Since Sup Forums is filled with fucking pussys, roast this fuck with the most anti-pc jokes. He's a liberal and half mexican.
Why? He didn't do anything to me, perhaps we should roast you and see if you like it.
Boi he is literally right next to me. He posted me on iFunny and I posted him on Sup Forums to see who had better jokes. Obviously iFunny isn't filled with fuckin pc fucks.
>roast this fuck with the most anti-pc jokes.
Your newfaggotry is showing, dumb burger. Go post selfies on kikebook and stalk all the pussy you'll never get or whatever you normies do.
What's his ifunny, I've got a pretty big account I can get a roast going
I've been on here for 3 years. Try again faggot.
He seems pretty white to me, reminds mr of a Roman recruit.
Leave him alone
>Those ears
>That nose
>That haircut
>Nike shirt
There is nothing that is not cancer about him.
Fuck off you 12 year old cunt
Sup Forums isn't for you
Post his butthole
you look cute, wanna pound by boi pucci?
Miniscule ears means miniscule dick
"12" reverse those numbers bud. Sup Forums is full of faggots and Sup Forums is turning pc. I'd never thought this day would come
Sure, man. Dude, you're an oldfag. So cool. Do you also, oh my, untuck your T-shirt from your jeans?
>3edy5me preteens trying to "fit in"
>3 years
I don't even believe that and more firmly believe you're underage and a faggot
Report and Sage this shit not your personal army take it back to Sup Forums
How come the only guys that aren't pussys are
Since when has Sup Forums become such fucking retarded. No wonder your the fucking jokes of Sup Forums. The only thing you're known for is Trump memes and being in the closet
I doubt you've been posting for three years, but even if that's true you're still a newfag.
We're not here to roast you or participate in this stupid shit.
We're here to brainstorm how to prevent more low IQ incels like you and your friend from being born.
Sage all fields.
Oh no! A 13 year old retard called me a pussy on le Sup Forums! Whatever shall I do!?
M8, give yourself a few years to grow some brains and come back. One sided bantering is boring and you witless preteen b8s make it worse.
Look at those tiny fuckin' ears. Real talk, does he say "what" a lot? It wouldn't surprise me. You must have to aim your mouth at those little bitches otherwise the sound will miss. My fucking sides. He needs to grow out his hair to cover that up. The fucked up part is the hair wouldn't even have to be that long.
How the fuck do you get ears that small?
>Pic Related
>Sup Forums has become shit
That's because you being here lowers the average IQ to single digits. Cancerous retard.