Should tampoms be provided for free in public bathrooms?
Should tampoms be provided for free in public bathrooms?
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Why should they? Because women NEED them? Why not free food in every restaurant? Im a man, women dont need to shave their face, why arent face razors free for all men? We NEED them too
>85% of money spent by women is earned by men
>lobbying for men to pay the remaining 15%
>shove a wad of cotton and absorbent polymer up a vagina that is dripping with a necrotic slurry of uterine lining
>die of toxic shock because its supposed to come out not stay up there
Its not blood.
>Why not free food in every restaurant?
They did this at my work once and the women just kept stealing them all so they stopped, we only had 5 women working here and they all complained when it happened.
fucking thieving roasties.
Women don't need tampons.
No spend your money fucking cunt.
>another one's reported
>and another one's
>and another one's
They'll steal them all in a single day, especially near ghettos with nigs
That is extremely rare and only if they keep it in for a retarded amount of time and even then it is rare
Sure, because people totally wouldn't just steal them
Women need/want much more healthcare than men. It's men's productivity that pays for it. This would even be true in places like the USA.
Bitches don't know, bitches don't know every day.
>for free
And it wouldn't be free, it'd be paid for by tax payers.
No. Because women will just go to the bathrooms and empty them out entirely.
We already give them free places to put their blood rags.
Costs me $.25 to buy a condom I wouldn't trust in the first place at a truck stop. Why should women have special status?
No. Make anything free and people abuse it because they haven't put a value on it.
Naturally, they're all paying for it with taxes, but that's not a visible transaction, like actually handing money over.
With them being free, the machines would be emptied in an hour and the contents hoarded and looted.
Free anything gets abused.
If people don't pay to have exclusive rights/acceess to something, they won't appreciate it.
Same with Section 8 housing, they've not earned it, so they don't value it.
there's that word again that the taxpayer adores
when was the last time you consistently produce something at your expense then provide it to someone for free user?
When you consider modern women I don't know how previous generations ever considered women the "keepers of culture" or other community guardian memes.
If anything they've only been passive leeches who had to be constantly put in place through strong cultural norms.
Who is going to produce tampons for free?
brown people
they do the jobs whites refuse to do
>force people to offer tampons in all female restrooms
>hordes of mentally ill trannies start complaining about how they cant fit them in their mutilated penis
>sue schools and business's
Kek, sure why not
It's free, you idiot. If you stay too long you have to pay.
>as in "cost-free", not "free-dom"
Someone has to pay. Somebody always pays, burger. Maybe they'll make it you.
Tampons and pads are way overpriced the feminists have a point, its just something to ensure a vagina won't bleed everywhere.
You get free toilet paper to wipe the shit off your ass in the stall so why not cunt corks?
The trouble is people are making profit off basic shit like toothbrushes,tampons and so forth there should be legislation to stop people doing that.
But the tampons provided should not be super fancy, since they are government funded.
I also agree that they should stop taxing them as a luxury item, toilet paper isn't taxed as a luxury item.
all this to sell a thing that soaks blood in a woman's panties.
All that would happen if they had free tampons in some bathrooms is that nigger bitch sheboons would steal them all.
they can use toilet paper
>Demand free tampons .......... at taxpayer's expense
>Demand more regular unclogging of female public toilets due to increased flushing of aforementioned tampons ......... at taxpayer's expense
>You get free toilet paper to wipe the shit off your ass in the stall so why not cunt corks?
Can I get free hookers as well? It's something to ensure that men don't go raping everywhere.
I mean, you get free toilet paper to wipe the shit off your ass in the stall, so why not have free shit to blow your load into?
I think we need toilet cams to stop this menace
No because nobody would use them. Why would anyone touch something that's been in a public bathroom for who knows how long, let alone stick it up their vagina? Women know what their time of the month is, they can easily prepare for it.
>be bleeding female
>go to public toilet
>free tampons
>stuff a wad of fabric up my vag to soak up my menstral discharge
>get tss
>family sues and becomes filthy rich
Sounds like a terrible idea.
You can't provide goods for "free"
What you mean to ask is should we socialize the cost of providing this product to women by taxing everyone.
