Have millenials ruined tv?
Have millenials ruined tv?
millenials have ruined everything
baby turders aka boomers like Colbert are the real subhumans and ruined everything good. They also gave birth to millenials, so there is that.
Millennials don't even watch tv
Unfortunately they haven't ruined it enough, since TV is still around.
Hopefully they will give it the death blow when they altogether stop watching it.
tv ruined millennials
Isn't Colbert Generation X?
WTF I thought he was around 60 years old.
no, it´s the generation that brainwashed millenials with far left ideology. Fuck you russia
millenials wouldnt be the shitheads they are if they hadnt grown up in the "everyones a winner!" revolution
It wasn't really like that. The idea of being a loser was still very real
We can't afford TV's
I can't be the only one that's getting sick to fucking death of the billion "millenial" threads every 5 minutes on every board.
>story about oppressive religious nutters that force women to wear kooky outfits that look like burkas with lampshades on top
>somehow about Trump
>Islam is cool though
even funnier, elizabeth moss is a scientologist.
I didn't know that. And this woman had the audacity to play high and mighty about the dangers of other religions?
No, it was the reagan era that birthed morality policing.
Near as makes no difference everyone on Sup Forums is either a millenial or gen-z baby, including 99% of posters whom, oblivious to the irony, complain about millenials.
Colbert and the rest of middle-aged people are gen-x, not boomers. Boomers are old people now.
how very Lovecraftian of you
No you're right with the Boomer part. He was born in 1964.
I think he does a good job as president of South Korea though.
As if we needed any further confirmation that show was pushed solely for optics.
Yeah but the problem was the idea of the winner was dead.
ru ndown on this year's emmys?
Sup Forums has been majority Millennial since the board's inception, you dumdum.
genx-ers are a thousand times worse than boomers and millenials put together
TV was never good to begin with. There's zero reason to even have a cable subscription
>haha fuck trump like haha fuck white people
>jews win a bunch of awards
>complain there are not enough women and poc in movies
>same jews continue to accept roles, depriving said women and poc from having them
>dude fuck white men christians lmao
>gay singing and dancing
You know that the vast majority of Sup Forums consists of millenials?
On a serious note: boomers fucked everything up. Millenials and their offspring have to pick up the pieces.
Old fags are millenials, like moot. It's this underage genZ that's ruining everything.
>Dancing show entrance about Handmaid's Tale
>Handmaid's Tale wins everything
It really makes you think
Found butthurt millenials
Shoulnt you be at school apologizing for being white?
Millenials are the people who are mostly opting out of TV. I don't know anyone my age who pays for TV. We have the internet, we don't have to watch their garbage.
Also, Baby Boomers and Gen X are the ones making all the decisions.
>What's hot now?
>Great let's try to cash in on that.
>I hate Drumph
>Me, too let's make a show about that.
Not saying Millenials aren't any less douchy, you just have to check out their fagbooks to see, but they aren't calling the shots, and they aren't the ones paying for any of it.
you are describing genx-ers
Gen Xers aren't in school now. And they were basically the last generation that wasn't taught that straight whites were evil. I mean, it probably happened in colleges, but they didn't grow up with it.
No, Millennials are people born in the 80's. It's the older people that are ruining the country with their christian conservative values.
gen z literally hasnt done shit yet. most of them are just turning 20. face it, millenial. youre a fuck up.
>Baby Boomers
Literally handed the world, the US was one of two super powers, and the only one that wasn't secretly a 3rd world.Taught that America and the West was the best.
Tried to destroy it. Set America and the West on the current path to destruction every shitty movement today has its origins in the 60s.
Millennials and Gen Z are shit heads, but who was teaching them in schools and university, who was running the TV and film companies, who is actually running the country.
It's always amusing watching Sup Forums crack a shitfit whenever this guy opens his mouth.
>everyone i don't like is Sup Forums
I've never been to Sup Forums in my life
>They also gave birth to millenials, so there is that.
>responding to JIDF/Shariablue
how new are you
The Greatest Generation where the worst generation that destroyed America . Wasn't their fault but they were so easily tricked into social engineering that I can still blame them. The problems started with them
The handmaid's tale reminds me of TRUMPS AMERICA!
>everyone who disagree with me is a secret organization
How do channers even function in real life ?
thank god were having a war & national draft to kill atleast half of those useless fucks...
T.probably self-hating millenial brainwashed by Sup Forums and ebin frog meme and that jew caricature from A.wyatt Mann/Nick Bougas
>i TOTALLY know stuff about before i was born gais
sure you do.
your military service will be *snicker* honored
didn't this tank in the ratings?
boomers ruined milenials and milenials will like wise ruin the next generation. Perhaps, two generations later they will realize how fucked and pussified everyone is and we will have a based generation by 2100
they don't
The plot of Handmaid’s Tale could easily come true here and especially in the States where the Rapist in Chief wants all women’s rights destroyed and a restoration of gender roles that would see women become slaves again.
>Everyone on Sup Forums is 40
You're millenials you complete retards
Sounds good, apart from the hyperbole. Women were happier and whites/blacks/browns got along better before (((schools))) and the (((media))) started telling everyone how bad and wrong they were and how they should actually be living.
progressives have ruined everything that they touch
Im gen z, you gen y are fags lmao
>it's another buttblasted cuckservative alt-reich sperg (also a millennial) throws a tantrum about imaginary liberal boogeymen episode
getting real tired of these re-runs.
