Why are shit skins in Europe so angry? They can literally go home at anytime.
Why are shit skins in Europe so angry? They can literally go home at anytime
They're literally here for our Trebor mints but they're too minty for them so the burn their tongues a little.
They're all pissy because of the mint-burn.
What the fuck is that a European train?
If you want to cry Google Paris vs Moscow train station
Ligne 13
Yup, this is sadly what Paris have become.
Its truely amazing how quickly europe went to shit. I still can't quite wrap my mind around it...
Why do so many of your muslim women get BLACKED?
Well they are all doctors and engineers stop being so racist.
Lasted longer than the USA though. So that's a plus.
paris metro, looks like line 13.
>I've been on it enough to recognise the fucking route
As if this matter was relevant... They could be dog'd, who cares?
They are leeches.
It's weird though. I didnt see any interracial couple when I visited aside from a shitload of arab women with black
>your muslim
>get blacked
Someone care?
>have better life than living in explosive desert shithole
>go back
europe is already their new home, getting them back would be a hard task
>German teacher tries to convince me that the Muslim population in Germany is so small, nothing will happen
>Flaunts the fact that only 4% of the population is Muslim
>Mfw I find out her step great niece is an Egyptian
They are extremely envious about us
>I still can't quite wrap my mind around it...
1. Naive as hell population.
2. Elites pushing for massive immigration to fill population holes.
3. The nearest populations being Arabs and Niggers who are total savages.
That would appear to be the parisian metro
Because Bilal was black.
That shit has got a name : beurettes à khel, and sandniggers are fucking butthurt over this.
The Jews imported them for the express purpose of agitation and destruction. They aren't going anywhere-- unless it's six feet under, which you guys need to do, by the way.
>Coloureds called "Minorities"
>whites make up 14% of world pop
Our population is 4% too, and now we have estimates that 10,000+ white women and children have been raped, most trafficked too. Terrorism and murder, violence and prejudice against non Muslims, and we have halal food forced into our food chain, non stun slaughterhouses, sharia patrols, flag and poppy burning, a Muslim mayor of London who is now trying to control free speech so you can't criticism any of the above...the list goes on and on.
OP you sound like a real American.
I went to Paris some years ago took a subway from the trainstation.
Literally only nigger and sandniggers. Got out ate something and left with the next train.
If you wanna see Europe got to Hungary Croatia Slovakia Slovenia etc.
Kek, is this real? Is it common or did I just see an anomaly?
many of the blacks in france are muslim so it's green light for them
portugal is okay, other then gypsys in really bad areas everybody coexists pretty well
Is that a Nigerian subway ? WTF ? I didn't know nigeria has a subway transit system. Kinda impressive DESU.
Never been there to be honest. But i would love to go some day.
Yes it is.
Fun fact: the line 13 serves the Basilique of Saint Denis (where our kings are burried). I wonder how the tourists manage to visit it without being redpilled to the bones...
stfu ahmed
I have been 2 times in portugal and i only saw gypsies living near the roads, black women everywhere and sandniggers selling drugs under full daylight
It has become a phenomenom. There are even articles about it. Whether it's in France or in maghreb countries, maghrebi women can't stop themselves from fucking niggers, and it is making their men go insane.
Lmao. So much for muh non degenerate islam
>They can literally go home at anytime.
And they want it. I don't know about shitskins in other countries but I've been in a roughly 80% shitskin school (When I was 9-10 years old, me and my best friend were the only whites in a class of 25-ish).
Shitskins NEVER SHUT THE FUCK UP about how their homeland is so fucking cool and how they can't wait to go home in holidays and how the life is so much better there.
They call it "bled".
"Wallah inchallah heureusement que j'retourne au bled cet été bismillah!!! Baise la France!!!"
cucked hard. Only Allah can judge me for sucking Jamals dick. Kek
They were told they would get a free house, a submissive blonde wife and a huge car simply by moving here.
Now they found out it isn't entirely true and they are angry.
It's actually the reason they used to castrate black slaves.
Fuck I REALLY, REALLY HATE NIGGERS, I'd gladly skin that Nigglet.
Day of rope when
God i woiuld love to hammer fist a dent in the face of a nigger with a british accent
How do I make that happen here? When are we going to have a new class of mud kids that compose the lowwer strata of our society. Mulatto babies make me barf, they look like beans with pubic hair pasted on top.
Not the ones in France.
They were born there, but realize no one wants them there. So they're pissed off.
I don't get it. If their homeland is so much better, why the fuck did they leave it?
Ahh well this was mainly from Germany, if I remember correctly.
Yahthis is funny, Saudis have a history of slavery that greatly exceeds any European country or colony, yet you will find less blacks there because they castrated all the males
most of the shitskins that "moved there" are okay because their life before moving out was terrible and they know it
The huge, glowing, alarming, and terrifying problem lies in their offspring.
Male shitskins are taught they're the most powerful being in the world and that the only reason they are not allowed to behead every infidel is that the country they live in isn't majority muslim... yet.
Female shitskins are taught to only trust islam and their muslim family and eventually their husband (who they'll never love since they will never be asked for consent).
hahaha c'est vrai en plus!
Niggers need to be slaughtered.
Imagine an America that suddenly stopped having crime overnight because we simply rounded up and murdered all worthless niggers
They're parasites who hate themselves and will never be happy.