Ignoring for a second that taxation is theft anyway, we should at least pose a similar question about providing sanitary products to everyone including men. Towels, razors, shaving cream, bandages, cotton buds etc.
fleshlight glory holes? Nothing like sloppy 204ths...
>85% of money spent by women is earned by men
Is this true? I doubt it is a real statistic by any means but damn I bet the reality isn't too far off.
Monitored of course, by a government funded organization.
Of course, it will be staffed strictly by women... what do you mean Jose isn't a woman? She identifies as one so check your privilege shitlord!! And no, just because you identify as a woman doesn't dictate her sexuality.
Shit and periods are unavoidable. When you need to shit, you need to shit. It's a basic biological function. When your gash bleeds, your gash bleeds. That's also a basic biological function. If we provide the tools necessary to manage one, why not the other?
You can't equate cheekily cracking one out in the shitter to the menstrual cycle.
The free option should always be the cheapest or lowest quality. Keep it to pads or diapers. Tampons are a luxury.
>You get free toilet paper to wipe the shit off your ass in the stall so why not cunt corks?
Or why don't they just use that free toilet paper instead of a pad.
NO Cause dumb cunt would throw the used tampon in the bathroom clogging them wich would trigger a chainreaction : THE NEED TO IMPORT POLISH PLUMBER
Because that doesn't work. Toilet paper is specifically designed to fall apart pretty much instantly. If you start cramming it in your snatch you're just going to make a mess.
Don't be silly, that's unhygienic.
The taxpayer needs to fund fresh hookers for every man who needs to bust a nut. Hookers should be professional and clean after themselves after service and be remunerated generously for their services. If demand increases, we must not forsake what MEN need and consider importing them from other countries.
Why are women so disgusting?
I don't see why not, they're cheap and very useful. I'm a janitor and I give out free tampons all the time.
Mostly because the fucking apes around here break in and steal everything from toilet paper to air fresheners and the locks are all busted on the tampon and diaper dispencers.
Plus we've had thousands lying around since I started here.
>there is a demand for toothbrushes
>people invest money to puchase land
>people invest money to build factory
>people invest money to buy equipment
>people invest money to buy raw material
>people invest money in labor to produce the goods
>they should give them away for nothing after spending millions to make them
>others should be forced to buy them
You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
don't cram it in your snatch, use it as a pad
Even the purest Aryan virgin has to deal with vaginal discharge, user.
The Single ply garbage most businesses stock there bathrooms with is worth less than what's left of the meal it cleans up.
aren't there vending machines that sell them in practically every public bathroom for like 50 cents?
Doesn't matter how you use it. It's going to get wet and it's going to start disintegrating, unless you're using luxury quadruple ply shit tickets and stuffing half a roll in your underwear. And if that's the case, why not just provide pads? It'd be cheaper.
>exhibit A: why western civilization has fallen
when it does get wet, you change it
what are you, some sort of moron? why do you think women go to the bathroom so often
not done for free faggot
also, sage for this utter horseshit bait thread
No. I give my daughter and wife money for jam rags. And whatever else they need. They fucking spend my coin like every day is Christmas.
In the genttlemens' toilet in my local pub, there is a rubber johnny machine.
It costs £2 for three blobs.
If I have to pay for condoms, then women should pay for bleeding every month.
get out
There's a reason pads and tampons are made out of cotton and wood pulp; they need to be as absorbent as possible. It's impractical to go to the toilet and change it every half an hour, which you'd absolutely have to do if you were dumb or desperate enough to think toilet paper was enough to handle menstruation.
>implying your snatch isn't already messy...
if you're on this board... I think I've said enough
You don't have to pay for condoms, you fucking melt. It's literally (current year) and any sexual health clinic will throw them at you.
Put them in the men's room (as its stated they may put them in men's rooms in case of trannies or soemthjng) and you will not only have no tampons available, they will be in the plumbing.
I'll make sure to ruin things for everyone.
I belong here, the brown people you (incorrectly) think provide free labor have got to go back
jeez, talk about heavy flow
I got one free condom when I first entered university to encourage safe sex. If you want to get a free tampon the basket then that's fine by me.
