Is smoking tobacco a blue pill behavior?
Is smoking tobacco a blue pill behavior?
It calms the nerves, it's a good tool for the working class.
Yes, as any other drug or religion, its escapism.
It's Untermensch
Yes. It's a tool by the Jews to give you erectile dysfunction and low sperm count. Smoking is literally white genocide.
no, and if it were, I wouldn't care either, it's my only tool to control anxiety without affecting my behavior
if you grow your own backyard tobacco it's fine
If you're red pilled you don't really wanna live past 60 anyways
Smoking is an example of (((marketing firms))) making up data, popularity, and an image of smokers just to get people to start smoking. Once they do so, people get addicted to it and then get stuck buying it.
Smoking barely calms a person and what its really doing is calming an addiction to the product they don't need. It also hurts the user and everyone around them. A perfect trick pushed by (((them))).
I smoke cigarettes because judging from the way the times are going I'm not going to make it into old age anyway, might as well just do it what I want.
Didn't doctors used to recommend it? Now they recommend vaccines. Totally blue-pilled.
>rots your lungs
>makes you, your house, your clothes smells bad
>stains anything it comes into contact with
>"but it makes me feel good"
It's nigger behaviour
Smoking is degenerate.
That being said, how do I quit? I'm on 3 packs a day and I feel my lungs turning into tar demons
they recommended it because the tobacco companies gave them a lot of money to say it was good to do. Plus their were no regulations on what could be marketed.
This is correct.
>outdated data
Drugs are degenerate. There was a large anti-smoking campaign in Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't drink or smoke and he encouraged other to stop.
Is smoking coco puffs bluepilled behavior?
How do you make time for 3 packs a day? I smoke 1 pack a day and it feels like most of my day is taken up by smokes.
its enjoyable with a glass of wine or beer
NEETs on pol wouldnt understand
And now big pharma pays them a lot of money to prescribe unnecessary meds.
get a vape and work your way down in nicotine strength
yes I took the red pill lsd
Kill yourself, sliding kike.
If you don't feel you have the mental strength to just quit, I would try it with vaping. Everything else like pills, chewing gum and that stuff doesn't work. It isn't really the nicotine that keeps you, it is the habit of actually smoking something.
What are you smoking?
I rarely encounter someone who can smoke 3 pack and still have the capability to form meaningful sentences. Camel Brown here.
How many of you consider Marijuana to be degenerate but tobacco to be not
i do.
>Drugs are degenerate
>let me pump my troops full with crystal meth
yup drugs are degenerate, stay away from them, unlike the nazis
everything is degenerate. you just have to limit your degeneracy.
>tfw you have the self control for
Damn I only smoke half a pack per day. Nicotine replacement works well. I buy concentrated nicotine online, dilute it, then rub it on my skin to dull cravings. It's cheap and works the same as a patch, except it needs to be applied several times daily.
Just gotta be careful with the pure stuff, It's poisonous in high doses.
for what reason?
I'm prescribed adderall so I go through packs quite fast due my attempts to offset the stimulatatory effects
Marlboro Lights
Yeah I tried the gum, the pills everything. Sunflower seeds were the closest that got me quitting but it got real messy and when I didn't have any all I could think about was smoking. Recommend any particular vapes? I tried the Blu before it was shit
LOL if you smoke kill urself nigga.
No because the real red pill is dying and getting off this living hell
Smokers are living human trash in a society.
so people that smoke should just keep smoking?
Nicotine makes you harder to program, there is a good reason most governments hate it.
Spending vast amounts of money to die much earlier seems pretty fucking blue pilled to me.
vai dar o cú pra outro autista então helena filha da puta.
>Marlboro Lights
Carry on hoplite.
Pretty degenerate desu
it makes you lazy and not productive. its time wasted that could be spent bettering your self. i can read or be a functional member of society while smoking. worst case it eats up 5 minutes of my day since i smoke 1-3 clubs a day.
weed also breeds leftist culture. laziness.
living past 65 is degenerate. after that age you are a leech on society. pass on your wisdom and die instead of draining money from the youth.
Plenty of jobs fuck you up harder than smoking ever would, yet I don't see people trying to stop those jobs from existing.
It doesnt do shit it just calm ur urge to have nicotine in you
I like to smoke once in awhile.
Don't do what this faggot does.
I can recommend the Reuleaux RX2/3 box mod and the GeekVape Griffin tank. Maybe the Griffin is a bit too much for a beginner, but the mod is very safe and reliable, just research the batteries and get some Samsung, LG or Sony ones with 30A and no china crap. If you don't want to wick yourself just buy some of those shiny sub ohm tanks that are all around from aspire, smok, KangerTech or something like that. You will try out different ones anyways, but if you buy the right mod from the beginning, you might save some money in the long run.
it definitely does m8
It depends how often you smoke. Cigarettes are addictive and smoked often, and hence are degenerate. But there's nothing wrong with occasionally enjoying a fine cigar or a pipe.
I love smoking.
If you aren't sipping nicotine tintures, you're basically a nigger.
All the benefits of cognitive enhancement- none of the smell, stains, or cancer.
Having any sort of addiction is a sign of weakness and should result in sterilization to preserve white supremacy.
You are a nigger. Good thing those cigarettes will hopefully kill you sooner rather than later.
or just go get a cheap starter and see if you like it first. you can end up spending a dick load of money on vaping and then realizing you hate it.
i have the steam engine tank with the snow wolf mod. only use samsung or sony batteries everything else is shit.
How many niggers do you know browsing Sup Forums and posting for fun?
Absolutely not. Nicotine has other affects on your body as well.
For example, your first time smoking a cigarette isn't to calm your nicotine cravings. You have none yet. But you'll feel the calming affect.
