First Democrat endorsement in 75 years.
trump fags on suicide watch
First Democrat endorsement in 75 years.
trump fags on suicide watch
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I wonder who could possibly own and run this newspaper?
This is a shill thread.
Come help me build a wall.
The media has become so corrupt. Sad!
Someone should actually check who owns them, wouldn't be surprised if its actually (((them))).
Texas is basically Mexico demographically. Who cares
>be Texan
>get SPIC'd
I live in Dallas. Nobody reads the fucking paper anymore.
There are more Trump supporters here than the media wants to show.
There is jackshit showing Hillary support here, and the people who do will forget to vote in the first place since the people who would are considerate only of themselves and won't bother showing up.
Texas is always going to be red in the U.S. elections.
This is not news. Dallas a shit. It's been that way for years.
>representative of texas
by that logic I'm sure detroit is representative of all of michigan
This. Dallas here as well.
>"""journalists""" openly declaring their bias
How is this a thing?
>Dallas Morning News
I thiught news organizations were supposed to be neutral during elections because the news is supposed to be objective. Making an endorsement for a presidential candidate is not only a conflict of interest in journalism, but also an alarming sign of bias.
>implying anyone gives a fuck about newspaper endorsements in the current year
>implying anyone actually reads newspapers in the current year
>We recommend @HillaryClinton for U.S. president
>Eddie Gonzalez
Tejanos will outnumber whites by 2020 so it's useless to try and stop it anyway.
The minute a news organization endorses a candidate is the minute they simply become propaganda outlets for that candidate and their use for understanding the current events around the world should be diminished
I predicted Trump wouldn't win when he announced his candidacy. Feels good to say I told you so
>Voting against the 2nd amendment in any way
Fucking delusional, even the mexicans I know are voting red.
Of course, Dallas. Real Hispanics like me know Trump is the way to go.
houstonfag here. she will win harris county. everyone here is on welfare. but texas is yuge. the ruralfags will outnumber the city spics and make sure trump wins texas
Why is this suddenly trending on Twitter? I mean, I heard about this early yesterday.
Either way, newspaper endorsements mean jack shit. Plus Trump will carry Texas, and it's winner-take-all, so it doesn't matter by what margin.
They'll fix that place right up.
Dallass = Bush
Stay asspained trump cucks.
My state is finally coming to its senses.
>thinking a dallas morning newspaper represents the entire state of texas
lel nice try OP
I think they don't want to sell newspapers anymore.
Well Texas was LITERALLY Mexico.
>Who cares
>One of the most important red states
Why are spaghetti niggers allowed to browse Sup Forums
>James M. Moroney III
We got a shabbos goy!
Same here in Arizona. I've yet to see one Hillary sign.
>The Survey Monkey poll
Please, user. Not even Democrats believe that one. Trump doing great in Colorado and Wisconsin, but in danger in Texas and Mississippi? Poll is trash. Doesn't help Survey Monkey uses volunteers over a random sample, and polled over a three-week period (as opposed to most polls doing 1-3 days).
Might as well have posted a newspaper from Austin
Texas Will go blue within the next three presidential Cycles and stay there. Dallas is already blue
no it won't
Yay another Texasfag
Texas is red
>implying anyone cares what print media kikes think.
America is on to you treacherous sons of whores. I bet this makes more people ore for trump than anything.
>Texas Will go blue within the next three presidential Cycles and stay there.
Democrats have been saying this since the last three election cycles too.
The editorial Boards of newspapers have never been neutral you stupid ass
Boy, these stodgy old-blood Neocons are going to be in for a bit of a shock when they realize people no longer care about their retarded bastardization of conservativism
Trump reminds us that the GOP can win without kowtowing to the worst aspects of the Republican party. Even funnier is that Texas (and the OP) think this announcement means a damn thing
Alert Alert The Commies are in Texas!
Oh it's blue alright. Pic related
Dallas and Austin are the liberal bumfuck cities of Texas so it doesn't surprise me. Mostly Commifornia expats and spics
Hahahahahha you're so fucking stupid. Texas has probably the highest demographic of "republican or bust" mentality. They are already fed up enough to want to secede and if they fuck with their elections i bet it will happen.
Yes but isn't that how it starts? In the end you end up like Ohio, Florida, or God forbid, Illinois or New York?
Democrats have been infecting Texas with spics and Californians for the last three election cycles too.