What the fuck is happening? Do shills really think this tactic will work?
TIME Magazine Releases New Photos of Young Hillary
Other urls found in this thread:
>he doesnt want to protect this smile
or this one
or this one
I want to abduct this smile and lock it up in my basement.
This is a good photo for a milk carton
or this one
or this one
or this one
or this one
or this one
stop posting
or this one
or this one
in memoriam
they are preparing us for her death
they will run Biden, screencap this.
or this one
or this one
>Every photo is in black and white
Just how OLD is she?
or this one
or this one
people didn't really start using color cameras until late 70s
or this one
or this one
She's like 40 years old in those.
>Releasing photos before the Communist demons possessed her
Not an argument
or this one
this is cute
no they won't
>Do shills really think this tactic will work?
muh dick
This is the only picture I have seen of her where she isn't corrupted, by her lesbian abuser.
Pretty Little Liar
>hmm yes I would like to go balls deep in hebe hill so I will vote for her
said nobody ever
Uganda has internet?
Comparing modern photos of HRC is a lot more fun.
>lesbian abuser
Do you know who she is?
Not being familiar with US presidential election system: what happens when she croaks before election day? Are the elections postponed, do democrats appoint Kaine as nominee, do they have a whole another party election, what?
W-why is her brother blurry? Did she feed on his soul, and he's slowly fading out of existence?
so... how many lolicons here switching to hillary?
Probably keep going with Tim "The Pain" Kaine
Is that what they're calling IRL loli sluts now?
The lil whore is right out of a Mieow Rustle work
yeah man you have to go way the fuck into the bush to not have decent 3G
Kaine by default
They can switch to whoever but it's obviously a risky move but may not have ballot access to all states
Another one for the collection! I didn't know that Ugandans were on Sup Forums. I mean, not as if anybody would holiday there.
Tim Kaine would become the nominee and either select or have selected for him a VP to serve if he were to fall next.
>he honestly wont vote for this
>or this
Not voting for this
>or this
>or this
That smile is long dead.
>or this
Pendering to the growing pedo demographics
She met Saul Alinksy. He corrupted her.
My brain hates her but my dick got hard.
I don't know who'll win.....
>or this
>or this
>or this
>Completely different hair colour
Honestly expected democrat propaganda to be better than this.
nah I'm an American working for a NGO doing humanitarian shit for UNHCR. it's a cool country, which is why it's been flooded with refugees from Sudan, Burundi, Congo, Somalia, etc
lots of muzungu (local term for white ppl) come here for safaris and shit. there was a gaggle of Dutch ppl here the last couple of days
All I see is pure evil.
>or this
It will work unfortunately... Burgerland is full of idiots... Just like Germoney
>or this
underrated post, and in all likelihood, the truth
you can stop spamming pics of the witch now
What kind of man behaved like that then? He looks like a fag.
If anything it proves how fucking old she is as color photos don't exist of her in her youth.
you'd be surprised how many people blantantly hate Hillary here. this won't make a dent.
>Saul Alinksy
>or this
>or this
OK thanks.
americans are stupid, but it only goes so far
>Vote because how she was, not because how she is now
what the fuck is this shit.
Some of those rare new photos i already seen before it was rare and new.
>or this
Wow women really age like shit
>6% trust
only if 6% of the population votes then we are fucked
She has the most dead eyes. No light.
So you clearly give some semblance of a shit about blacks, but you browse Sup Forums. Probably not mutually exclusive, but I never imagined many of us doing NGO shit in Africa. What's your take on Sup Forums?
wtf they deleted the slave
good sleuthing, find anything else?
Is that Cenk from TYT?
yes, i also found her connection to the Illuminati
The deadline to file has already passed in more than half the states.
Okay, where are the nudes of Hillary? There should be some
Goes to show that no matter how traditionally you were raised, you can always turn out to be a degenerate failure.
Look at all these posts by the same ID. Obviously this person is a degenerate leftist pedophile
Could be a meme on our hands, like Raimiposting. Tarnish her name and shit. Could someone edit the text and top image to be a school pic like and make the text say :
>[Random student] asserted that, 'Hillary was the only one in class who really knew how to manipulate male students in order to spite the popular girls. I attended school with Hillary. I saw how satisfied and untucked their shirts were when my friends spent a minute with her. She wasn't that way to me though. I was a friend.
I imagine it was an Alinskyite Satanist, who mentored her. I have no proof of this. I am just an intuit and can read if people have been abused and in Hillary's case, she is a closet lesbian and was sexually abused ritually, by at least one lesbian, for many years. Looking back on it, Hillary wouldn't call it abuse, she would call it enlightening.
Who knows,
Have you seen Hillary adds on tv, they are just clips of trump saying "I'll send them to hell! They're idiots! Stupid stupid! Bomb the shit out of them"
Not even about her, it's rediculous but it works on my libtard Roomate as a a nice form of comformaion bias, God forbid he actually looks up trump and his positions for himself
"Are you kidding me???!??"
young Hillary is not for sexual exploitation. we only want to show that she too was a child just like everyone else. the mean comments you people make about her is absurd and we wont tolerate. we ask you kindly to delete this post and that stupid idea. thank you and sorry for any inconvenience. thank you.
Lol they are bretty funny
You in California?