Is entering a relationship with a widow a good idea? Or will her first husband always cuck me from beyond the grave?
Relationship with a widow
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So long as he didn't die under suspicious circumstances, i don't see the problem.
Yea, no shame on being her backup plan dude.
>will her first husband always cuck me from beyond the grave?
if his dick was bigger, yes.
Depends on what kind of person her exhusband was. If he died because he was a retarded gangbanger, then avoid her like the plague.
well considering death actually did them part, at least you know she's not a whore.
this, and never take faith in the idea that she is '100% yours'. there's a reason she is a 'widow' - that label will be on her all her life. if you enter a relationship with her it will be as an emotional rock more than anything. personally, i'd avoid it. i don't think widows are necessarily meant to re-marry.
Really? To be honest I'm a bit afraid of being this "replacement", like her Alpha was took from her by death, so she settled with a Beta. I don't know how to feel about it.
Do you even know what cuck means?
If he were to come back from the dead and fuck her in front of you that is cucking you.
but since magic is not real no.
he wont "cuck" you faggot.
Get off Sup Forums, go outside get some sunlight and fresh air.
I see nothing wrong with it unless she killed her late husband.
Lonely girls with dead husbands need love too. It's up to you to make sure that you become her #1, even though the competition is in her head and he's not turning up at the door any time soon.
You will never live up to her original husband who she will idealize in her mind as being perfect
She'll feel guilty any time she starts to believe that you are even comparable which will cause her to revert back
don't do it
That's what the Jews want you to believe
If there are kiddly winks, stay away polski
also check out how the husband died
If you love her, and she can love you, then of course.
I am a widover myself and found another person who I love deeply. It is possible.
I will always love my wife, but she is a memory.
She'll get over him quickly enough matey. Women don't feel love in the same way that men do, so there's no point trying to think in her shoes about it
>cuck me from beyond the grave?
This is one of the most autistic things I've read on this board, and the competition is really, really fucking tough.
is she submissive
will she give you polish babies and create a family with you?
thats all that really matters you will cuck the dead one if you have a baby with her
>magic is not real
Just wait till the presidential debates, my friend. Meme magic is real.
Women are hypergamus
But becoming a widow complicates things
Her dead husband will always be this angelic, perfect, demigod of love and happiness. You'll never be "him". And when she's butthurt she'll compare you to him.
I always had a hunch that humans are naturally animistic/ancestor worshippers on some level. He'll be her twu wuv and you'll always be the replacement goldfish.
Aryan traditions say that the widow must be burned.
Hindu actually
Suicide is a sin for Iranian peoples
Ever heard of an "alpha widow"?
It's terrible, even if they just broke up she'll never feel the same emotional roller coaster she had with him. You're gonna be his shadow. If she gets thirsty enough she'll try to jump ship.
Only after you raped them and pillaged their village, Batzorig.
As long as she doesn't have kids that you're taking care of.
Don't get me wrong, women can't love men like men love women
But they CAN love how a man makes them FEEL
as long as she doesn;t have any kids it is infact you who is cucking him from beyond teh grave
>women can't love men like men love women
what do you mean by this?
>Is entering a relationship with a widow a good idea?
She will kill you too!
This. If you're the one currently fucking her, you're basically cucking all her past sexual partners.
Well if you have those sorts of thought patterns then yes - you will always be cucked, mostly by your self
>Or will her first husband always cuck me from beyond the grave?
This. It just happened to a family member. As soon as she starts crying over her dead husband and how perfect he was, tell her she needs to get over it and move on if she wants to be with you. Otherwise maybe she isn't ready and she should gtfo. Bitches love using stuff like this. Don't stand for it even once. Don't let her compare you to him ever.
If she does, say "Yeah? Well he's fucking dead. You can go be with a corpse if you think that's better." Make her cry. Trust me, she deserves it.
Men and women feel things differently
Regardless of how he actually was, she will see him through rose tinted glasses.
You will be cucked, because you will never measure up to the fantasy she has of him
he means he's single and bitter as fuck
Single mothers via the husband dying arent really degenerate.
The degenerate ones who you should be avoiding are the ones who got into relationships and had kids with people that they wouldn't remain with.
Maybe you can be his new alpha, but reading your posts I doubt it
You're retarded. He referring to the bitch crying over her dead husband and constantly comparing OP to him and hanging it over his head like it's his fault he isn't some dead guy.
fuck off Sargon, back into your cage and make more videos for your shekel
Hey Sup Forums is it okay to date a single mother
>only if she's a widow
Hey Sup Forums is it okay to date a widow?
