So we like polls now?

Are the newest polls somehow legit.

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They're still rigged to all hell, but Clinton is loses so badly that they can't show it the other way

This shows that even major news networks are cracking under the weight of Trump's influence

The polls are just as inaccurate as ever, we just love to see them squirm

CNN said this set was heavy on the (R)s.
First time in history they worry about poll bias.
They've corrected that record.

>Are the newest polls somehow legit.

Doubt it. CNN just wants to keep it a close race because it boosts viewership. Apparently, they love money more than Clinton. Or it could be a scare tactic to get a higher turnout for her.

I guess when Trump drags thousands of viewers to his rallies and Killary a few dosen - they have to pretend that its a close race. Otherwise it would be just obvious that they are rigging the polls

It's legit, because they had to "adjust" them to keep clitori afloat.

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polls do not matter. this will be the most rigged election yet

nah trump should be at 60%

are you sure it isn't that her convention bump expiring and the teleprompter actually changed people's opinions? Not sure why some conservative polls like fox or Rasmussen would lean Hillary.

Fuck all the polls.

They're probably just showing Donald Trump ahead to make Trump supporters feel content and work less fiercely to get him elected.

There are no conservative media outlets, just jews pretending to be opposition.

Fox polled 5% Hillary rally goers (non-protest) and 3% Trump rally-goers (non-protest). When was the last time you met a Hillary supporter, more less a Hillary rally-goer?

You have to keep in mind that Fox is owned by the same people who own the liberal networks. They're allowed to talk freely about some things but they still have to push a narrative in order to get their paycheck.

Hillary is such a nimble navigator that she has single handedly captured every single media network and polling station in America, including "conservative" ones. All it took was the right words and bribes. Trump is too poor and low energy to compete.

>7% voting Libertarian
>accurate poll
pick one

>Are the newest polls somehow legit.

He's just beating her, even WITH them cooking the numbers.

There's no doubt he has the popular vote. The only question is, will they be able to successfully rig the election and get away with it.

Americans hate both choices so much that they would rather vote for a prank candidate.

Polls are okay when they don't oversample women, democrats, and post grads by 16%.

No, you guys don't get it,

This is the classic double jew trick

They are going to release a few polls showing that Trump is ahead

Lulled into a false sense of security Sup Forums will stop memeing so hard, therefore Shillary will begin to win the meme wars

as goes the meme wars so goes the election,

Don't get double Jewed

Jill is a prank candidate.
Johnson is a straight up meme candidate(like force Reddit memes except kinda funny).

Johnson is not just a meme candidate.

Gary Johnson is NOT a Libertarian. He's a fraud, and most likely a Democrat plant put there to steal votes from Trump.

Was he always a plant or did they just recently convert him? This isn't his first time running.

He's basically just putting himself in a position to steal votes from Hillary really. I'm not worried about him.

still rigged


>convention bump
the convention where the clusterfuck was exposed? that bump?