prove me wrong
>you cant
Only with this borders peace could be achieved
prove me wrong
>you cant
Only with this borders peace could be achieved
nobody cares
Dam ti CG za RS, moze?
you will when hundreds of thousands of refugees from Balkans come to your country again in the next war because west made our retarded borders
>the most serbian city in BIH Banja Luka
>in croatia
it goes to the rubbish bin
>Republic of Srpska Croatian
>user please
lel the most retard one to date
The only way Yugoslavia will be great again is if Slovenia slaughters every Croat, Serb, Bosnian, Macedonian, etc...
Janez doesn't slaughter (bar that incident with conscripts in SLO circa 1990), Janez buys and sells. That's what Janez does best.
eastern RS is yours
these borders hurt my autism so much. They are so retarded
Da, al kazem ti, daj ostatak a tebi CG. Ionako ti ide uz celu arhitekturu primorja i sranja.
što je najbolje, mislim da bi vecina ljudi u Hrvatskoj to prihvatila ukljucujuci i mene, ali moramo bit geopolitički realni
Pa jebo ga kurac, kako to nije geopoliticki realno? Imas pun kurac srpskog zivlja u RS. Jel ti treba pobuna neka opet? Ovako malo cudnije granice al mirna kuca.
um no
wew lad, at first i thought this map implied that the red area was for romania, blue for hungary and yellow for austria
Primjer Banovine Hrvatske je solidna podjela.
CG je realno vaša, Hrvatska nema nikakav claim na nju.. osim Kotora
Peace can only be achieved with this borders.
>prove me wrong
Ooops. Forgot to add Skadar to Serbia and Istria to Slovenia.
Ok je to sve, ali pazi, ako gledamo preraspodelu nacionalnosti po ovim teritorijama, u principu vise Srba ima u RS, i to bas oko Banja Luke, nego u CG. S jedne strane malo cudno granice izgledaju, ali ruku na srce HR vec ima cudne granice. Al aj da malo podmazemo deal. CG za RS, plus pomoc ako se zaletite na Janeze pa neko krene da vas mraci. Moze?
We give the rest to the turk.
Problem solved.
It'd be a shame if Quebec got nudged closer to independence these days.... just saying Mon'Amie
it would be nice if it was possible, but unfortunately it's not.. at least in the next 100 years
Rate my yugo map
It's very possible actually
1. No Slovenia
2. No Macedonia
3. Kosovo can fuck right off but we keep the north, they can even get shitholes like Novi Pazar and Bujanovac-Presevo
4. Construct 10km tall, 10km wide, 10km deep wall around Greater Kosovo and Albania as well
5. All Serb, Bosniak, Croat and similar ethnicities abolished Albania-style, there is only Yugoslav people with Yugoslav language, if you start shit you get crucified on Republic square
6. Capital relocated to a more central location, like Sarajevo
balkaniggers need more clay for what, to empty it even further because noone above 90 IQ would opt to stay there?
>i have never been to balkans: the post
I agree on carving up artificially unified bosnia but laying claim to independent republics is a whole another kettle of fish
I've been all over balkans and all I saw was urbanization, rural decay and massive emigration
bulgaria can has macedonia?
>Onaj osjecaj kad kupiš zeljanicu ali nema jogurt
Zasto brate, zasto?
Up to you amigo. Macedonia is bro tier, but they got too many alboshits over there. Shit is getting out of hand.
Yeah, I was thinking tetovo and the like can stay in shitparland