Why are American athletes so much stronger than any other countries athletes?

Why are American athletes so much stronger than any other countries athletes?

When we have twice as many Olympic medals as any other country, you know there's something wrong with the rest of the world.

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Jungle Genes. It's why Africans do well in the olympics as well.

it's easy my fat friend

you have a population of the order of hundreds of millions

poor romania has 21mil, whole europe has only twice your population despite being a continent full of other countries

so from more people you're more likely to have athletes, scientists, etc.

we bought some niggers then fed them
now they do our sports.


>importing silverbacks and letting them play sports
>gee why do we have the strongest and fastest athletes

are all americans this stupid?

Dubs of truth, you're literally retarded.
KYS OP and sage

Literally niggers.

If you compare the winners of UK and USA there were more white winners on the UK side. The US medal table was full of nogs.

>55 reps

>that meaty bulge in pic num 2


How does China and India do?

If they do well you hypothesis would be correct.

One word. Low IQ.


((( Activated Almonds)))

What you do is you get them over there once they are great...

I'm a white person, and i am stunned by how people here want to start a race war, guys we ain't going to win it!

The giant guy is either going to die young or be in crippling pain within 10-15 years.

The heart can only do so much and doesn't increase with the rest of your muscles.


olympics budget

finely bred negro bucks designed to breed your women and run fast

It would be effortless.
Blockade the cities, shoot them as they leave.

>that bulge
Jesus Christ. BBC isn't a myth.

The NFL does 225 pounds and counts it in reps for their bench press. The player described is still fictional and the image shopped but there are a few guys in football that have similar stats only they weigh 100 pounds more.

Literally giganigga

What's the story behind this image? Can't be real.

Totally not digitally manipulated (photoshopped)

Still only takes one bullet to kill

Guns are the great equaliser. There is no need to be a giant roidmonkey in this day and age.


This. Every other answer is just jealousy.

Because we're the greatest country in the world.

Well, it's a matter of opportunities too

Because they're literally crypto-kikes who only want money

Why the fuck fo you thing every indian and chink is an awkward fuck? Their parenting skills are nil, and it's probably genetic at this point so 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of their population is turbosubhuman

Give the left one a gun and it's a no contest.

Give the right one a gun and he'd destroy the pussy ass whitey

>it isnt about willpower, training, intelligence, technology and dedication

blacks have all these attiudes on a level that is enough for a soldier AND are outnumbering whites already (not in host countries but globally), just you wait for 2100 where blacks will outgrow asians.

OD Wilson is black (1990 runner-up)

if you don't follow the sport don't post factoids about it

how many niggers are there in china and india?

Because you have the population of Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain and Italy combined.

>Their parenting skills are nil
Their parenting is all they have going for them, that's why they outperform Whites in White countries.

>blacks have all these attiudes on a level that is enough for a soldier
you dont need a lot of that to be a soldier, but to be a good one fighting to the last breath, not letting your friends down, beeing 100% trustworthy and reliable you need a lot of it

my god... its...

I always wanted to post this

It's nothing.

And you fat fucks lost against fucking Japan
Your team was full of niggers and you couldn't win

Cena would die of a heart attack within 5 minutes on a soccer field.

ya of embarrassment for being on a FUCKING SOCCER FIELD FAGGOT

If it's so embarrassing, why is it the worlds most popular sport?

>55 reps

What does it even mean?
Anyways neither the nigger or manlet is natty.

Cena is just a roided up wigger who gets paid to LARP.

well yeah cardio kill gains

>what is shoot, move, and communicate
>what is logistics
topcuck, faggot

because canada fucking sucks at every sport even Hockey

>muh gains

you aren't going to win the racewar without good cardio

if there's no gains then what the hell is the point

>a marathon runner vs a sprinter
nice bait


This. I never do cardio since I don't get muscle from it

because whites have a backup plan called their education. There is that classic joke that the athletes are getting passing grades from their teachers so they can stay on the team.

White athletes parents tell them they have to study hard and get good grades to keep playing, but the blacks go all in.

Americans took a breed of jungle savages and selectively bred them for centuries to create superhuman laborers.

The American black's dominance of sport is evidence that Hitler's views about eugenics were correct.

Well if you're looking to do anything useful with your body you should try a bit of cardio. However if you really want to be a human ornament then that's your choice.

> One word.
> Low IQ

kek retard

The wasn't even one word. Tell us more about your IQ.

Actually, if anything it proves that American athletes have the highest IQ. Americans don't win tons of gold medals from training like retards. Yeah sure they train hard, but they also train EFFICIENTLY..... Something the rest of the world clearly hasn't figured out yet.

This isnt how domestication works it takes centuries with dogs who are much less complex than humans. Selecting strong phenotype niggers didnt create super niggers. It's their willingness to roid and speed. Whites are still stronger.

You can't ban America from the olympics for doping.

3rd world countries, high nigger fertility

Because they only compete in american olympics.

Didn't Turkey fuck your shit up once?

id love to be his chemist

Whites excel in endurance and strength, blacks in anything requiring fast-twitch muscle groups, asians in gymnastics, jews in administration

Murrika has a giant population that includes all of those people

Black people don't get into powerlifting as much, I dont know why. A few do of course, but for the most part its only white people that love that shit.

I guess its like hockey, lacrosse, golf etc etc... its too expensive for poor ghetto nigs

Sup Forums if you could remake your character sheet and God enabled the giga nigga option for you, would you take it?

Is this man an Ultramarine or something? Is he (it?) for real?

Because niggers are only interested in sports they can potentially make millions of dollars playing (handegg, apehoopball, etc...)

Being able to use Photoshop doesn't make you a chemist.

Check out these:



Disregarding the statistical outliers: West and Northern Europeans are CLEARLY meant to dominate the world. I'm talking about race, not nationality. They're the best genetic group there is: Health, brain, and brawn.

Anyone who wants to end this marvelous group of human beings are simply too ignorant to see the beauty in them. They should keep improving their genes by only breeding within the group. Imagine the super humans they would give birth to in 1000 years.

i mean he is tall but all that muscle is impossible without juicing,especally for a tall person, unless he lifted since he was 13 yo

>tall greek

well aren't you a unicorn

I from moldova so practically a slav did basket for 4 years and now gym for 1.5 years


>put animals into human contest
>wow why we rule

I don't know, try to put niggers as heads of your nuclear research.

>One word. Low IQ.
>Two words

This summarizes Sup Forums pretty well.


National doping program except our drugs are undetectable


Three words actually as IQ is an acronym, not a word.

basketball americans were literally selected and bred for hard physical labor.

It's all about population size, you dumb niggers.

lmfao look at those dude's trapezius

this nigga will die from so much steroids

>poor romania has 21mil, whole europe has only twice your population despite being a continent full of other countries

Not even, Europe is like 536 million in total. America is around 316 million.

The human body wasn't designed to excel at 6'11 300+ pounds.

Square cube law.

That guy probably gets winded in seconds

What is this cuck thread

from your personal photos?

USA has 300 Mil. people, Europe has 500 Mil and 5 times more medals. Also roids.

Left is long distance running, right is sprinting.

Then why isn't India an Olympic powerhouse?

One post by this ID.

Because they're a third world shithole. The logical comparison for the US would be other countries with similar cultures and standards of living, thus western Europe.

Look at his right arm

Not saying america doesnt have strong athletes but fucking NFL is a joke.


all medals aren't created equal.

clearly something like a basketball/hockey medal is worth about 10 cross-country skiing medals.

that doesn't take away from a person that can win a bunch of medals by themselves, but obviously a lot more resources and talent go into other competitions.