Is this show the only redpilled show on tv right now?
any other Sup Forums approved shows?
Is this show the only redpilled show on tv right now?
any other Sup Forums approved shows?
fight club ripoff
can't believe i wasted time watching that pos show
WTF friend
It's basically a show about commie hackers.
Plus, they have a shitskin hacker.
What is your problem friend?
The X-Files (at least the first 8 seasons, haven't seen the last two)
All Aussie Adventures
Twin Peaks
Berry and Fulcher's Snuff Box
True Detective
Space Dandy (anime)
They don't mention it, but they allude to the bilderberg/NWO jews quite often in it.
This is the most retarded show going on right now, and is basically a definition of blue pill. I dont know how did you not drop this shit already?
>le evil 1%
>le goodguy degenerates
>evil corporation (seriously niggers?????)
>multiculti shitters "changing the world"
>buzzwords all over the screen
>retarded story, retarded characters, boring sets
>normies being bored of being normies, trying to be not-normies
>some random bdsm shit thrown in for no reason or purpose or anything
>le being crazy is so cool xDD thing
>some quasi political undertones but not really, nothing other than "rich = evil ;DDDD"
1 season of true detective
Blue Mountain State
Lol so edgy.
"Mr. Robot helps to bring down corporate america through hacking"
Probably the cringiest show to come out in a long time.
Do people really think that being anti-business is somehow redpilled?
Anime is gay as fuck.
I tried to watch the wire, I got kinda lost after binge watching the first season then leaving it a week or so untill I started the second, I still want to watch it but naaaaaaaaah
>not enough rape though
nothing redpilled about mr. bobo
If you want to be red-pilled you would download your TV shows and skip the bullshit to relevant part.
But usually youtube and other video uploading services already have that - people cropping shows out and placing only relevant parts.
You should also watch them at 1.5 x speed or more - make sure you can properly comprehend content tho.
It's not worth to invest too much time with normie stuff.
Space dandy is the most manly heterosexual show to have ever been produced
>blonde main character fucks a nigger she just met
>evil capitalist says that people used to buy make up shit like "family values", "american dream" when it suited them
>multiculti team of hackers
The show only pretends to be redpilled on the outside. The inside is rotten.
it doesn't really become any good until the second season, but it is slow as hell compared to modern dramas
they basically show how vikings were already into cuckolding back then. besides that great show. great fighting scenes and most important pic related.
i don't know how you could do a movie about hacking in any other way but with conspiracy.
however all that does is make it into even more of a joke than it already is.
many people don't buy into international jewry exactly BECAUSE it sounds like the plot of a movie, and many people go on about retarded shit no one cares about like the eye on the currency.
I think "into it" is the wrong word
More like "women lie about who they fuck when you are not around"
•women lie about paternity to secure resources".
And remember the Wessex princess does the same shit.
Pretty redpill
so edgy the thread
Television is for plebes. The true redpill is self improvement and not wasting your time being force fed jew-crap on the boob-tube.
It's dreadful.
I think it's great story about mentally ill person. I thought everything that happens is just his twisted fantasy. It would be logical that sometime he turns into neonazi. Maybe in last season when they don't have to think about publicity.
>self improvement
>Sup Forums
>Muh joos
Yeaaaaaaaaaah right.
pretty much every single US-made tv show now has lgbt characters, and you are calling anime gay? your country is a driving force for more degeneracy than anime will ever be
The Aussie has a point.
This show got shilled for a while through tumblr ads so ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
yeah that's true. but didn't ragnar asked the christian monk if he want to fuck lagertha while he watches? 1st season i think
Good show, can only recommend it.
Yeah he invited him to a threesome and he monk declined
Probably an unnecessary plot but I think they wanted to show how alien the Vikings were and how divorced they were from western, Christian morality
>fighting da powah.
>muh capitalism.
>muh evil corporations
basically all the sex stuff in Vikings is unnecessary and adds nothing to the plot, the obvious exception being when Ragnar cheats on Lagertha.
I havent seen it.. but the previews always looked socialistic to me, thats why i didnt watch it.
True the only sex that should be in are rapes and maybe now the stuff with rollo in France/ people getting married
But it's still a tv show needs that sex to get the women watching
OMG people have more money than me != redpilled
I call it "Autism Quest"
This is probably the most blue-pill pro-liberal propaganda show i have ever seen, stopped after 3 episodes.
>The bad corporation owner is obviously white, young, handsome and super evil (like all white guys of course)
>Main character is mixed skin retarded drug junkie
>His girlfriend is a drug junkie too and also retarded
>Pro-socialist propaganda all over the show, muh working class
>The hacker team consists of... a nigger, a sandnigger, a mixed/mulatto/idontfuckingknow, white guy and a white girl
>2 women in hacker group... but i've never in my life as an IT worker had seen any women interested in IT/hacking so they must be like 0.1% minority and yet they are 40% of the group
>hacking random people emails like a creep is cool
>the core message of the show is "fuck the society we live in aghhh poor people, inequality"
it's basically adressed to white liberals and leftists
Redpilled? this show is garbage...
I like the show but for some reason shows and games about hacking make me cringe.
Also there is a part in the show where he is browsing Sup Forums
It's a lead up to draw in leftist nuts before dropping the red pill at the end
fuck no
blue pilled as fuck
Yes this is the most redpill show, mainly because of how different it is compared to the other standard shit on network TV rn. Forgot the message; it's how they go about creating the show in genera. Fuck you, dissenters.
And what would that be?
I have no interest in the show so i don't care about spoilers
Mr. Reddtit
btw pic related is for you, OP.
>While posting on a anime image board.
There is a reason you where being auto banned for a week or so there.
There will be no "red pill". It is nothing but a season long liberal circle jerk.
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums
That would be pretty genius actually. The ending should be that the EvilCorp was a part of giant Jewish conglomerate that was trying to take over America... imagine the shitstorm :^)
Anime is great.
because hacking in tv and movies is fake and gay
>percentage bars to indicate hack progress
>people furiously typing out hello world programs
>keystrokes don't match letters appearing on screen
>oh no they are reverse tracing my encrypted tunnels
>good thing this user interface comes pre-programmed with everyday features such as "time until incoming missile"
>American TV shows are full of "GRR Trans sexuals stronk!!! We are people too respect our pronouns CIS sexist scum!!"
>anime generally treats trans-sexuals as deviant degenerates who just do it for sexual arousal, not respected at all, and any content with transsexuals are targeted directly at those deviants who fap to trap porn
>muh womyn warriors
Absolutely disgusting desu senpai
>Anime Imageboard website
You're the one who needs to go somewhere else.