Did john wick overreact?

did john wick overreact?

yes and that's why the first movie is pretty stupid

No. They simultaneously broke him and gave his life new meaning.

No. Don't fuck with a white american man and his dog.

>killed his dog
>AND stole his car
the and is important

yea the dad didnt do anything wrong

>lies to you
>tries to have you killed
>tries to kill you
>didn't do anything wrong
Where do you live and do you have a car + dog?

his wife was his heart and soul, and he lost her.

His dog became his heart and his car his soul, and he had them TAKEN FROM HIM

who cares this guy is a nobody

who cares about your opinion you're a nobody, anonymous even

slit your wrists vertical on reddit

He did in the 2nd movie.

t. sour roastie

t. reddit frog

So you would let a murderous psycho kill your son then?

I've never watched this, but you're making a strong case to do so, user.

That nobody is JOHN WICK!

yeh it was just a dog but really he was killing for his wifu

No. Killed his doggo. Tbqhfamalamadingdong I don’t think he went far enough


probably from an objective perspective
but after suffering from such a loss, and then losing his precious gift from his dead wife AND having his car stolen, the man has the right to snap
though if you look at it from another perspective, the robbery and death of the pup is simply a perfect excuse to return to his old ways
he may have truly felt that that was behind him when his wife was alive, but if she was the only tether to "normal" living John had, something sooner or later would have dragged him back into his former life

Is this becoming a meme over there now? Someone check, no account here

he is the devil of assassins thats the only why he know, and the universe he lives in does not give a shit about mass murder, so it was fine.

John Wick was well within his rights. All he wanted was the man who killed his dog and stole his car. This old gangster thought he could put the one over on John Wick and chose to go against him, knowing who he was and what he was capable of.

A. Fucking. PENCIL.

John Wick is a good fun, dumb movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's like all the good things about stupid 90's action movies distilled down into a coke line.

It starts off slow but this is intentional so you learn about John just as soon as he starts his center axis re-lock rampage. Add in some really well choreographed shootouts.

Like, I mean, it's blatantly stupid, but in a good way like the first Matrix movie


>always confuse him and peter stormare
>they get peter stormare to play his brother in the sequel

>the whinny faggot from got beat your ass, kill your puppy, steal your car

only a castrated cuck wouldnt react



By contrast the second one is pretty awful in that it starts taking itself seriously with dumb worldbuilding that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It has slightly better action but is a much worse movie.

It was pretty lame in the 2nd one that he just trashes the car in the beginning like it doesn't matter at all.


Yeah.... I'm thinking he overreac

You didn't even watch the movie, leave




Dinner reservation for one there user?

>baba yaga also breaks into peoples houses to count their spoons.

>"you have no spoons"


I was thinking that would be the premise as a joke but then it when it really was the premise, it wasn't funny anymore.

>they didnt get it

pretty much the same shit happened with the raid 2

This bothered me also. I thought after his little escape derby he was just gonna get out of the wrecked car and casually step into his ACTUAL car, which was fine the whole time, then casually drive home.