As if Europe would still be allowed to exist if it weren't for the USA.
because they are soldiers on campaign and they won't go home until they've conquered the land they've been tasked to burn to the ground
Folks here think the jews want to destroy the white race to avenge the holocaust and their persecution, but try to bring up the crusades and the algerian colonisation to a shitskin and see how he reacts
>Europeans starting to get mad at blacks and sand niggers because they see them as violent, non-conforming pieces of shit who are a net loss on society
Welcome to the club. You guys seem to get everything later than us.
Then you'd have a Latino problem.
Can someone put the translucent French flag FB filter over this pic so we can show some fucking solidarity?!
>I would, but I don't JewBook
I blame different time zones
Is that seriously Paris?
What the fuck?
Even my daily train commute still looks about +60% white.
What the fuck is wrong with Europeans?
Why are you so hellbent on suicide?
how so comrade?
It's not line 13, but RER A.
I use it for transportation every day and can confirm that it's pretty much like OP's pic, especially at night or during non-workers hour. Every day I'm reminded that I pay tax to feed those lazy, useless niggers. They also grope girls, make loud noise and look at you (the working one) like they want to pick up a fight.
Don't laugh too much at Arabs. If black men lived in the same suburbs with white women, they would take them too.
Blacks are generally more aggressive and dominant race, that's why women prefer them. White women do not have much opportunity to date black men in France because they live distant from each other and don't interact much unless she is a degenerate club-goer. But with Arabs is different.
Fortunately the white man isn't afraid of hard work.
No delicious welfare at home.
Until the migrant crisis your fucking retard government caused we didnt really have a lot of experience with feral niggers, the vast majority in the UK are fairly civilized and those that arent assimilated into chav gangs and tend to stay in the shithole estates.
That's pretty bad because Somalis is what you get when blacks and Arabs mix
They're basically monkeys OP.
Of course it's the same here. There're a bunch of German cities that are occupied by criminal lebanese clans.
Even the children are terrorizing the people there by ringing the bell all the time, kicking the doors or insulting and threatening the people that their fathers will shoot them if they say something.
We had the same problem in our city and I also had a personal experience with these fucks.
Mudshits are savages that belong in a hole filled with their precious oil and someone with a lighter for it.
This. Niggers and shitskins need the rope.
Gooooood Goy! This destroys both the Arab AND Black race!
Wrong. Just look at the map here.
This is RER A. Bigger train going trough Paris and connecting Est and West suburbs (where live most of the blacks and arabs).
t. ex-Parisian actually studying in Bucharest.
The eternal cuck strikes again.
How is that not better than a nigger AND. a latino problem?
Thats called progress dude
why are North African women so trashy?
Ligne 13 is blue.
I find it interesting that the scum lives in the suburbs there but in the cities here.
paris has a massive case of white flight, most of the whites have moved to the country side, same thing with canada,
>Paris vs Moscow train station
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
French men are so weak, it's pathetic.
French men are fucking women.
That's why they have allowed their women to become the men.
Any French men out there reading this:
You are not men.
And the TRUE men have arrived and are raping you AND your women.
Hebin, pourquoi t'es venu etudier ici?
>germany's merkel flooding the nation with shitskins
>france overran with mud people
>swedish women raped at every event
Europe is truly dead.
It's not like shitskins work or produce anything, so they pretty much have all day to pump out more kids.
Ive got more quotes of that bitch if anyone is interested.
6 0 %
You would be angry too if you were ugly and forced to live around beautiful white people. It's like a cruel joke we're playing on them.
>You too can be a civilized person, Ahmed (*points and laughs*).
Just Googled that and holy shit that's depressing
definitely, if you're still here
You know exactly why.
its because as they interact with White society they can't escape being shown just how intellectually inferiour they are . Everywhere they trun white advancements challenge their minds which are incapable of creating the same spark of ingenuity or understanding and it frustrates them so they become angry as they realize they really are by nature inferiour to whites.
All the romanians i met ask me that like "Why did you came in this shithole ???"
Simple. The french governement give to some french students a mensual scolarship. If it is the barely amount needed to live in France, you can live like a fucking king in Romania because the life is so cheap here.
I basically eat in restaurants everyday.
Bonus point : Girls in Romania are pretty and nice, and most of them still have conservative values, which is impossible to find in West Europe
also, i think this is a very good explanation of Muslim behavior in Europe
to be Muslim in France is to live in a constant state of impurity. you're surrounded by people enjoying themselves and leading their life more or less how they wish, but to you, that's all sin.
to you, the norms of Western society are all rooted in sin, they're a temptation you're supposed to resist. unfortunately, there's no
>render unto Caesar
in Islam, everything has to go according to the divine shari'a, if you let things flow in any other way, you're an accomplice in sin.
as Muslims, they have to believe Islam that Islam is the highest form of civilization, the one true solution to all the world's problems, but on some level they realize that their culture is actually trash and the cognitive dissonance drives them mad.
>They could be dog'd, who cares?
Being dog'd is what white women do
Africanization. This is just their standard behavior pattern. Look at Africa and its history and its current state then compare that with the behavior of the African populace world wide.
It's identical behavioral patterns.
they get gibsmedat.
Sorry, I'm not parisian and the shape of the map reminded me La Fourche.
I've never been in the RER, some say it's even worse than the métro.
Easy fix, just hire americans to protect the train.
La fourche is on the other side.
RER A and D are garbage.
RER B is surprisingly chill desu. Maybe because there's so many tourists from both airports.
>Is it common
Yes it is
Niggers are less evolved.
They don't belong in our societies.