Are Gringo racists?

Are Gringo racists?

>fuck no, we ain't racist
>we are friends of niggers and stuff

vote for Trump anyways....


you guys are pathethic and deserve whats comming

the only plausible reason you may vote for Trump, is if you are a fucking recists bastard

>hurr durr, shillary shill

you imbeciles, you had your change with;
that other nigger I forgot his name

anyways, now that the rest of the world knows that you guys are a nation of obvious racism;

what would you do when someone calls you a racists?

Build the wall, Pablo

Shut up spic


Go home, essay


I got news for you, sonny! Mexicans are some of the most racist people I ever met! It's disgusting!

>I'm not nor have I ever been racist and chances are good I never will be.

>But I will make this clear: I DO NOT LIKE ASSHOLES!


Fuck you mexcrement. This post resembles every butthurt wetback on JewTube




I don't care if someone call me racist, hell leftists and crybaby brown people call everything they don't like racist, so fuck it who cares. that said, I admire mexicans distaste for niggers.

mexico ain't so bad, dunno why coronas get such a bad wrap to be honest with you fampai.

dunno about mexicans themselves though. seem like dirty people.

Nice proxy
> gringo

No one who spoke Spanish, would do it so poorly.
Sage for the shillbot


>Mexican intellectual

eee, thanks?

>that other nigger I forgot his name
>calls other people racists
you WILL pay for that wall, pedro


Why are all mexicunts midgets?



maybe there was a gigant lizard living in prehispanic era, eating only the tallests guys in here

or just bad genes, don't know


just leaving this here

>Are Gringo racists?
Yes I am
Here's a post I wrote before explaining why I'm a racist:
Let me tell you about an average day at my job at a local home improvement store in Central Illinois.
50% of everyone I deal with on an average day is an immigrant.
Let me repeat that.
This includes everyone- Indians, Asians, Arab, Mestizshits, Europeans even. Now, this is a Big 10 college town, so it's to be expected with the University importing foreign cash to pay their outrageous tuition fees as well as foreign professors, because fuck Americans, right? Also large companies in the area import H1B's like crazy, because fuck Americans again, forever and ever.
Now, out of this 50%, about 20% do not speak a single word of English. Guess who the worst offenders are? That's right, fucking Mexicans, as always. We're in the middle of a cornfield and these ignorant fucks can't be bothered to learn a single word of English. Next is Asians, then Indians. Arabs seem to actually learn the damn language for some reason.
Now for the other 50%: Every white woman over 30 and under 60 is a coalburner, no exceptions. I wish I was joking but I'm not. Lots of oildrillers as well for some reason, but this city might as well be called Coal Mine at this point. It's ridiculous.
The remaining 30% or so are white yuppies, white farmers, or typical blacks.
I see the future of the US in my town, and it looks like trash. I want off the ride.
I said it before and I'll say it again: I wasn't a racist until I came here. Now all I want is just to turn back time. I'm so sick of dealing with non whites. It makes my heart hurt knowing the future that these literal idiots (most immigrants don't even know how to unclog a toilet) will one day run this place.

Where's your skid mark?

Are Mexican criminal?

>fuck no, we ain't criminal
>we are followers of law and stuff

illegal immigrate anyways....


you guys are pathethic and deserve whats comming

the only plausible reason you may cross the border illegally, is if you are a fucking criminals bastard

>hurr durr, drump shill

you imbeciles, you had your change with;
that other nigger I forgot his name

anyways, now that the rest of the world knows that you guys are a nation of obvious cartels;

what would you do when someone calls you a criminal?


Nice get little straya

those trips

thank you for that enlgithling post, "cheap australia"

Why is racism considered the worst thing in the world? Not even the third world tink its bad, they just know they can guilt trip us with it.

This dude gets it, I grew up in the countryside so never saw any non whites there was like one black girl at my school that was it.

But boy did I get a culture shock when I moved away for uni.

