How do we protect ourselves of China?
How do we protect ourselves of China?
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Create nano machines that can seep into their water supply that will turn their military men into qt lollies. The devastation to their egos will be enough to pack it up and head home.
Commit Sudoku my man
>Nuke Mecca
>Blame it on the chinese
Use Otaku as human shields. Win win situation. You get rid of the autists in your country while defending it.
Stop buying their shit and watch their economy collapse.
Turn their youth into weabos by producing better Hentai and lower their birthrates even more,
so far its working marvelously,but you must step up your game,dumb nip
Spread disease to the Chinese populace
Disavow war criminals. Build a few monuments to Chinese victims of your agression.
Do the same to South Korea.
And then you won't need to fear, you won't need USA to protect you.
>you mean instant global china rule
>most always wanted to be lolies
>your troops completely demoralized
genocide them , as you did in manchuria and nankin.
That's not a genocide.
That's more like a massacre
Join new horde.
start taking control of small Pacific territories. launch a force on their mainland and just fuck up their population with rapes and village burnings. Don't worry, we'll back you up, just get it started.
Shinzo we are not your guidance counselors. Go back to Kentei.
you cant cuz they protected by Buddha
lok'tar ogar
Cmon man, you know it
Just get in there and TENNO HEIKA BANZAI
China is a force for good. Degenerate perverted mass murdering lolita fetishizing buck-toothed jap midgets are what we need to protect ourselves from.
Yeah, pandering and apologizing worked wonders in the west.
you need nukes
you have to have a MAD option.
pls include all kike strongholds in your mad option or it wont work.
they prolly want the us and cn or rus to nuke each other as long as no nukes hit hollywood or ny.
idk where the kike stronghold of rus is.
no faggot
Musashi is a fucking God
>Don't worry, we'll back you
Nice plan, ameribro, i like it. Can we back China, a little bit?
communist scum, you must return to old traditions and end KMT. china must be ally of japan, not enemy.
Make a first step - apologize to China. Just words. But they can do wonders.
Mecha suits
>Nuke Mecca, Medina, Jeddah, Riyadh, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Bahrain, Cairo, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Kuweit, Tehran, Baku, Istanbul, Ankara, Kabul, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Dhaka
>Blame it on whomever you like
>Less mudslimes
banned in china...
will weaken HK/ TW/ Korea a lot though
Oh snap, wumao bringing the bants. How will the Japs recover?
Well maybe you could stop living on a tiny island in the Chinese Sea.
By not being a third world shithole
Just nuke yourselves a third time. They'll be so stunned, that they won't know what to do.
That works.
>A snow nigger being this naive
pay debts
Payed any reparations yet? Or demand land islands instead?
you should know better
Repeal the article of your constitution that says Japan's military can only be used in self defense and then build up your naval might. Build some true aircraft carriers and submarines. China's navy is a paper tiger and they, unlike Japan, have virtually no naval history or tradition upon which they can draw.
There's a reason Japan absolutely destroyed China in the 1930s (nationalists vs. communists notwithstanding). China is inherently corrupt, weak, and lacks the kind of social cohesion that makes armies great. Japan is superior to China in almost every militarily-relevant way.
With what money? Your economy is weak as hell right now.
Hiroshima never happend
Nagasaki is a Japanese conspiracy to trick dumb gaijin into being remorseful.
>Japan-China Joint Communique Article 5
We still give them $US300mil worth of ODA every year nonetheless because we are nice people
You are rice people, just like the mainlanders.
Not money, some weapon. 130km near my place is lewisite stored,it's enough for northern half sphere of planet. Can we give some of it to China? It's will be fun to watch the show.
What about economy? Pentagon spend for traning of opposition group in Syria 5 bln $ at once. RuAF operation cost 0.5 bln and it was much more sucsessfull. Do not count everything in $ and economy.
We need just another promo action for weapon, to sell it more.
We use the Chris-Chan method