>majority of countries have aoc under 18
Explain yourselves europoors.
Why are europeans pedophiles?
When I was 20 I had a 15 years old gf and nobody found that weird.
This is bad map faggot.
Age of consent here is 18.
What the fuck?
13 years should be the norm worldwide.
That is fucking disgusting
Nobody cares about you Russia. White people need to be held to a higher standard.
Fucked up right? I mean you guys are fucked up as well, but 16 is better than 13
Breed em young like tradition demands or the muzzies win
Pedophila is love of children not teenagers that is hebephilia.
Its all the same. If you fuck someone under 18, you are a pedophile pure and simple.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed. Especially with modern hormone ridden food.
Why are Americans such cucks for Jews and feminists that they consider everything below 18 "pedo"? You know that they are trying to raise it even higher to 20 or even 22, right?
>You know that they are trying to raise it even higher to 20 or even 22, right?
Makes sense. Teens should not be able to consent to sex.
Negative. Words have meanings.
Woman detected. Kill yourself please.
Yeah, and if you fuck someone under 18 you are a pedo who belongs in the oven.
That's the most american thing I've read today.
>Makes sense. Teens should not be able to consent to sex.
Found a Cruz supporter.
Damn straight. We dont fuck little girls here like you do spain.
Delet this
there are age ceilings , 16 year olds can have sex with 17,18,19 year olds but not with 45 year old pedos
Yes user because fucking a 11 year old is the same as a 16 year old, fucking kill yourself.
>Explain yourselves europoors.
It's not "pedophilia" once they hit puberty.
Murica at it again
You retards dont realize that its the legal age for 2 underaged to sleep together not a minor and an adult
Our age of consent is 16yo....
>If you are 18 and have sex with a 17 year old in Burgerland you will go to prison and forever have 'paedophile' on your criminal record
I don't know about you, but I live in a Nordic populated part of the US and the little girls at 13 here aren't even in puberty yet.
>Nordic part of the U.S.
Somalis are not Nords, you dumb burger.
When the women were able to vote the first thing they did was raising the Age of Consent, banning alcohol. banning drugs and opening the gates to foreing males.
They knew that no local man would tolerate their bitching if they had the freedom to fuck some 14 year old slut and then smoke some weed after.
By putin the AoC so high and demonizing relations with more than 4 years of difference, the women secured her position and all kinds of degeneration followed.
Open relations, tatoos, piercings, alimony childless lifestyle... you name it.
AoC is just a protectionist measure so old vagos don't have to compete with teenage ones.
If the state forced a 60/40 female/male ratio using inmigration and lowered the AoC to 13 and also legalized prostitutio we'd see feminism out of the window in no time.
Girls would have to compete again by cooking, cleaning, being loyal and they would offer males something more than just pussy, we'd see families again, a return to traditional values.
Are you saying you have never been with a girl before you where 18? and you are proud of that aswell?
its properly like in Denmark.
A 15 year old and a 14-17 and nobody cares. If it is a 15 year old and a 30 year old then the age of consent does not really matter (people will rage).
So basically its just a guideline age.
Update your map you massive faggot, the age of consent is 17.
Common sense, you fucking roach
>I live in a Nordic populated part of the US and the little girls at 13 here aren't even in puberty yet.
The average age to begin menstruation in the USA is 11.
No you aren't just because some feminized brainwashed american faggot said so and not even in all USA states there is 18 year limit. So you have no right to impose you your faggotry on others just because your state has such law,
If it's true that just means that the other half of your population is reaching it even earlier.
Not actually not also the age of consent in Germany is 14.
There are also a lot of clauses. In several places the age of consent might be 15 but the partner must be within 2 years of them. It can't be a 15 year old and a 37 year old.
How do you know?
I don't trust your common sense mario. Show me the proofs.
You're retarded half the states age of consent is 16
>not flying to spain as of right now
Wew cucks, explain thouselves
>pic related: me at the gate
Whatever you say mr 60%
I can call bullshit on that map right now. Aoc is 18 here
16 is when girls reach peak fertility.
