuity stretching back several millennia.