Fuck the children!

Fuck the children!

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Wow how edgy and based. Thank god we're living in the decaying multicultural shithole we have now and not the white country he inherited.

he has a lot of similarities with Hitler once you think about it

did he really say this?
I unironically can't stand children

The original Rick Sanchez lol

He was talking about over parenting.


He ruined comedy for generations.
Now every comedian is some retard on his soapbox trying be carlin.




a lot of lovecraftian themes in his material

>watch me criticize this entire nation without providing any examples or evidence to support my claims

MAN THAT GUY WOKE AF still pretty funny tho

Is lovecraftian the new maymay now

I can't wait for it to take off like those cat in the hat meems!

old Sup Forums was very much like this. now everyone is acting like they're conservative 50 year olds since it's the new edge

>old Sup Forums was edgy
>current Sup Forums is still edgy

What's the issue?

and that is just awesome!

>since it's the new edge
It hasn't been the new edge for at least 2 years. Only Sup Forumsredditors think it's still edgy.

yeah the new edge is taking the Jill Pill and voting green or for people like Melenchon or Dieudonne

No, it's being NAZBOL.