Sup Forums btfo.
Sup Forums btfo
Jews are evil.
>implying Sup Forums is Christian
>not understanding the purpose of the law
>"it simply is" line of computer thinking you find in autists, kikes and everything modern
You disgust me.
Solomon was such a Chad, fuck that guy
>Old Testament
>Implying those rules weren't for the hebrews alone on how they were to be the people of God.
Go me something from the NT that states that God is for marriage with something other than one man and one woman?
genesis 2:24 doesn't say that.
Genesis 16 doesn't say that, sarai can't have children so she offers to abraham that he can have sex with hagar and concieve a child which she will raise.
genesis 38:6-10 levirate marriage, this type of marriage were for that time and that group of people only. Because god was going to do something specific with those lineages.
deuteronomy 22:28-29 does not say that. It says that if someone lays with a virgin that is not engaged to anyone, then he has to marry her, he can't just knock her up and then leave from responsibility.
Infact deuteronomy 22:25 which you conveniently neglected, sentences the male rapist to death "25 But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die.
26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter:
27 For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her."
Ironically you quote this and say it condones rape, 28 actually doesn't say force but is voluntary sex of a virgin who is not engaged.. then he must marry her..
exodus 21:4 doesn't say that, the servants could be married or they could not be married, and the master could setup a potential marriage. But doesn't have to be a slave.
Deutoronomy 21:11 doesn't say that, it says if you see a nice woman whom you want to marry, take her to your house put nice clothes on her let her talk to her parents about it for a month etc. And then consummate the marriage.
This was only allowed in the wars otherwise they could not marry strangers.
With regards to numbers 31:1-18 you're wrong again, only the young virgins are kept and the woman who have oath to husbands and again the law is they must take them as wives if they like them.. (see numbers 30),
And also numbers deut exodus etc. are a) a war going on where they are fighting several groups of people who are allied with the nephilim. And generally the israelites aren't allowed to marry outside their group at that time because they have specific tasks to do and are to be kept pure because god is doing something specific with their lineages.
Leviticus law does not apply to christianity aswell and is similarly the issue. as galatians 3 illustrate. Because when the messianic covenant came that was extended to all man, the old laws fell away about this and had served their purpose.
laws that do not apply under the covenant of the messiah but were only for the ancient hebrews. And the examples you take, you are simply incorrect about what it actually says in the passages you quote as i've tried to illustrate..
The marriage as jesus prescribed is between 1 man and 1 woman and that's it.
Essentially what a terrible meme, whoever put this together is a moron when it comes to biblical studies.
>With regards to numbers 31:1-18 you're wrong again, only the young virgins are kept and the woman who have oath to husbands and again the law is they must take them as wives if they like them.. (see numbers 30),
The woman with husbands are killed along with their husbands along with the midianite men.. there's no sex slave booty, the midianites are punished by god is why he tells the israelites to kill them.
if an israelite desires one of the virgin women of the midianites, he must marry and honor her like he would any wife.
This understanding is stated in 30 just before 31 which you refer to.. And moses is actually ticked off that they didn't kill the women married to the men as agreed, and instructs them to do so and only keep the virgins. And if they wish to marry them they can do so/and have to if they have sex with them.
Ever uh... hear of the thing called the old testament?
Well that is where all that comes from and is not apart of Christianity as a whole and never has been. The old testament remains a record/transcript of where the Jewish (Old Testament) faith started and then transformed into Christianity (New Testament)
Yes as galatians 3 reads those laws were only for the ancient israelites (hence the levirate marriages etc. and them generally not marrying outsiders) till the seed of the promise had arrived galatians 3 with the covenant for all mankind.
But furthermore to make matters worse for the OP.
I've just gone through all the passages he had in the OP and basically many of them don't even say what he purports they say, and even some of them say the exact opposite of what he says. Like one he says that condones rape actually says the opposite and convicts a rapist to death.
So instead of merely intentionally misunderstanding it, and then believing the fabrication, OP outright lies?
Woohoo did you really defend that with a wall of text
I still don't see male+male there.
bumping for the effort from the denmark guy
10/10 Have a nice danish weapon for reward
That is the point of all apologetics - to defend it in the best and most true and full way possible. To bad that most of antichirstians are fucking retards with tl;dr attitude to anything that was written by nonatheo.
Things would be sopii much easier if I found males sexually appealing. Only thing I get horny about male is penis so I have had my fair share of transexuals.
Lately I have lean more towards women but still I gotta have that feminine dick once in a while.
>Because it happened in the Bible means its acceptable to God.
Kys faggot.
You know who didn't get married?
Jesus, he's the ordinal MGOTW and he was so enlightened because he never was tempted by the vaginal jew.
Thanks for explanations.
>it's all still a man with women
gays btfo for all eternity
What's with all this Mexican shitposting today, were there no buses to the border today?
It is mostly interpretations, and Christians always have to find a pussy way of explaning. just like muslims