I wish Colbert would visit my flyover town so I could blow his fucking head off. If I ever see his stupid gaping maw again it will be in 5 minutes when someone else makes a Colbert thread.
Why does he do this?
Fuck off.
>Howe and Strauss define the Millennial cohort as consisting of individuals born between 1982 and 2004. Other proposed dates for Millennials: According to Iconoclast, a consumer research firm, the first Millennials were born in 1978.
It's funny because 80's fags act like they're superior to 90's fags when we're all in the same boat.
very kafkaesque post
>you all bought into the "those darn kids these days" meme
the people whining about millennials are almost always millennials born in the 90s themselves. they are just a more autistic "born in le wrong generation" fedora tippers.
>This many faggots falling for the fake generation war
fuck off
Every generation thinks they're smarter than their parents generation, but wiser than their children's generation. Life changes, you faggots. Get over it now or get ready to be another cynical useless piece of shit when you're old.
who could be behind this?
Yeah I agree with this. I also think that its retarded to blame younger generations for anything. Culture just changes but people deep down are the same
IIT: millennials butthurt that self aware millennials hate millennials
Both of you are wrong. Millenials are too young to have ruined everything, boomers are too old to be relevant. Gen X is the ones slowly Fucking the world with identity politics. They push for all this acceptance bullshit, they ruin all things fun, they're the ones who put their kids o leashes and wrap them in bubble wrap. Open your eyes and you'll see the truth. Trudeau is Gen X
>self aware
Most young people who lambast millenials don't even realize they are one, or that it's the same thing as Gen Y. They're the opposite of self-aware.
>you aren't allowed to criticise your own generation
>"whats that? you hate millennials? well guess what, heh...you ARE one!!!1 you idoit!!!"
you can be a millenial and also complain about/blame millenials for things, user.
>Every generation thinks they're smarter than their parents generation
yeah except EVERYONE hates millennial cucks. from boomers to gen z to this new gen with no name. So pack it up gen y bois time to go back.
just liberals
That would be the Gen Xers who keep using Millennials as a scape goat for everything. Millennials don't have any power in media other than being the audience that Boomers and Xers pander to. The moment you get Time Magazine bitching about Gen Z is the moment Millennials actually have power.
>mocks Sup Forums users while using Sup Forums
perhaps everyone is to blame
H.P. Lovecraft
I'm neither of those things.
Boomers are responsible for birthing generation X who were too pussy to show discipline when birthing millenials with an everyone wins mentality/environment. Everyone's fault.
What is this Harry Potter Lovecraft meme i keep seeing?
He's been the mocking Jewish comedy writers' manic little good goy for decades.
In response to the entire thread, the moral of the story is that the boomers parents truly were The Greatest Generation, Boomers started fucking shit up because they thought everything was going to be life on easy mode after WWII, Boomers raised their kids like shit because of this, Millennials are the shittiest generation imaginable.
t. actual millennial
It's a group of the more intellectually inclined posters on Sup Forums in search for the holy grail of a perfectly made Lovecraft film and how to go about it.
This. I'd motivate to raise my own kids effectively if the powers that be didn't keep beaming hentai into my computer from space
how old are you mother fuckers complaining about millennials?
When idd lovecraft adapt Harry Potter?
I hate milenniels for passively accepting the shit hand they were dealt and falling into despair instead of getting angry.
I also hate boomers for being handed the world and driving it into the ground.
I also hate the """greatest generation""" for coming home and letting their societies fall apart by raising spoiled boomer trash.
I also hate generation X for their passive acceptance of reduced standards after the boomers gave birth to them.
I also hate generation Z for being the most SJW, genderqueer, nonwhite, dab-happy generation to meet the standards of the social engineers who birthed this mess.
I'm sure the new one will be even worse. They won't even know a world where gun rights exist or where freedom exists without constant, extensive monitoring.
I wish we could live in a world where society got better by each generation, not worse.
The west is so goddamned passive I'm convinced nothing short of total starvation could push it to protest or disrupt the elites beyond the threshold of ironic signs and goofy marches.
Gen Z worships xxxtentacion and collects fidget spinners to keep their hands occupied during their Jake Paul videos, nothing they say is actually valid at this point, especially since it's impossible to be Gen Z and not be underaged. Which means get the fuck off my website reeeeeee.
Stop trying to convince people that the most "multicultural" and least white generation in American history is decent for anything other than the liberals.
>comparing being a nerd with hope of a better future and personal growth ahead to growing up in a post 9/11, post global recession world
in gen z no one's a winner
slackjawed faggot
>tfw realizing gen z has such a jaded, depressive worldview in the USA that the miserable shit brought on by spying, the economic collapse, and the neoliberal match all seems normal to them
Fugg. The next ones will be even worse.
Yes, Rick & Morty is the most obvious sign of it but honestly it's been building up to it for years.
You just know a teenager who considers himself "based Gen Z" made this post. Nice try!
Rick and Morty is hot garbage but what else has even come out? Game of Thrones, Pickle Rick, ....?
Name your favorite half hour comedy shows.
Who brought all of these leftists to Sup Forums and how do we get them to leave?