>Ex-smoker here
No one smokes because it feels bad. Nicotine feels fucking great for a good while, it's not until one has been smoking for a good bit that it starts to get bad. That is to say, that instead of it just making you feel great, you just feel crappy all the time then smoking just makes you feel okay for a few minutes.
I started smoking when I was 12 because I thought it was cool, than got involved in the restraunt Industry where the only break you can get is a smoke break, plus the blinding stress of it really encourages smoking.
I used vape products to quit, they worked great.
Bad as bitch with 5mm calluses.
From observing my father who is a graphics artist. Cigarettes basically make him numb to mental exhaustion. He works non-stopped when he smokes regardless of mood but smokes more when his mood is shit. Further, when he is physically active, cigarettes are used less.
From my perspective, cigarettes act like coffee but on a different system of nerves. It seems to give him a better control of his mood as well which is great. (because he is addicted, his mood is predictable to himself)
Marijuana makes him incapable of work. He gets relaxed and seems to enjoy himself but thats about it. It also feels... wrong (at least, if he is not with friends). My father has a good strong cultured attitude and mindset and he is about as excellent a man as you can get. Weed does not complement that refinement, rather it blunts it. Though i suppose you can argue this is more aesthetic than real since he smokes with his friends every now and then regardless and he is much the same person.
Cigs are not red or blue pilled. Taking them excessively because of a want for sex is blue pilled. Not taking them because you want to be a healthy vegan fuck is blue pilled.
If you smoke because you have a goal and need an activity to blunt out distractions. Do it. IF you want to gain mastery over your mind and all other processes of awareness leading to a lazer precise focus and control over your own life. Don't do it even if you have a goal.
Since Self Mastery and Mastery of the World are both pure domains and are the works of all red pilled men. I would say, if you are mindlessly doing it, you are 100% blue.
The only pot-head I know that are lazy fucks were lazy fucks before they smoked weed to.
However I have many friends who smoke pot that are still insanely ambitious people, as they were before they smoked as well. I'd say it brings out the true colors of people.
Also you're not one of those people that thinks every single second of your day has to be spent being as productive as possible are you? That seems like an awful way to live.
Addictions are degenerate.
working in the service industry is a gateway into smoking. i started smoking when i was a waiter in college. only quit cigs when i got a real job and could buy a vape.
literally this
I won't lie, I'm lazy as fuck when I'm high. But when I come down I'm back to my normal workaholic self. I haven't had a joint in over a year and a half now though.
I smoked marijuana at the beginning of 12th grade. It felt like absolute garbage trying cigarettes later on in HS.
I recommend you find a reliable source for ganja. If you can't get weed smoke cigars, they are great
master race
If you're white, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Buy yourself a pack of these user. Unless you're a nigger, in which case carry on.
Forgot pic
Sure there is nothing wrong with buying a cheap starter or even trying out a disposable one a first. However I personally wasn't very satisfied with the smoke production and I ended up buying my way up and ended up spending much more money that way. A reasonably mod isn't that expensive, the reuleaux I mentioned is about the same price as a starter set which is usually absolute shit tier in comparison.
>Is smoking tobacco a blue pill behavior?
Of course not, goy.. Why feel normal for free when you can smoke some jewbacco for an hour of normalcy?
I haven't seen those anywhere near me.
One of their biggest spokesmen of all time was a nigger user
>what is smoking outside
>what is moderation
Fucking bog rats I swear
You can buy a carton from Kiev for $25 in bitcoin
Players are an over priced faggot brand like Dunhill.
These are fucking meme cigs. These are fucking camels. They are literally for fedora tipping meme fags who smoke them because some fedora tipping autist on Sup Forums told them to Lel
Smoking isn't degenerate beyond the potential damage to your body.
Being addicted to anything is extremely degenerate. Sleeping pills, caffeine, nicotine. If some substance has power over you, you are scum
not for poor fags
I smoke dunhills, and I keep them in this.
Haha that's funny. Shit cigarettes in a shit snack box.
Buy some ayahuasca online to help with your addiction.
Look it up how it can help also, you'll be surprised
When's the last time you saw a nigger smoking a lucky in real life?
> you're not one of those people that thinks every single second of your day has to be spent being as productive as possible are you?
check my flag
one of my coworkers has that mod so im not shitting on it. when i started out i had like an Eleaf 30w and a nautilus tank. it worked great at high nicotine but it didnt make enough cloud so i eventually went sub ohm.
this shit starts to become a fucking science after a while.
Yes, being a slave to addiction is literally as blue-pilled as it gets.
No. But it depends how you go about it.
If you're a cuck who can't go 10 minutes without smoking an entire packet and get """""""""addicted""""""""" to it, then of course it will be perceived as bluepilled.
Not made with the same tobacco, though. Just licensed.
At least one, Tyrone.
Modern cigarettes suck. They're full of chemicals. If you wanna smoke roll your own from good tobacco. If you ever get to try smokes from 60's or 70's you will be amazed how natural they taste
enjoying the indian jew right now
Cigarettes: yes, degenerate nicotine addiction
Cigars: no, patrician behavior
Pipes: no, patrician behavior
Nah, m8. From the same farms that have produced luckies for generations. I honestly prefer Kam Reds, but let's be clear luckies have a fairly distinctive taste.
The nu-males hate tabacco and love weed, I don't understand. At least tabacco doesn't transform people in retarded zombies nor does brain damage.
I've done ayahuasca before ordered some P. viridis and B. caapi off the net and made it in a cauldron with some bros. It was good to distract myself for a couple days, because the purging and the psychedelic effect made smoking cigs nauseating. But I didn't really learn any deeper spiritual meaning from it and I resumed my habit a week later