Who gave birth to God?

Who gave birth to God?

impossible question because God is Eternal

>making the same thread again

Fucking spamming faggot

Says (you)

Honestly do you make up bullshit everytime your faith is challenged

You sound mad, awww is your pathetic faith challenged

God's mom, Godzilla xDDD ebin :-DDD

The universe is eternal its like the energiser bunny it just keeps going and going and going

>inb4 some smart ass says that isn't true
Ok they can tell me why there SHOULD be an "edge" to the universe

God isnt real but science is

how can he be eternal if he doesn't exist?

also why did russian make that picture it is against the 2nd commandment

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"

Birth is a concept only applicable to animals.
God is not an animal, therefore "birth of
God" is nonsense.

If only Germany whipped you off the map back in 42

Since god is fake

Thats not even a terrible answer to question it is far from it. it does not even relate to my question

God is FAKE

haha :D well autism'd friendo! XP

i'm not religious at all but i've seen this thread more than once before, and the last time was yesterday

Fuck off

>Everything needs a creator except god lol
This is fucking retarded logic

Christfag detected

I guess the "Angry" atheist meme is real

>why would an atheist follow forum rules

I don't know about this particular picture, but I would assume that it's not an actual icon, but just a work of art in the spirit of Renaissanse.

In Orthodox tradition, God the Father is considered impossible to depict (He is a transcendent being and does not have an 'appearance').

This is a board not a forum btfo

Good to know otherwise it would be heretical


Everything has a appearance

Religious logic is stupid

If God is FAKE, then what/who's the ORIGINAL?

But God created all life, in essence, God created science under laws of nature that he/she/xhe/it created

is jesus eternal too?

Appearance is the ability to be registered by human senses. God in general can't be seen, heard, etc. unless He intentionally manifests Himself in a certain person's sensorium.

Who said it was God? Your holy book? What if it was KEK

"I have looked back in my mind 24 Kalpas (reincarnations of the universe), - no beginning is to be found."

Gautama Buddha, asked about the beginning.

Jesus' spirt is eternal however his earthly body is not

It's either the universe existed forever (infinite regress) or that God existed forever.
Sorry, Big Bang doesn't explain how the Universe came to be.

Who said that? The pastor who raped you

is the holy spirit eternal?

The Son IS the Father.

>doesn't even know word definitions.
>hung up on semantics.
Just a dumb mad virgin from /r9k/ let out of his mommy's basement with no real experience of the world.

People who have imaginary friends should be executed.