UK Appreciation Thread

>Left the EU
>BTFO black lives matter protesters and charge them
>strengthen economy and tourism with Brexit
>better interest rates for home buyers
>arresting Islamic hate clerics and silencing the muzzies
>build a wall that america cant do


Thread Theme:

Where were you when the UK officially became the kings of Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

We've guarded the flame, Oswald.

Don't celebrate too early user, we've still got a long way to go.

Good job UK. Keep it up with these self enema purging actions and you will no longer be cucked bongistan in Eurabia anymore. Hopefully Faith, King and Empire will go back to becoming the norm again.

>Where were you when the UK officially became the kings of Sup Forums

I'm happy you got your country back, and that you are exerting measures that will being civility, prosperity and honor to your nation.

Now you know, what a day in America feels like.

CNN covered the story earlier today and they made sure to point out that the wall will likely put the migrants in more danger or cause them injury climbing over or getting suck on the other side with traffic.

updated your image youth

muslim women are so ugly they literally have to cover them up and only allow their eyes to be exposed. lol.

>CNN covered the story earlier today and they made sure to point out that the wall will likely put the migrants in more danger or cause them injury climbing over or getting suck on the other side with traffic.

unintentionally selling it's best points, good job CNN.

feels good

Actual thread theme:
>Mfw God gave the UK the best strategic start location in the game of nations
>Mfw Napoleons army at Boulogne couldn't set sail
>Mfw Hitler couldn't control the air to cross the channel
>Mfw the British built a wall before the Americans
>Mfw Britain time and time again stops a shitty United Europe, be it economic or military
>Mfw the Shire is based on comfy England
>Mfw it's almost time for afternoon tea in England right now
Noice m8's the greatest country of all.

England sucks and the UK is literally on the brink of collapse, enjoy being an irrelevant island off the coast of a prosperous EU.

Scotcuck detected

You know what the difference between this thread and the recent France appreciation thread is?

The France appreciation thread wasn't started by a Frenchman.

Bangers and mash or fish and chips ol' chap?

>Glaswegicuck detected

Fixed that for you.

M8 I just had a cream tea and scones.
As for supper, I am indeed getting cod and chips from the local chippy my man.
Soldier on lad, sometimes I fear that its just us Englishmen who stop the world from descending into savagery.

Haggis and chips.

>tfw it will be too dangerous to come here illegally

Fuck off jock

Hope you become independant so we can rebuild hadrians wall


>BTFO black lives matter protesters
All of which were white
Silly cuck, you are dead to the world

You forgot to mention our widely renowned British anime girls

Over the hills and far away

Agree with Land and Glory as theme thread, listening while the kettle is boiling pal!

You cant even quote Winston Churchill without being arrested for hate speech. Brits are turbo cucks.

Alright boys. Just in from work, got roast beef and Yorkshire pud for tea. One of them big puds with the meat and gravy in side it. Comfy as fuck.

Fuck off rare flagged nigger. At least I can go outside and not be mauled by a polar bear

And the problem with that is?

>cream tea
you dirty scum bad,

Cream tea means tea and custard creams.
only americans put cream in tea.

>Tea's brewing
>staffie asleep near me
>comfy queen playing on speakers
>most of the dindus and mudslimes were kicked out/dropped out of college
>got to call a sjw a fat gob shite today

truly the best of british feels today lads

We still arrested them

Where as.....

nope, no we didnt.
get a job faggot

greenland... main export? volcanic ash

>Not having a thick 'un

Yorkshire here, Putting Cream in everything is british as fuck.

>Roats beef and Yorkshire

>Not putting in a Savoury Mince and mixed veg filling the Yorkshire.

I bet you don't even have some mash.

Don't forget we're building the wall IN FRANCE, on rightful English clay no less.

Kek approves

bullshit! cream goes on pudding and in coffee

No fuckers evil enough to put cream in tea, not even plastic cheese yanks. Cream tea is faggotry, but who can say no to a cream/jam scone and a cuppa?

if we didnt watch the french we would have immigrant barges crashing onto are shores

I bet you're a nonce thinking I am talking double cream.

A light cream, close to full fat milk, in tea is fucking mana from heaven.

fuck me those scones look good.

Had new potatoes mate, dab of butter then gravy all over. White choco magnum for afters.


How is this country going to survive?

Barely any of them are in contact with their Father. One girl even mentions that she's one of twelve siblings, all from different Mother's ffs.

Just use full fat milk then, fucking retard.

>new potatoes
>When it's getting into Mash season

Why eat an irishman's testicle when you can have some creamy buttery Mash?

>Satan not loving Light cream

It all makes sense.

sand nigger picking on black people to interview, probly in london. please fuck off and die

>southern softy

>>Left the EU
Let's see how that will work out.

>>BTFO black lives matter protesters and charge them
You got the most blacks in Europe. Deal with them.

>>strengthen economy and tourism with Brexit
Pound fell 10%, still is 10% supressed at historically low levels. Economy just was announced to be flat/ in recession.

>>better interest rates for home buyers
Germany has the lowest interest rates in Europe.

>>arresting Islamic hate clerics and silencing the muzzies
HAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA. You aren't serious, right? You don't arrest anyone. Half your country is Sharia law infested. At least we really arrested them, because we have the thought police and hate speech laws.

>>build a wall that america cant do
You are an island, monkey.

desu the South is pretty nice outside of any major towns and cities

Oh look lads its salty Jurgen come to cry like a little bitch. Let's all point and laugh at the butthurt

Your capital city m8.

the same can be said about the rest of britian

>Let's see how that will work out.
Manufacturing has gone up

>Pound fell 10%, still is 10% supressed at historically low levels. Economy just was announced to be flat/ in recession.
Pound has is going up (slowly), Economy manufacturing figures have gone up

>Germany has the lowest interest rates in Europe.
Interest rates have gone down, he said better not best.

