women have no agency to prevent men from abusing women with one night stands that's why we need that state to step in and make it illegal to pump and dump. shitlords
Women have no agency to prevent men from abusing women with one night stands that's why we need that state to step in...
He deserved longer in prison
>tfw anarchist would never try this at some niggas home because they're afraid they might be racist
ancaps are such cucks
>muslims rape people
>nobody bats an eye
>white guy fingers girl
>everyone goes fucking insane
He just needs to go full shkreli/Zimmerman and rub it in their faces
Literally only has mainstream media attention because he's white.
Black 32 year old kills a 5 year old girl? Not a fucking peep.
I wish they could do this to all immigrants raping girls in Europe
No, he didn't. It was sexual assault in the third degree, a relatively minor crime. Especially considering they were BOTH drunk
Anarchists used to be based, before they became politically correct.
Because it's common place (in America). When a whitey does something they report it because it's so amazingly uncommon FACT
AND having a consensual hook up before the fact.
>hooking up with drunk girl
>she passes out with your finger in her fish hole
>instantly transmutes into a fucking live mine
>Armed anarchists
Are they Ancap?
least now we got a name. He a kike?
Oh man let's slide this shit
kek I fucking knew it.
>He identified himself in November 2015 as a Jew as he protested with Black Lives Matter wearing a Star of David:
“As Jewish Americans, we’ve come and shown our solidarity, wearing the yellow Star of David, drawing the very obvious connection between Nazi-era policies and the ones that Trump is proposing,” Naziri said. [via State News]
Honestly lads my Jew sense is fucking impeccable. And I still think he is flase flagging to get guns banned.
Head Instructor at Three Temples Martial Arts
Master's degree, Humanities/Religion
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Social Change and Middle East Peace
It was rape, read the sheriffs report.
Get lost you pathetic cunt
And yet, people get all up in arms when I stand in front of a niggers house with a white hood and a burning cross. Fucking hypocrites
>Finger a girl
>Get shot
Truly we live in the land of the free
What a bunch of bullies.
why do they always come as a pair Sup Forums?
it was rape because she reported a rape AFTER she gave consent drunk
you idiot
Imagine if it was a nigger rapist they were doing this to. They'd say it was the new cross burnings or some shit.
Really makes me sick how whites are being singled out.
This triggers the Brit.
The one thing we do know for CERTAIN is that it was not rape. It was never more than sexual assault. Please kill yourself.
Frankly, it's one of those cases where no-one will ever know what went on, because both parties were drunk as fuck. She cannot remember anything. There's testimony that she willing necked him and went outside with him. She admits she doesn't know if she was giving consent previously.
Consider. You're drunk, she's drunk. You slur 'can I finger you'? 'Uh-huh' she slurs back. fumbling in the dark, you don't notice her pass out. Not romantic, but not illegal. Jesus, this is happening hundreds of times every weekend behind the bins at weatherspoons in the UK.
Maybe he did think I'm horny as hell and I'll just have a go her. Perhaps it's even likely. But the criminal standard, in the US like the UK, is that someone must be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. We can talk about that if you like; perhaps it should be on the balance of probabilities, or some other standard. In which case, that should be the standard across criminal law, not just in a case where you feel a bit cucked and decide to be a retard.
Jew* privilege
let us not forget that Nate Parker, a college wrestler, and black actor, was let off, after not only raping a woman, but later harassing her, hiring a private investigator to dig up dirt on the accuser, and disseminating photos of her, with the caption "There goes the white girl crying rape!".
later this year, he, as director of a film, will be starring in a slavery film, where he plays the main protagonist, a preacher who tours the country, for profit, preaching to black slaves.. the contents of the film are about nat turner, a slave who gathered slaves in his neighborhood to travel from plantation to plantation, killing whites, gathering farm equipment and livestock, freeing slaves, eventually resulting in an armed group of 200.
this, of course, is timed to be released one month before the elections.
the intention of the film is "to inspire a riotous disposition toward any and all injustice in this country (and abroad) and to promote the kind of honest confrontation that will galvanize our society toward healing and sustained systemic change."