>Why is racism considered the worst thing in the world?

boy, you must be white

We have the luxury to complain about stupid shit
It's societal bikeshedding
See: collapse of every democracy/republic

you only say this because you cant get away with calling yourself white, and thats funny to me

sue me

do they even teach you how to read in your shitskinistan?

Mexico is a failed corrupt state that has developed zero innovation and technology since its existence because Indians peaked with the bow and arrow hundreds of years ago.

I approve of this shitpost

White British, but that's beside the point.

>what would you do when someone calls you a racists?
laugh in thier face, ligaf in current year

look boris, why don't you go ahead and help your stepmom do some nice pljeskavica

Lolol "Paula Deen". God forbid someone says one thing in her private home. What a racist she was.

If you do A you must be B
Typical liberal slide thread logic, oh and it's a Mexico flag too, nice try .002 pesos have been deposited into your account

sage and hide

>assblasted mexican intellectual
It's been forever and a day since they implemented flags, and I still have yet to read a post from Mexico that wasn't abhorrent.

>Mexican """""""""""""""""banter"""""""""""""""""*
Merdstizo educacĂ­on

Hi mexican, I hate white liberals with a passion and I'm not even white.

My reason for voting for Trump, really it's just to see the true racism of the left be destroyed and exposed. Also tell all these DACA retards at my college to go back.

Plus you must be a retard also, you call us nigger, gringo and say we are racist.

agree with them and prepare to draw my sidearm

Yeah, that's the idea, Paco.

>hurr durr you rayciss
>call someone a nigger
some quality shitposting, Pablo

Are you from Bloomington? Always seemed pretty white there desu


It's very tolerant here :^)
>tfw people still have Bernie signs up
People are very, very delusional here

>"Are gringos racist?"
>uses racial slur in opening question

At this point, I'd say turnabout is fair play, you stupid fucking wetback. Enjoy the wall.

B-but muh Alcubierre drive

Yeah never been. All the shitskins there must've been priced out of Chicago

Since you spics obviously aren't racist, can we send all our niggers to you?

You're going to pay for the wall, Pedro.

>mexican jealousy
It never gets old.

>Are Gringo racists?
Yes, now fuck off. Third worldism is kikery. You are not entitelled to anything from whites

sage in options field

Well UIUC brings them in because see my rant post earlier

what you forget is, that we "Gringo's" are predominant in this world, without us the world couldn't function, we ended slavery (something what was practiced since the dawn of mankind) in just a couple of years, because we felt like it.
the US gave black equality, just because they felt like it.
But what you clearly want to ignore is that your failed state is probably 100 times more a racist shithole than all of the "Gringo" countries combied, but you don't care about this fact since nobody calls you out on that, since nobody cares. BUT WATCH OUT when somebody says nigger on his twitterfeed, and he's not black/gay/sjaghfjkegfaj-sexual or a woman.
Guess we label you all as racist know.

>mexican intellectuals

>implying racism is bad

Hola, newfriend. Look at all the fucks I don't give.

Build it.

sage the bait threads

10 feet higher, Paco

dont you have a nigger/spic forum where you can post with your own kind?

Borders are racist now?
Actually enforcing laws is racist now?

>third world taco maker thinks his opinion is relevant
stay in your shithole and you won't have to worry about the big mean americans

Mexico is a shithole. Your entire country smells like rust and frijoles.

>Are Gringo racists?
hell yes. fuck off paco you useless cunt.

>what would you do when someone calls you a racists?

Tell them I'm a mixed race mutt and they can go fuck themselves, yourself included Juan.

can't read, won't read, same difference

Why do Mexicans love burritos?

It reminds them of their favorite thing.

Big fat white cock.

Reagan was based.

A nation is not a country.

>Are spics racists?

Si. Worse than any person I've ever met.
Especially when they are the majority.

Construir el muro cabrone y ir a la mierda.

Looks like a bunch of Clinton supporters assaulting a Trump supporter.