Who here /readyforthepresidentialdebates/ tonight?
We need a sticky and a MAGA hype thread going.
Will the reptilian overlord lay more eggs live? Will god emperor finally show his tax records on camera? Will Monica Lewinsky finally give bill that last bj and take the last of his soul?
Those are happening? I figured Hillary would opt out of them.
What channel will it be on?
Easton King
Joshua Price
I don't think it's an actual debate, that's at the end of the month.
Henry Rogers
Wait, what do you mean?
I was fucking hype, already bought ten bags of puff cheetohs and whiskey.
Ayden Taylor
We all know who's gonna win here. Hillary can't handle questions directly and has to prepare her answers carefully, something we KNOW Hillary won't have the chance to do during the debate because it's all on the spot. My bets are that she will be wriggling on the floor by health issues because of that, and will have to stop her debate prematurely because of it, cementing once and for all that she is unfit for the presidency.
Nolan Butler
the only person to skip out on a debate is Trump. good job using logic.
Nicholas Rodriguez
I thought there was one happening tonight on NBC but apparently might not be until the end of the month according to another user..
Need confirmation though, as I'm googling it and it states they're is one for the commander in chief at 8CT
Gavin Turner
She refused to debate Bernie because he was "too rude" to her.
Jose Scott
The fuck are you on about? Weeks to go, user.
Colton Perez
No you idiot. Theres a townhall tonight with both candidates, filmed separately. They won't be in the same building at the same time.
Ian Bell
It's not a debate. It's a foreign policy forum. Prerecorded with some media CGI hack.. Candidates will not be on the same stage or debating each other. Actual first debate will be at the end of the month
Luke Ortiz
God fucking damn it.
So the actual debate is the 26????
Well that's embarrassing.
Harambe thread then?
Nolan Walker
It's a forum where they speak back y to back. This is a new thing in addition to the traditional 3 debates
Owen Phillips
They'll try to protect H as much as they can, while hammering Don as much as they can.
Sebastian Hughes
I looked forward to a lot of things recently and they all fucked me right in the brain making me sad >Starwars TFA >Neon Demon >ID4 >Terminator genysis but if Hillary ducks the debates I will give up.
Landon Scott
Is that today? What time? (I might not go to sleep to watch 'em)
Apparently it's not a debate, but prerecorded interviews of each candidate and separate rooms..
Actual face to face debate until the end of month.
Asher Wright
nvm OP is a fag,it is not even a real debate
Jaxon Johnson
They will likely be asked prescripted questions recorded at different times, not exactly a debate setting. I will bet my bottom dollar she is sitting down and confused during the "commander in chief forum". First "debate" will be sept 26 and your queen will die.
Leo Morales
So, they're basicly forcing people to watch hillary if they want to hear trump speak?