What doth life?
What doth life?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I may stink like cock, but I'm no spring chicken
>Co-creator Vernon Chatman called the show "a warning to children and adults about the dangers of spirituality
It's the same shit like Rick and Morty except Rick sometimes unironically prayed, making this one even worse. Just because it's cynical and obscure does not make it good.
What an obtuse interpretation. Depicting the dangers=/=anti-spirituality
off yourself
>what doth lyfe
You imbecile
What's great about Xavier though is that his hippy crap actually works often enough, he just ruins it at some point by being a narcissistic asshat. The danger isn't the spirituality itself, but the fact that it's used by a self-centered person to make themselves look good and not out of any actual sense of altruism.
The New Age movement gave us the best era of film and music. There's nothing wrong with it.
new age spirituality, not religion or god or anything specifically
just all that eat, pray, love shit that was big at the time
not that it would matter anyway
You sound like the manifestation of some loser's inner demons
It parodies new age spirituality while discussing ontology and epistemology.
>people unironically defending le enlightened hippies now.
that's literally what it's mocking
The signing gorilla was funny.
All of the quotes you attribute to "Xavier" are actually from Friedrich Nietzsche, you fucking twat.
Delete this post. I'm trying to bait the R&M fedoras into shitting on their mascot.
Why is this thing getting memed constantly now when it's 8 to 10 years old?
>What doth Sneed?
>I'm a feeder. We're a dying seed.
This show was ahead of its time.
So you just read a wikipedia article on it instead of watching it and then you compare it to R&M. You're a fucking idiot.
Normies are always late to the party and now that R&M is so popular people realize PFFR did the same thing but 100 times better 10 years ago.
For example :
recent revival after people started realizing it's one of the best animated series in the west, things like this happen here.
it's referring to new-age white spirituality, you know, hippie shit. Every episode is about the main character, whom is very "spiritual", attempting to "help" people for the sole purpose of jerking off his in ego, then it always goes wrong because instead of actually giving a shit about the people that he desires to help, he cares about the act of helping itself.
Christianity is parodied many times, but it's always purely for comedy, rather than to push an agenda. There's never any semi-serious cynical or nihilistic monologue like in Rick and Morty.
They were both outdone over twenty years ago and few remember.
Soon XRA becomes Reddit and we have to find another retarded show to meme
I've watched from S1 E1 all the way to the last episode of S2 and I can say that Xavier has temporarily changed the way I look at things.
The references to stuff like 2001 and El Topo will be lost on most of the viewers i think. In the end even though a few seem to know about it, even less will be able to "understand"
>tfw love this show
>the wackiness, uniqueness, everything
>friend links me to a xra discussion site
>it's on fucking reddit
>on reddit
asgjasFGHGIhuasdfiiadehhodoyuGYUIAsuidfgdfifggqrty723y7823til2tygqwergav,é ebkqwerj ,hm fh fb can WE NOT HAVE 1 ONE FUICKING thing WE HAVED IT FIRST
>tfw rick and morty quotes are much better
dont show this image again
>Rick and Morty better than Nietzsche
>He said unironically
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
Still one of the best intros
>youre out of control
I would say TGTTM would be a contender if Tim's recent shitshows didn't make him one of Sup Forums's most hated people.
get the fucking quote right
>a dead guy said it therefore it's better
Kys sneedfag
wowser, this town's gone bowser
>right wing
"I only browse small and obscure subreddits": the show
t. reddit
> "This insolent microbillionaire is cruising for a bruising, crawling for a brawling, achin' for a spiritual awakenin'! "
Taste the pain!
what's "reddit"?
I'm a libertarian and just recently came to the conclusion that democracy is incapable of ensuring liberty. Did I just become Final Red-Pilled?
>I'm gonna break you down using some Navajo mysticism, or Cherokee fisticism.
Now you must read on natural law
this becomes painfully unfunny after the first few episodes, which are some of the funniest shit I've seen.
What is your favorite episode Sup Forums?
Mine is season 1, episode 2.
ta ta ta taste the pain
You have never watched the show and it's obvious.
The problem is that it's extremely easy to binge watch XRA, since all the episodes are so short, but doing so you brain get burnt after the first 2-3 chapters, it's really too many dumb puns, too many jokes, too many pills, too everything.
