Imagine for a second the world where Africans, Arabs, Asians of all sorts, Jews, mixed people, Slavs, Balkan inhabitants, Hungarians, Portuguese are gone. Only pure Germanic, Baltic, Finnic and Celtic spcimen are left on the planet. Do you like it?
The New World
I'm sure it'd work out just fine
You forgot Russians though, with those filthy fucks gone it sounds like a nice utopia
If the other sub species were all gone we could jus go for a new world order and wed advance so quickly
you'd still have nu-males, how do you get rid of that?
That would like what, 5 million people?
You don't want a small gene pool trust me. Scientist say so
t. asian
They wouldn't be a problem with no minorities to defend and their "fucking white male" arguments would fall about.
No because I don't get to live in it apparently :(
>do you like it
> the entire useful part of europe is a small gene pool
More like 188 million in Europe, 80 million in USA, 16 million in Canada, 18 million in Australia, 3 million in New Zealand, 3 mil in South Africa, so 120 million more. 308 million people and we didn't count some in South America who might qualify. Does it seem small to you?
that its called Arcadia
I've been there
Daily reminder that inbreeding does not naturally accour in a population bigger than 10k
Why slavs and Asians though? Just get rid of ethnic groups who have low IQ
You'd eat like shit though given that those people don't have any "cuisine".
Also there is no need to genocide ethnic groups just keep them in small numbers of less than 10 million each
>if we deport Mexicans who would make our tacos?
you fucking cunt I'll kill you
>Implying one time sterilisation for better humanity is not worth it
>implying having 10 m negroes worth it
Just get rid of non whites and also jews. I imagine 80% slavs would go
> implying that British or German "cooks" could ever be able to cook a proper Italian dish
I saw your "civilised" Germanics who were not even capable of preparing a dish of pasta lel
What's with all these pointlessly direct questions?
Are you cataloguing opinions based on IP, then tracing them back to addresses?
Britons are a mix of Germanics and Celts right?
If could magically turn into one of those race then yeah, sure (although japanese women are much more... innocent).
you autist he said no slavs
just have 100.000 niggers then in a fenced area where they cannot leave or put them in a zoo
No because I'm 75% sIavic.
>Not Asiatic
My wife would be gone and I would be sad.
>implying even if top chefs weren't Brits it would be worthy to keep arabied and negrified degenerate Mediterranean race around
Hi Trump
Wtf Anglo
Picture is from Coachella in California. I was there!
No they'll hand civilization over to women.
OP pic is from Coahella in California. I was there for that concert!
Get rid of the Finn gooks too and it would be swell.
The liberals are a perpetual grievance committee, even if you solved all of their problems, they would just make up new ones.
You're forgetting that the Jews are gone.
Feminists have no power in a society without Jews.
>no beautiful slender Asian women
>no tanned slender Semitic or Mediterranean women
>no graceful as fuck Dinka women
>no thick as fuck colombian women
>only pic related women
Kill me
>implying that Germanics aren't the top cuck peoples of Europe who are still openly advocating for more brown cocks (partial exception bongs whose young generation is THE cuck generation)
>implying Mediterraneans (just even French and Italians) are not more valuable than all Scandinavian cucks who never gave anything to the world but IKEA, lust for bbc and barbarians raping everything
If your world came true, I bet that Nordicucks would genetically create millions BBC and get their asses hammered by them.
She's Chinese, not all of us can afford a mail-order slav
Let Hungarians, Balkans, and Slavs live and remove Germanics and we have a deal
I'd be happy to. Please visit America any time
All Baltics are gooks
Enjoy shaggin your white, floppy freckly lump of cellulite, faggot. Also Northern European white women age HORRIBLY.
Untermensch 100%
12-15 million of Russian would qualify. Nordic-Baltic ones that always dragged Russia filled with untermenschen on themselves.
Utter scum is what some of us are
Hahahhahaha. Buttmad negro. Germans, English, Nordstrom are way more valuable than your sorry ass of a culture. Also third of French is Germanic.
>Untermensch 100%
Around 20% is dutch and engIish IsIes
If you mix 20ml of ale with 75 ml of sewer garbage you don't get ale.
Ugh, this is what we'd be left with. Why the fuck would we include the Celts?? They're about as white as the Finns!
Somebody sounds pretty saIty Imao.
You can sit there and caII me sewer garbage, but I can guarantee my ancestors accompIished more than yours buddy.
everybody would be living in mud huts for perpetuity. There would be no civilization since civilization originated in Mesopotamia and was advanced by Mediterraneans. There is no reason to believe northerners would have advanced from mud huts without Roman influence
>80 million in USA
You said no mixed people, and we are about as mongrelized as it gets.