Anything later is just wasting away baby making years because "muh feelings"
The map is wrong Germany is 14.
2017 Turkey will lower it to 12
Avg is brought down with niggers and spics
A lot of those are romeo and juliet laws
Look it up it's 17 retard.
If you take a look at newspapers, you may find out that the coverage of underage/underage sex is (most of the time) zero.
...i'm not sure if you roaches actually have newspapers though, erdocuck may have banned them AFAIK.
>that chin
>those teeth
>those cheeks
>that nose
>that forehead
you are fucking ugly m8
i dont believe we're that degenerate
>the only countries with age of consent at 18 are USA and some islamic shithole
Source? I'm at work, so I don't want to google "age of consent in Serbia"
>"muh age of consent"
>meanwhile, the teen pregnancy rate is much lower
get on our level USA
Why the fuck you download map with cockroaches and speak to europeans, is a mystery to me.
delete this right now
>tfw to intelligent to get gf
Bro u from Rs ? I read its 14y too but if u r over 18 and your gf is under then ungo to jail
Your birthrate overall is much lower.
Conservative White Americans are the only Whites on planet earth with an above replacement level fertility rate.
>get on OUR level
How do you not know your own age of consent laws? That seems pretty fucking important.
>to intelligent
It shows.
Looks fine to me. I know it's socially unacceptable to look at or fuck 15-18 year olds so I don't, but I would if it were legal.
There is, biologically and historically speaking, nothing wrong with fucking high school aged girls.
So we are not that degenerate after all
Would you teach your kids to stop fucking?
fuck off nigger that map is wrong its 16 here
>there is nothing wrong with fucking children
Mohammed please go.
In Europe, most people have the common sense not to fuck kids
Map is bullshit
Wtf i want to move to spain now
>burgers proud of being on par with Roaches and the majority of African countries
Oh the irony.
That is all well and good, but how do you not know the age at which you can legally flicki flicki in your own country? If you mess up on that seems like a big fucking deal.
Who picked those retarded colors?
If her age is on the clock, she's ready for a cock
I think Russbros deliver the best bantz desu
Before anybody buys a plane ticket to fuck some loli, we changed the age consent years ago. It's 16 now.
On my way
Poor american user, oblivious to all the prime age girls wanting to breed with him.
>don't fuck anyone under 18 years old unless you're both at most a year apart
>never get into any problems
are you retarded?
Found the tanned german.
Well then you DO know the age of consent of your country. Which was the point. I know english is hard for you but keep up.
By your logic you shouldn't even exist.
Nah, I´m not a muzzie immigrant. Just your average sick fuck.
>tfw you will never be a kid again and have the opportunity to snuggle and play with prime cunny with it not being weird
I fucking miss being a kid.
>coverage of underage/underage sex is (most of the time) zero.
We aren't talking about underage/underage sex you idiot. Show me the proof that in a country where age of consent is 14, a 20 yr old can have sex with a 15 yr old while a 45 yr old can't.
What? My parents were in there late 40s when i was born.
>turkey is included but not russia
not fucking kids (i.e. people under the age of 18) doesn't mean the age of consent is 18, as you can see in OP's image
even if I was in Spain I wouldn't fuck kids
Are you retarded? You can't tell the difference between a 16 and an 18 year old girl.
My grandparents and everyone before that got married around that age you idiot. It's only now that people are being weird about it.
You look british somehow
>late 40's
Kek so that's why you are mentally challenged.
Jesus christ man.
Said he does not know the age of consent laws in his own country. I'm not even talking about the morality of that, i am talking about it seems pretty fucking stupid to not know what age is legal and what is not.
my condolescences
>your parents are the only people responsible for your existence
>My grandparents and everyone before that got married around that age you idiot. It's only now that people are being weird about it.
This, it's only the brainwashed, god fearing americans who make a big deal out of it. I remember girls from my class back in high school having boyfriends over 18.
Those eskimos sure love to fuck