Well Sup Forums ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Blue eyes are better.

>blue eyes are better
Couldn't be more wrong

Will trade my blue eyes for green eyes, i think they look way better.

Only in combination with dark auburn hair.

>tfw only brown hair/brown-eyed child of six, the rest are either blue or green and majority blonde haired

why live?

It's the mark of evil

>be green eye chubby kid
>get redpilled
>become green eye chad
>now i can fuck your bitch

green eye

pik one

yes they're rarer than the pleb tier blue eyes


a-am I white, Sup Forums?

Your family is either a statistical anomaly, or you're also a bastard son.
What colour eyes do your parents have?

But i have light green eyes user ;-;

Green eyes with nice dark, auburn, brown hair with a tinge of gold at the front. Reporting in to steal your bitch.

The origin of this mutation seems to come from the region around the Black sea.

Green eyes + Light brown hair master race.

Oh and Green eyes are rarer than blue ones.

Ask your "dad" about it

fuck off Ahmed Erikson

That, or strong blue eyes with dark hair and golden skin.

My Dad had green eyes even though his skin was brownish-red. I got shitty brown eyes. My Mom's ENTIRE family has blue eyes except her. Fuck me.

In terms of whiteness it goes


They kinda do. Especially if you sunbath like me, green eyes really stand out.

are you me

good luck with that old lady tier skin in 10-20 years

tfw have blue eyes with a gold ring around the pupil


Are grey eyes approved as well?

Are you me user?

Brown is not green.

i dont have a camera they are exactly this color though

REEEEE forgot the pic

What about hazel? That's a cool colour right guys? R-right??

I have dark green eyes with a gold ring around the pupil.

tell me more please

I have green eyes and dimples.

I am a genetic jackpot

>Sup Forums APPROVED?

Seeking validation is not Sup Forums approved.

Yes, I have green eyes.

I also have green eyes. Wanna make some kids?

What color would I use to describe my eyes?

green eyes looks like shit. Literally like puke.

Sorry to tell you man, but your eyes don't look green.

I got green eyes too, we could do an orgy

Yours are darker then mine though, user

master race grey my man

Are arch fingerprints Sup Forums approved?
post ur fingerprints :)

>tfw sister has gray eyes
>tfw other sister has hazel eyes
>tfw dad has crystal blue eyes
>tfw mom has blue/green eyes
>tfw I have[spoiler]shit[/spoiler] eyes

dont post pics of your eyes; its some sort of data gathering technique

like the "show us your guns" threads the fbi makes

gays no welcome faggots.

I think that the dark ones are considered green too.

Dark = green + brown or dark green.

Yours = green + blue would be my guess.

Hello friend

mother is brown hair/brown eyes ad father is blonde/blue

Anything that isn't brown.

I have really blue eyes personally.

Your dad is not your dad.

Damn bro if you compare these two you can clearly tell which one is the drug addict...

How do you mean m8?

You mom cheated your "dad". Sorry, bastard

You should change you last name to "Snow", bud.

The area around my eyes is all red and shit

Not necessarily.

Nice try NSA/CIA/FBI.


Me too, it's a good eye colour.

It's something we all know but don't ever mention or else the house will cave in on itself. My sister also has blonde hair when there isn't a strand of blonde hair on either side of the family until you get to the great grandparants.

>implying I'd post my real eyes
Nice try, NSA!

Green is the approved color of Kek, Lord of chaos.


My eye color is the only thing I have going for me. Dark enough blue not to look like a faggy light eyed Swede.

Most superior and rarest eye color.
Bluefags would kill for it.


Your mom is a whore, user. Good news is your real dad probably has stronger genes than the dad that pays all your bills

>kill for it

As far as I am concerned as long as you lucked out of Brown Eyes, you won the lotto.

Even Brown eyes can be somewhat redeemable if they aren't the so dark brown they are black African tier.

What about orange and purple user?;

>It's something we all know but don't ever mention or else the house will cave in on itself.
You are part french

Nope. Violet. I have met all of two people who have them.


On a women they would be great. Unfortunate for a man. Same reason I think extremely light blue eyes look pretty queer on a man.

The only very light eyes I have saw that didn't strip some masculinity from my own personal aesthetic viewpoint would be grey eyes.

Bottom left is very close to what my eyes look like. Rare.

Green eyes, blonde hair, over 6ft tall master race reporting in

Green is not only the best color, color of kek, but also the best color for eyes, way above blue eyes which are the base.
Green>Blue>anything else>shit>black eyes

Green blue mix eyes, brown hair, 6'4 and strong jaw half slav half germanic masterrace

Scottish/German actually. Well, unless my dad isn't really my dad then it's just German/??? until I get a blood test.

Hello underage faggots. No such thing exists. If younsaw someone you got trolled by contact lenses

>Same reason I think extremely light blue eyes look pretty queer on a man.

Good thing your opinions mean jack shit

As do yours. See how that works?

Is this green?

I mean the france ban on dna test for fathers to not disrupt the peace in families.

I'm only an aul green eyed Iberian I guess. Nothing special.


I'm a grill btw ;)

No. Brown eyes superior

Green eyes and ginger hair are leftover data from mixing with Neanderthal.

Argentina is... White?

Hazel eyes are the masterrace , they can go pitchblack , or orangish.

stay cucked static eyecolors.
we are also the reptilian masters that have an immense electric aura around us that birds fly away from instantly and very charismatic.

>Recessive genes

>tfw grey eyes
feels good


will u b my gf

Hazel Eyes master race here

Am I white?


sure raul, sure

>tfw black eye black haired
i hate being inferior

Your iris literally looks like shit.