>75% Slav
>ancestors accomplished more
No doubt, blyadoslaw sukovich.
>Wanting to genocide me
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but i was tested at around 100, i am blonde, tall. love my country and do not have any criminal record.
80 millions out of 200 million """Whites""". Those 80 doesn't have native, negroid, slavic or Mediterranean admixture.
Seeing as one of my sIav ancestors was a generaI in the Soviet Army during WW2, I think that might count as a greater accompIishment Imao.
Rachel Cook has one of the most gorgeous face of human history.
If I had power I'd buy her eggs.
>not niggers
Pick one
pick one. Slavs fled to europe, the ones staying in Asia got mixed with mongolians
lel no arguments cuck?
lel third of france, typical nordicuck: "Roman elites wuz nordic, Greek elites wuz nordic"
Enjoy Germanics sucking bbc while you dream of Aryan übermenschen lel
Yeah your grandfather contributed to destruction of Europe. Congrats! Fact that he made it to general in Red Army implies plebeian heritage.... As Imperial officers and those of privileged background were purged....
>Picture of some Russian mongol shithole
Post a picture of my country or Czech
>ImpIying he was a Russian
I said sIav, not Russian.
You truly are a bro polan
>contributed to the destruction of Europe
Yeah sorry I forgot how the 'Ubermensch' Germanics, BaIts, Fins and CeIts weren't right? hahah
>pIebeian heritage
>impIying the seIf-made man is Iesser than he who born into weaIth
Because slavs are mixed, some are white, others are not. If you are white you can stay.
You are irrelevant negro and all you can do is projecting about your black fetish. We all know that the most trashiest women of EU are in Naples, Rome and Barcelona. Especially the last one - porn HQ of Europe. Lol
>36 million casualties
>untermensch is proud of zergrush
>what is Operation Barbarossa when millions of Soveit chimps surrender?
>when German army marched to Minsk in several days
What about British Slags?
English are, Britons are the Welsh technically.
Yes, if the aforementioned races left comprises of only female and me being the sole male.
I will happily do my duty repopulating earth.
Hell no, gas the sapiens, species war now
Good thing that Europe stretches to Urals then.
Who do you think fueled the feminist fire in the first pIace? And who continues the fueI it?
All possible thanks to the Italian Renaissance and the world's most advanced civilization prior to the Dark Ages. Without it, you're still uncivilized barbarians raping the countryside.
But why would they do that? What do they get out of it?
Nice meme
further undermine white men.
I thought they already controlled the white man's world through the government, courts, corporations, etc.
yeah and feminism is another cog in the machine.
huts, for one
>Imagine for a second the world where Africans, Arabs, Asians of all sorts, Jews, mixed people, Slavs, Balkan inhabitants, Hungarians, Portuguese are gone. Only pure Germanic, Baltic, Finnic and Celtic spcimen are left on the planet. Do you like it?
But what about civilizations before Europe? All those inventions and history leading up to Europe would be gone. If you seriously think that Western Civilization has been the only empire for the past ten's of thousands of years, you're retarded. If you suddenly just deleted 90% of the planet, you'd be shooting yourself in the foot. Especially arabs, believe it or not they have been crucial to the development of mankind prior to European contributions.
Ah, right on. What else do they do to control everything? Aside from the aforementioned governments and corporations.
They were quite the contributors when the spark of Hellenism was still around their lands.
centraI banking systems.
Thats about it.
They are gone at this moment in the year 2016 and Arabic inventions is not a thing. Golden age of Islam is historic revisionism. Hellenic race that created Athens is there no more - it's negrofied Turks mascarading as Greeks.
No I don't like it. If everyone mixed into one thing we wouldn't have diversity. I like diversity because it means blonde haired, blue eyed white women or delicious brown women or big assed Latina women or stacked as fuck black women. Who the fuck wants to live in a world with one type of girl?
Its part of the white genocide. You have to stop birth rates i.e. making women feminists, so they never want children.
So governments, corporations, banks, and feminism. That's it?
>All possible thanks to the Italian Renaissance
WE WUZ, WE WUZ. Meme paintings < industrial revolution and Guthenberg press machine. Fuck off to Rome, negro.
why do people keep saying good stuff about those failures
>gook, mestizo and black women are knowm for looking different....
>nothing but memes
>no knowledge of history
Thanks for coming out.
Who is this grill?