Otherwise stop complaining that you bleed all the time and get married or whatever so you have a man to pay for your cotton or wood or whatever works best.
Also, next it will be demanding birth control or something else like razors.
It's a slipper slope. Fucking your fallacy, it happens.
any sexual health clinic will throw oral contraceptives at you and then it won't be a problem if you don't want it to be
(which is the real reason we won't see this anytime soon, it might result in lower bc usage and quit feminizing the race)
But that's the point of the argument. My wife came home one day with two hundred condoms after running a clinic as part of her course, and we haven't had to buy any for over a year. You can't do that with sanitary products. You can't just go and pick up free pads or tampons, when the menstrual cycle is absolutely unavoidable for half of our species.
Why can we get free toilet paper and free condoms when something as simple as the shoddiest and most basic pad is an alien concept?
>demanding free birth control
already happened lol
thanks Obama!
>absolutely unavoidable
so you're just gonna ignore the existence of hormonal contraception... ok
Tampons should be banned. They are extremely unhealthy. If you'r going to give anything for free it should be pads. And if those arent good enough they can use toilet paper or invest some money into a menstrual cup which is actually the only truly healthy thing to use to stop the flow.
I'll meet you halfway
I'll give you ONE FREE menstrual cup...
don't lose it!
>Should tampoms be provided for free in public bathrooms?
As a transgender man who is more comfortable going in mends restrooms (i like cocks vaginas are gross). I think the should be provided free even in mens restrooms. Sometimes after a nigh of anal sex i need a tampon to stop the flow of semen leaking from my anus. #notjustgirls
Hormonal contraception doesn't prevent all menstruation.
NHS lmao
Actually, standard hormonal contraception doesn't prevent menstruation at all
(non-standard ones do, but with its own set if problems)
I don't give a fuck. I got exactly one free condom in my life and I bought all the rest.
And you know what? I enjoyed those condoms. I'd personally pay for whatever a good woman would want for her personal issues and never tell the internet or anybody else anything about it.
Yes. Why the fuck shouldn't they be? You biohazardous waste seeping out of some walking vagina because they didn't have access to a hygeine product?
That's sick.
Who would use free tampons from a public bathroom in the first place?
>Implying women won't just rip open the dispenser and steal them all when they're stocked
Fuck that. I'm sick to death of my taxes going to females for everything.
Wanna have a fuckton of kids and then leave your man cause he caught you with Jamal? Np us men will pay.
Kill me.
I just get them from the pub. I get nervous asking for condoms at a clinic, because I'm awkward.
Very nervous and shy.
I don't want anymore kids. Three is enough. They go back to school tomorrow. It's been a long Summer.
There's that word again.
How, pray tell, do you steal free shit?
>Not knowing anything about female bodies
No wonder Sup Forums majority complains about women.
>cunt corks
Oh my sides!
>being this stupid
Not every womans cycle is regulated. So, no, women aren't always prepared for it.
Get your missus to pick them up, then. She'll have to go for pap smears and all of that nonsense, women are better at dealing with medical professionals.
Let's be honest, buying condoms from a pub toilet is a bit gay.
jews want money
They would refill them then literally the next day they would be all gone, the women would fill their purses with them.
Because women work now, they aren't useless cunts like they used to be. They wanted rights so now they gotta buy their own fucking shit.
You can predict it pretty well, unless your entire month was shit in a variety of ways
It's at most two days before or after
i identify as a transperiodic male.
this should be free for everyone.
if you take it continuously it keeps it down to 1-2 times per year...
pretty much completely
leave it to women to still be dissatisfied
fucking hell
It regulates the timing so women would no longer have the excuse "there must be free tampons everywhere in case my period starts unexpectedly when I don't have any with me".
>aren't always prepared for it
carry at all times like men have to with condoms...
you choose what to prepare for; prepare for it
Im a woman you fucking moron. Only Jews think tampons are an acceptable thing to use for a womans body. The same mothers that let their daughters use them also get their infant sons mutilated.
yeah I'll happily drink the blood hehe, only degenerates use jewpons.
Can you really be jailed for not paying child support? Seems counter-productive to me.
>please clog our toilets