>Half your country is Sharia law infested
(see picture) Sharia Law isn't enforced. also 1 MILLION REFUGEES.

>You are an island, monkey.
We're building on in Calais you stupid turk.

You want some cornbread,
Mr. Jingles? Well, you
can forget it. Because
I'm gonna kill you!

not my shire tho.
its the best place to ut everyone, london, easy to police, the goverment gets front row sits for all the cultural enrichment.

>Economy just was announced to be flat
Sources for the opposite:

Too bad i couldn't give a shit about are Economy, since i support brexit.

>not shit everywhere you go
People weren't meant to live like that. They're multikulti hellholes that you should work on getting the fuck out of at the first opportunity. Provincial towns and villages are comfy as fuck, there's probably a maximum size that a community can get to and still be a nice place to live, and I think it's around 100k people.

>Too bad i couldn't give a shit about are Economy, since i support brexit.

These were pro-brexit news m'9.

>Oh jah, stupid Englisch, you vill always be below ze superior German ubermensch

Will butthurt Germans ever leave Sup Forums? Why are you lot so obsessed with putting the UK down you fucking kraut mongoloid

You are the cause of the migrant crisis, you want a 3rd try at destroying europe, promote cuckdom like no other european country and are being subverted by T*rks... and you criticise us? Fuck off

Guys, I need another Peter.

I have read everyone of Peter Hitchens' books and have come to the conclusion that he's right about pretty much everything.

Who should I study next?

"Left the EU" top kek. You didn't even start leaving it you just voted you would.

I stayed up all night watching the polls, knocking back labatt 50's. When you glorious bastards won I opened up the shop doors and let loose 3000 watts blaring "God save the Queen" for the neighbourhood to hear. Good job boys!

Will this meme ever die. We need to sort ourselves out before we leave, surprise surprise.

Brexit means Brexit.

>he eats up May PR propaganda

>literally have a government department set up to govern Brexit

So is your country great again or should I be extra cautious when I visit London next month? Where are the muzzies concentrated most?

Brexit may well mean money to the EU, an emergency break rather than proper border controls, and single market membership.

In other words "Brexit" could mean effective membership of the EU, but technical exit.

>become nationalists against all the odds
>build a muthafucking wall to stop shitskins at the border

COME ON SON, are you even trying? Yeah, yeah, you're better than your old man at technical stuff; this basic stuff should be easy, no?


Its propergander to carm down the pro-EU people
They trying to get people to support the single market because of muh economy, if your not careful we will still be in the EU in everyway, apart from name.

>should I be extra cautious when I visit London next month
Be extra cautious m8; this shit is going to take years.

Stick to the nice tourist places, you'll have fun.

If you haven't already, try nietzsche thus spoke zarathustra, and might is right by ragnar redbeard. Classic ultimate redpills. Cripchan /pdfs/ is a good library

It could also be the most visible sign of the inherent instability or th EU.

We never became fascist, because we never stopped be fascists.
Long live the Queen

holy shit my sides

When did you guys get uncucked

What could?

also do something to protect the lorrie drivers please, or at least make it so they can run people over on their way to the tunnel

I love being northern... but i fucking hate that I live so close to scuckland

I thrive on your Aryan tears.

Have you read Hitchens? Might is Right sounds like the exact opposite of Burkean protestant conservatism. But it could be good for that reason.

London is basically it's own thing at this point, it's attitudes, ethnic make up, economics and so on are all drastically different to the rest of england

there's a reason they pretty much totally voted remain whilst the rest of the country voted leave

On it.

We're thinking about changing the law that instantly criminalizes lorry drivers found with shitskins under their bonnet. It was an old law to crack down on people trafficking that is fucking ridiculous in current year.

Also, we're building that wall specifically to protect lorry drivers. We've learned from last time when we gave the French £20million to build a fence, that they pocketed and then threw up some chicken wire that blew over (I shit you not). Thanks France.

london is the engine, britian is the car, no one cares what fuel you use to run it, as long as it doesn't spill out all over the car.

You have to go back m8.

france just cant be trust'd to get the job done, they bull dozed it once (pic related)

MPs have urged China’s UK ambassador to intervene in a row over racist comments reportedly issued by a Chinese airline about ethnic minority areas of London.

An image of text from an inflight Air China magazine posted on social media prompted outrage after it warned passengers that “precautions are needed when entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.

The text, tweeted by Beijing-based producer Haze Fan of US news channel CNBC, added: “We advise tourists not to go out alone at night, and females always to be accompanied by another person when traveling.”

However we're dealing with our Muslim problem, no one in America is dealing with the problem of blacks in the US and the rise of Black Supremacy.

here is the current picture, back and bigger than every. FFS France, honestly



>civility, prosperity and honor to your nation.
>any of this
Hah fuck me.

London is the outhouse; England is the mansion.

Cornwall is the patch of unkempt grass in the corner.

Anglia is the leaking, barely used swimming pool.

Wales is the fish and chip shop down the lane.

The North East is the fun pub that everyone likes.

Scotland can fuck right off.

Hans is STILL BUTTHURT over Brexit


It's because they left the big buildings standing.

That's mad. "We're going to clear this place out. But not really." Why bother half-arsing it?

China might be a totolitarian shithole, but at least they are refreshingly blunt. They call it like they see it.

Turkroaches shouldn't stone gays in glass houses.