
what should i respond guys?
>this makes me feel white

she is a vegan btw

Tell her apes are native of Africa, not europe.

Tell her that niggers have lower IQ's than white, never really invented anything and that their most prized architecture is a mudhut.

U got rekt. There is no comeback. Accept it and move on

Just send her gore and to be hero

So you can't read and are just a cunt for no reason? Being a twat only works if you're funny, please develop an understanding of humour.

Depends. Are you trying to bed her? Because I've got to say, I think your chances are slim.

you didn't think this through m8

I think you have autism

You fucked up from the get-go because great apes are strictly vegetatians. Chimps are omnivorous and violent, should have gone with that. Abandon chat, try again.

lol nigger


I dont sex niggers , she looks manly , idid this for you guys


Why the FUCK would my phone correct vegetarian to a made up word

Beggars can't be choosers

Do you want responses that lead towards hatefucking or do you want to drive her towards suicide?

home girl is actually right though but it doesn't change the fact that nigs are ugly and act like apes


greeks are apes

greeks pretty much started culture and civilization. The greatest empire in the world based their culture largely on the greeks culture.

You're a fag.

You're the nigger in this exchange. You went into this conversation with no tact or forward thinking and are now groveling to us for advice on what to say next. Typical nigger behavior coming to the white man for answers.

t. spic

Just call her a nigger

Tell her that you want to bleach her from the inside and make light skinned babies.

Tell her you want your cock culturally enriched by her cunt juice

I love how Diasporapouli posts are always detectable.

Take your time. Let her think she's niggerpilling you, that you're falling for her, that you're finally waking up to the realities of white privilege and systemic racism, all because of her. Let her think she's enlightening and seducing you. And what do you know, you just discovered that ancient Greeks were really black! Isn't that exciting?

She loves to travel. Have her come to Greece (on her own dime, of course, since the white patriarchy has bankrupted you proud, brownish Hellenes).

Then introduce her to a Right Wing Death Squad. Show her the Golden Dawn. Rain down blows upon her with the fury of Zeus, or a frustrated Orthodox that just wants to crusade, whichever you're in to.

What's the point of being a dick to some black chick on tinder?

Good boy points on Sup Forums ?

I was bored, also making her hate whites will make your life worse once she is back to usa

wow you're a piece of shit OP

Vegan and vegetarian are different brah

Didnt know that . Here we have one word for vegans vegetarians and gays

fucking cucks man

ooo oo ah AHHH!

She looks cute desu. Send her over here for dicking.