Try to watch just a couple of episodes a day
> "does anyone know how to get to the lake?"
Season 2 Episode 6
>"I only pretend to like this show because Sup Forums told me I'm not allowed watch rick and morty anymore" the show
R&M is an edgy teen rebelling against his Christian parents just because it's what his parents do and not through any actual philosophical insight.
>God's not real, Morty.
>Nobody belongs anywhere.
>Existence is pain.
XRA comes to a similar conclusion but through actual philosophical deconstruction of belief systems. Life "has no meaning" but it doesn't make it meaningless, it has the meaning you ascribe to it - whether that be through a belief in a higher power or a belief that you should do whatever you can with this life to make it the best for everyone.
>What doth life?
>There's more to life than life!
>I believe that we are all one. By helping this tiny mosquito, in a way, I'm helping your mother.
This show is genius because it's a warning, not a denouncement. There's beauty and truth in religion and spiritually, a pearl surrounded by chaos and half-truths. The show isn't "dude religion lmao."
I was marathoning it and it got stupid in the baby episode
Tell me, why does he wear a snake arm?
Really is a great little piece of art.
>We must sacrifice a virgin
>cut to sacrificing Xavier
E10 > E9 > E2 > E1 > E4 > E8 > E7 > E3 > E6 > E5
Season 2 as a whole is a lot weaker than Season 1. A lot of the wordplay and fun writing goes away.
>Season 2 as a whole is a lot weaker than Season 1
No it's not. Fuck off with your retarded opinion.
Season 2 is the pleb filter of Xavier
The good episodes of season 2 are really good, but otherwise they fall flat. There aren't as many good quotes from season 2 as there are in 1.
What doth life?
life does FRITTATA xD
>a show for people "too smart" for people "too smart" for other shows
I'll pass, thanks, enjoy your cancer that is holier than cancer.
>he doesn't realize fascism is the reactionary response to the contradictions inherent in unrestrained capitalism and that "anarcho-capitalism" is a fantasy that couldn't possibly exist due to inevitable creation of monopolies
That's the best episode you fucking retard.
Rick and Morty is for people who think they are "too smart" for normal shows. Xavier is for people who think they are "too smart" for Rick and Morty.
s2>>>>>>s1 imo
Isn't it more about the dangers of being a self-deluding narcissist?
That's just your onpinion bro - even if it stinks.
Fascism is a reaction to the virulent ideological success of communism of the time rather than capitalism.
And you're "too smart" for either, right user?
It's the fear of communism that arises due to the economic circumstances of capitalism. It doesn't come out of nowhere.
Sup Forums is a collection of hipsters in their purest form. XRA is a show that no one has heard of, so Sup Forums hipsters like to flaunt that they know an obscure show that nobody can recall, so it allows them to feel superior to people that enjoy quality entertainment. Rick & Morty is popular because it's good, and XRA died after two seasons because it sucked ass.
>it's less popular therefore hipsters
>therefore it's bad
off yourself
It was never an unknown show dumb newfag
nu-normies didn't know about it until a few weeks ago though
search for it on twitter and see
>no one had heard of it because "nu-normies" hadn't heard of it
lol you're a newfag normie get exposed
Fuck off tripfaggot
i love all the ass assassinated (You)'s this post got from contrarians jumping to defend their shitty show. XRA is seriously Sup Forums's R&M, down to the delusional redditor fanbase
there, it's off, you happy buddy?
All of them. Google each of them and you'll see they're Nietzsche quotes.
Makes sense
Also makes sense - although I completely disagree that Rick and Morty is, in any way, "good"
> and XRA died after two seasons because it sucked ass
18+ PFFR's shows never go more than 2 seasons.
"What doth life"
>the Sup Forumstard begins to chuckle
"Ooh, frittata"
>the Sup Forumstard laughs out loud, spewing tendies crumbs all over his desk
"Chompsky honk"
>the Sup Forumstard can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
*character gets beat up*
>The Sup Forumstard starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
>the Sup Forumstard's heart explodes and he dies
It literally is, it's just more clever about it than Family Guy and R&M, you Christian retard.
Name three better western animated series.
nice bait
Is Kung Fu good?
( l i f e )
( ˡ ᶦ ᶠ ᵉ )