>Did I just hear you say "illegal immigrant"?
How do you respond?
>Did I just hear you say "illegal immigrant"?
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
Um, they're called "Permanent Guests" Illegal immigrant is an incendiary term and hurts my feefees
I've had illegals deported, now Trudeau wants to bring them back.
I like how he implied Mexico being a shithole full of barbarians was somehow our fault
He just needs to go back to coaching the greatest team ever...
>using a hanger as a weapon
What is this, Birdemic?
im just joking with you bro, its just a joke...
I didn't know Gary was pro abortion as well
>>Did I just hear you say "illegal immigrant"?
Why, yes. I did. I am speaking of immigrants who are in the country that did not follow the legal protocols for immigration.
Now, you can take that hanger, and whatever euphemism you prefer this week, and shove it up your politically cucked ass.
I am a black man.
>Oh sorry, master.
With a light slap that would likely kill him
how the fuck an autist like this gets to be the leader of a party, even if it's a meme party?
He's the least autistic of them.
he put himself out there and believed he was a leader.
image is everything, it isnt what the reality is. its what you make it.
Does he even get SS protection? What about the Green?
Underrated post.
i think both your answers combined yield the truth. He was the least autistic and the most confident. In next elections a couple of Sup Forumsacks should highjack the libertarian party as well as the green party just to make sure that Trump gets his second term, as both should swing to the left damaging dems
Also this is their convention from this. This is their voting base.
>threatening posture with the coat hanger is clearly violating the NAP
dun gooft
He has a pretty good record as a the governor of New Mexico
I took a sip of coffee while reading that and almost regretted it
he actually is pro choice though
wow is this real???? i can't believe it im switching back to independent.
fuck drumpf
omfg wtf??? No self-awareness whatsoever?
You are memeing leaf? IT'S 2016!!! 8 years ago a nigger proven that being merely a community organiser is enough to become the fucking president of USA. And it was 2008! Not [the current year]!!!
calm down lad. theyre all dead now
Being an autist is a prerequisite to even get into the Libertarian party.
They all have some form of crippling autism.
It's a mandatory requirement.
>Supports unlimited immigration and welfare
>Supports BLM
>Supports TPP
This guy is a fucking buffoon.
What are you trying to say?
Yes you did, get them out.
Is he about to perform an abortion or something
If not outright retardedness. Jesus they are fucked in the head.
Shit, i thought you were quoting and arguing that it wouldn't be easy. Sorry leaf, my bad
deal with it cuckman.
president gary johnson
Kek'd audibly in class. Thanks user
this is embarrassing to watch, there's like 20 people in that room
Fuck off to Mexico if you like them so much.
I know Sup Forums hate Johnson but he was a good governor I think
- In his first term, he vetoed 200 bills—many of them spending bills
-He has cut the state income tax, the gasoline tax, the state capital gains tax, and the unemployment tax.
- Signed a residential property tax cap that will limit increases in valuations to 3 percent per year
- Has successfully sponsored other government reform initiatives such as an electricity deregulation bill, a 10 percent reduction in state payrolls, and a Medicaid cost-cutting plan
No i said wetback
what's this
trump's a fuggin slimeball
Gary Johnson was given a $1000 muzzleloader pistol that was a replica of George Washington's. Gary thanked him and promptly threw it in the garbage. Textbook example of poor judgement.
They had a confrontation I quote from washington post
[The scrum quieted down for Johnson to do the interview. But when it ended, Petersen gave chase and pulled Johnson aside — in full view of reporters.
“Do you want to unite the party?” Petersen asked.
“This is not the place, Austin,” said Johnson, referring to the media attention.
“Why did you pick Bill Weld?” Petersen asked.
Johnson shook his head and walked away, as Petersen denounced Weld as a “horrible statist” and argued with a Johnson supporter who said that, at 35, Petersen was too young to represent the party.
“Tell that to Marquis de Lafayette,” Petersen said. “He was 18.”]
I guess Johnson was mad at Peterson for try show him up in front of the media, still bad move, but that's the context.
Did I just hear you say "feel the Johnson"?
The Libertarian Party is a meme, but Gary Johnson is particularly inept.
>CUOMO: I’ll say the name, you hit me with the first thing that comes to mind. Remember, we’ve got an audience here and a lot of people watching out there, as well. President Barack Obama?
>JOHNSON: Good guy.
>CUOMO: Hillary Clinton?
>JOHNSON: Hillary Clinton, a wonderful public servant, I guess I would say that.
>WELD: Old friend. Nice kid. Knew her in her 20s. We shared an office in the Nixon impeachment, real bond, lifelong. Seriously. Not kidding.
>After that performance, the rest of the show—what amounted to a complete evisceration of anything remotely resembling libertarianism—was a bit of an anti-climax. One by one, the handpicked members of the audience, especially tailored to challenge the libertarian premises of the candidates, arose to ask their prepared questions. A woman who claimed to have been at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub the night of the massacre asked why they want to make it easier to get a hold of guns. Johnson backed down, claiming “we don’t want to roll back anything,” and when pushed by Cuomo said he’d be “open to a discussion” about depriving certain people of their Second Amendments rights.
Weld sucks too. He was a RINO in a past life.
Weld: "the problem with handguns is probably even worse than the problem of the AR-15" (not sure why) and "you shouldn't have anybody who's on a terrorist watch list be able to buy any gun at all."
"yes garry, illegal."
Can someone explain this picture?
Smuggling truck probably from the prohibition era, it was modeled to seem like it was a truckload of wooden planks while it was an outer shell for a hidden compartment where they would hide the booze
Sorry Mr. Johnson, but I will not bake a nazi cake
fucking kek
Just a reminder, all illegal immigrants are criminals.
This. It is illegal to enter the US without documentation. Ergo all undocumented immigrants are illegal immigrants.
