Iran makes America it's bitch:Again

>Seven Iranian fast-attack boats were involved in an unsafe encounter with the USS Firebolt over the weekend, with one Iranian craft coming to a stop in front of the American ship, a US defense official told CNN Tuesday.

>The provocative maneuver, which on Sunday brought the Iranian boat within 100 yards of the Firebolt, a coastal patrol boat that carries a crew of about 30, was assessed by the US to be unsafe and unprofessional and could have led to a collision, the official said.

>There have been 31 unsafe America encounters with Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf so far this year, up from 23 in all of 2015, the official said.

>Less than two weeks ago, US naval ships in the northern Persian Gulf were harassed by an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps vessel, which came within 200 yards of the US ships. Following standard maritime procedures, the USS Squall fired three warning shots to ensure the Iranians understood they needed to leave the immediate area.

>US Army Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of US Central Command, last week called the Iranian conduct "concerning."

>"In recent days, we have witnessed even more provocative activity by the IRGC and Navy vessels. That type of behavior is very concerning, and we hope to see Iran's naval forces act in a more professional manner," he said.

>Votel believes the "unsafe, unprofessional" behavior is an attempt by Iran to "exert their influence and authority in the region."

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Thanks Obama. Why does that nignog think it's ok to monitor and secure other countries' borders when he doesn't want to do the same for America?

Obama doing anything about it? \
\Yes! here is $400 gorillion Iranian overloads. Have some weapons too!

Obama = Beta Nig

2003-esque lightning decapitation of Iran when?

He hates america and wants it to collapse.

>Very concerning behavior

What a bunch of fags. Just nuke them out of the water then push their shit in if they ever get lippy with us again. The solution is simple

Bet the US is in their waters and Military Industrial Media (CNN) is shilling this propaganda for them

>Three of the FIACs maneuvered close to Firebolt, mirroring the ship’s course and speed at a distance of about 500 yards for about eight minutes before leaving. Another FIAC then sped towards Firebolt and stopped directly in front of the ship, causing the Firebolt crew to maneuver to avoid a collision. The U.S. ship and Iranian FIAC came within 100 yards of one another, the defense official said.
So why not just collide with them? They were asking for it.

Before people jump to conclusions and the shitposting starts, those are not US Navy sailors in the picture, those are not USN uniforms, no US military branch wears that
t. Navyfag

because monitoring our own borders would diminish the flow of future democrat voters into our country