Why are American athletes so much stronger than any other countries athletes?
When we have twice as many Olympic medals as any other country, you know there's something wrong with the rest of the world.
Why are American athletes so much stronger than any other countries athletes?
When we have twice as many Olympic medals as any other country, you know there's something wrong with the rest of the world.
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Jungle Genes. It's why Africans do well in the olympics as well.
it's easy my fat friend
you have a population of the order of hundreds of millions
poor romania has 21mil, whole europe has only twice your population despite being a continent full of other countries
so from more people you're more likely to have athletes, scientists, etc.
we bought some niggers then fed them
now they do our sports.
>importing silverbacks and letting them play sports
>gee why do we have the strongest and fastest athletes
are all americans this stupid?
Dubs of truth, you're literally retarded.
KYS OP and sage
Literally niggers.
If you compare the winners of UK and USA there were more white winners on the UK side. The US medal table was full of nogs.
>55 reps
>that meaty bulge in pic num 2
How does China and India do?
If they do well you hypothesis would be correct.