Yea, that's not good, he really tries to appeal to the Bernouts, bad strategy.
Anyone have that clip of him sounding like a literal retard? He was seriously channeling Sloth from the Goonies.
He has no idea who makes up the LP. Open borders would destroy any future for his party. He's taking as many Shillary votes as Trump votes right now.
>Open borders would destroy any future for his party.
It's funny. One term of a "libertarian" candidate would ensure complete statism and descent into banana republicanism for the rest of the US's lifespan.
She was documented. She has also been a citizen for 10 years. If you believe the MSM narrative on this you're being fooled.
Any proof to such a claim?
I hide his foreskins and jewgold till he calms down
So Ron Paul would ensure complete statism? that doesn't make any sense.
Bend open and open your anal borders. I have some liberty for you.
No, I said "libertarian". Paul is a legit libertarian as in paleocon. He also ran in the GOP, wasnt the last time he ran as a libertarian in 88?
Any "libertarian" who thinks freedom for Americans can only be maximized by allowing unrestricted immigration is a shyster.
Ron Paul is a mile better than Gary Johnson, but the point remains the same. If you are for open borders (or really at this point against a wall and deportation) then the US will get a population that is majority big government. These people aren't "natural libertarians" or "natural conservatives".
When did libertarians become such a joke?
They've fully embraced the "conservative" economics of the American right (muh global "free trade", deregulation, against net neutrality, let Jews build up corporate monopolies without any intervention, etc.)
And now this guy is going full retard with the social liberalism. Amnesty, political correctness, getting triggered by the term
"illegal immigrant".
It's the worst of both worlds.
God I miss Ron Paul.
he does not belong in those clothes
His heroes dress like that.
>These people aren't "natural libertarians" or "natural conservatives".
If they were their nations would reflect such natural tendencies.
No, the GOP bought that line because they figured they better ride the wave of immigration and demographic change instead of protecting, preserving and CONSERVING their constituency. They stopped serving the people long ago. Trump represents a dramatic shift in the script everyone was going to read off of this election.
it's funny when cucks chimp out over things like this and they won't even defend their own kind (whites) from being genocided.
I'd agree with that, Ron Paul wanted to abolish birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants and increase border security, and that's true if Mexicans become the majority you will have a crap hole country.
>how do you respond
Well sorry gary but it's the legal definition of their status.
thelawdictionary.org/illegal-alien/ "This term is given to a foreigner living in the US with no right to stay who has taken no steps to become a citizen."
No entry for undocumented immigrant, undocumented illegal or undocumented citizen.
Sorry Gary, those terms are made up by the media to try to portray the illegal alien/illlegal immigrants different from their legal status so they sound more like citizens than criminals.
If you have a problem with the legal term of art for their status, that is not my problem gary. Now kindly put the coathanger down before you hurt yourself.
What kind of fucking faggot gets this pissed when you point out that illegal immigration is illegal?
Johnson acted like the cuck of cucks when he went on his pedantic tirade about bending over for fence-hopping beaners.
How about instead of registering my car at the DMV, I just drive without a tag because that's how I get opportunities?
That wouldn't make me an illegal driver -- just an undocumented driver who is trying to better himself.
You get it. Without Trump the GOP will either cease to exist or become Democratic Lite. With Trump it can become the economic nationalist, if not White nationalist party.
It's hard to clearly understand him, but I think his current policy is this. Build wall, kick out the convicted criminal illegals first, and then deal with the rest of the problem. I hope he still kicks out the millions of DREAMers. The 50k Irish illegals aren't such a big deal IMO.
Considering ongobongo rearmed and trained the cartels in a big way thanks to his I competoncy, the US is at least at partial blame.
You guys need to get le Weed Man under control. After MAGA we need to MCGA.
fuck off forever you anti gun open borders narcissist blm supporting globalist double faggot
God I hate the kock brothers for giving you money, I have to hear your nasely kike voice on the radio every 30 mins you waste of fucking oxygen
Oh, right, sorry, NIGGERS AND MOHAWS
I can say what ever I want. It's freedom of speech.
You are free to formulate opinions based off if my choice of words.
But telling me I can't say something is a front on my freedom of speech so gi fuck off you nigger cunt faggot illegal beaner scum sucking kike.
>buzzfeed news reported
Classic le weedman, but it's hard when the liberal party is the natural ruling party of Canada
Frankly if he can accomplish ANYTHING he's my man. He's already done so much by starting the conversation in such a way it couldnt be avoided by the MSM, and it tapped into something deep, which I dont think we've seen the full extent of yet.
You're about 20 years behind us on the curve. In theory it would be easier to unpoz you guys than us. Perhaps you need an intraparty reform. Get some Sargons to take over the Liberal party etc.
He's got my vote and is so much better than Shillary and Jeb! that even if 1/2 of his plans aren't done he still saves the day. Full on MAGA if he does it all. If he gets us to ally with Russia we'll have saved the West. If he wins I'll spend November 9th bingewatching CNN for the triggering of a lifetime.
>"Are they in this country legally?"
>"Are they immigrants?"
>"Well okay then."
>british opinion
sorry..that's in the trash
If I say it enough will he be triggered to death
>stating a fact
American Education
>No, the GOP bought that line because they figured they better ride the wave of immigration and demographic change instead of protecting, preserving and CONSERVING their constituency.
exactly, why even caal themselves conservative when they have conserved NOTHING!! fucking puppet cuck faggots
Piss off, LINO!
Okay I've obviously missed some story or something that happened recently, this is the 3rd thread I've seen on this.
What did he say and when did he say it?
>uild wall, kick out the convicted criminal illegals first, and then deal with the rest of the problem.
would be a shame if some mehicoons lost their passports and accidentally got departed too