>no don't be a cuck
Hey Sup Forums is it okay to date any girl
>lol falling for the vaginal jew
>mfw not smashing sweet boipucci
You're all such fags
>but reading your posts I doubt it
Haha same. If he has what it takes to be form with her the second she pulls any shit then maybe.
What's step 5? This looks pretty comfy desu.
Pretty accurate.
>I hate feminists
Catcalling is fun.
>Catcalling is for autistic nigger virgins! Respect women's feelings!
Can't make this shit up.
this. seriously this.
had a family friend that had a kid who had it all, loving hot wife kids, farm, bunch of guns and trucks... the sweet life all those country songs twang on about.
offed himself in an orchard in the early morning one day. super shocking, parents depressed etc etc.
we all found out last week that his widow just got remarried, less than a year from the suicide... and her new husband of 30 days just killed himself in the Orchard in the morning hours.
can't exhume the first husband because she had him cremated. immediately. same as the husband she had before this guy....
watch your shit man
The husband is watching you from heaven and then when you die you have to fight him, if you lose you have to go to hell
Why is this a political topic?
Read some Jesus you Dutch criminal. You're not married in heaven. You're not even a man or a woman.
Wtf she's still free?
>marrying a divorced woman
Failed lovers should take responsibility for their fail and never screw another one again. People used to get married for life and didn't bang while drunks or on drugs. It used to mean something.
>"(...)cuck me from beyond the grave"
Kek'd audible thanks user
Moral values
Because marriage is in decline and the modern relationship is a constant struggle against the degeneracy of feminism and being told that men should be women.
Women do this with all their exes though, not just dead husbands.
i understand his fears.
but that is still not cucking.
Imagine how depressed that woman must feel if it was just bad luck.
No it's a real problem. It happens with ex boyfriends and happens even worse with dead ones. Women will cling onto that shit and use it against you as an excuse to not take responsibility for being in the relationship. It's probably best to dunno women who do this. If they get their shit together then fine, otherwise don't even fuck with them.
You want to be with a reasonable, considerate woman.
A reasonable, considerate woman would never compare you to her old husband. If she does, end it but give her a chance.
Kek agrees
Yeah. Dear husband are the ultimate ex. I wouldn't fuck around the moment she starts crying over him. Been there and done that.
Right but you're being way too literally when the word has taken on a slang meaning for over a year now.
you fell for a idealized version of reality that never really existed outside of gran gran lying to her grandkids about how pure her generation was.
the big difference was there was no internet to show off to, oh and people knew how to keep their fucking mouths shut.
You have to understand you'll never replace him. She will always love him more than you. If you're OK with this than go right ahead.
truely Epic.
yall faggots are just as bad as the marketing kikes. take words and change their meaning to suit their campaign. you people ruined epic.
If she is someone that can't remain loyal to her husband why would you expect her to be a good partner for you? If a woman (or man) wants to "move on" after the death of their spouse this indicates that they are worthless sluts lacking a soul.
Know a situation like this in real life. Beta friend had an alpha friend who was married to a girl. Had 4 kids but died in an accident along with one of the kids. Beta friend married her and had a kid with her. She later divorced him. Alpha sons are better off financially and socially, but beta son did well for himself anyway.
You're only the replacement if you believe you are.
If you want to know how ridiculous a woman is being, just reverse the roles. Imagine you are dating a woman and three months into it you break down crying in front of her and tell her how much you miss your dead ex. Does that seem like a healthy thing to put on the person you're trying to have a relationship with? Do expect that person to hang around when you are pretty much saying you aren't capable of being engaged in the relationship because your head is stuck in the past?
That's why I wouldn't take that shit from a woman crying over her ex or husband.
All women are whores
If she's not virgin, pump and dump. She'll never be faithful to you only your ability to provide. Sad but true
>So bluepilled that he has to resort to shaming tactics.
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.
All my relatives were married for life. Everybody in Yugoslavia was married for life, since it wasn't cool to have many sex partners and there wasn't this Christian whore mentality where you search for next life aka best soul. Marriage got too complicated, work got too stressed, vacations got shorter, people aren't punished for economic crime and this mentality spreads around people, Christians are put in place when they lie about god, now everybody lies. Capitalism ruined marriage. Why do you think so many flavors of gay exit? Because behind every gay group there are people making money, same with religion, same with any capitalistic bullshit. Capitalism promotes fail, since then it can sell you cures(divorce, medication, shrinks) and re-sell you marriage.
At least you know she is single. Take that as a small blessing cause I had to make cucks out of 2 guys I never met if you catch my drift.