To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
>>>>>> Don't
To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
>>>>>> Don't
>To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
nobody fucking has
Look who's talking for now:
Russia's rightful clay.
nigglet please, slavs couldnt even take us on in ww1, we went to war with sauna trains
>implying you aren't slavs.
>wanting to emigrate to a country that is barely one step above a first world trash can.
that pic is pretty lewd
Nobody wants to move to Brazil m8
how many people got shot in brazil while u typed that message ? go throw some monkey shit
Pls muricans let me out of here
fuck off you worthless race mixed favela monkey
no one has ever wanted to move to Brazil for obvious reasons related to the amount of niggers and crime.
>"Don't immigrate to Brazil" thread every day
>"Do immigrate to Brazil" thread every night
>Like clockwork
>200+ replies every time
What did they mean by this?
well the borders are wide open
I know too many Brazilians that have moved here already and they go back home every other week to be with (their undoubtedly huge) family. No wonder the Zika virus and bedbugs have spread back up here so quickly.
we are turning into Brazil 2.0 after all
I just put a T H I C C pic
I took ~10 minutes to type the message.
We got 60000 homicides an year (28,5/100k usually), 365 days an year, so that makes it ~164 a day and 6,83 hourly so 0,11 per minute, so 1,11 people died while I typed it.
well u need to hire somebody to fish all the dead bodies out of your waters. obviously you spics are too lazy to do it.
It's ok, someone will take care of it
Yea you are right
>To anyone considering emigrating to Brazil.
Are you retarded?
No but you seem to be unpatriotic, what's wrong with you?
Why do you make these threads, honestly? What's your fucking agenda? I see them every day. There's something incredibly shady about your threads.
Lul at the butthurt huehuemonkey.
I would literally rather live in Lunik IX (the only ghetto we have in Slovakia and enjoy a better living standard than the average brown monkey in Brazil.
You don't seem to know a lot do you?
I'm not. But there is almost nothing good on our country. Just answer me why the FUCK would anyone move here? Just stop posting ok?
I'll put it this way: once you get to know the mechanism that REALLY drive societies, you will understand these threads. Boy I can't believe it, where the fuck do you live?
I am not one person, I am a hive mind.
You clearly think you know a lot more than you do. You're one of those retards that think that all Brazil needs is more patriotism and completely ignores the economic and corruption issues.
How did he shit himself in only one half of his pants?
Stop reposting this
Patriotism does not mean what you think it means, it is not some petista nigger tier shit.
It's quite de opposite. Heavy Pinochet-tier patriotism is what we need.
I watch city of God the other day fuck moving to Brazil it's all ghetto nigs
As an American currently in Brazil I just wanted to check in and say fuck you you retarded favela nigger. You would have to live in fucking Africa to think coming and moving to this country would be a good idea. No one with even half a brain would immigrate to Brazil. This country is so brown that I get treated like a celebrity for being a tall white American. Never in my life have I felt more fear and disgust than being in this country. The only saving grace you guys have is that a lot of people are very very nice, but then again you have to worry about getting stabbed to death by niggers for your Nike sneakers.
>pic related
One of the endless favelas I've seen in my adventures here
Try again paki.
I'm not even rich.
Don't worry, literally none of us want to move to Brazil
what the FUCK are you doing in brazil man git outta there
Wrong im blonde blue eyed master race you subhuman
Pasta is like bait for newfriends.
I'm leaving very soon don't worry
>anyone but Brazilians wanting to live in Brazil
Don't worry buddy your borders are safe
But you don't even have teeth bro
>4. No Brazilian company will ire a mudskin like you.
>implying you can tell the difference between me and you
Wahab, lad.
I'd rather have to stay in this shitty country my whole live than to even consider migrating to Brazil, my dude. Don't worry about it.
Yeah OK kill yourself subhuman no one gives a shit about your zika ridden country
>emigrate to Brazil
Man I don't get it.
Why the fuck are you so brainwashed by the media? Zika is not even an issue, 99,99% of the population were not affected.
Crime and murders are an issue, not Zika. Please stop the Zika meme.
Hey! On the flipside, bunda!
Isn't it better than Somalia and... idk, Nigeria?
Do one and take your massive head with you
Start arguing anytime
Murder rates and crime are WAY WORSE but rich ppl live better
wow bomb these ppl
You are fucking HIV mind, I'll give ya that
Having HIV does not imply having AIDS so, not an argument. White British chav trash
Can you tell me why did British chavs ask me if I was Polish? What the fuck is going on there?
The white Chav trash live better than 99% of your country
Maybe but soon enough they'll be cucked by the Muslims because they blame the Polish people for their problems.
Oh shit, most of those happenings mean that he lives in a favela and is loyal to the other drug lord or something like that. That is beyond fucked up my God..
I lived in brazil for several years. I lived in the favellas of sao paulo. *ahem* SCREW BRAZIL. FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHITTY COUNTRY.
Are you that fucking poor?
Why the hell did you live in São Paulo's favelas in the first place? That means you're retarded, you should have gone to the country side where the food is abundant, land is abundant and everything is cheap and the quality of life is high. You idiots, oh my.
Not even being a cunt but i've never even heard someone say they want to visit brazil.
You should steal that teeth from the fish man.
Which Brazilian city has the largest tranny population ? I wanna move there, my boy pussy is ready for big tranny benis.
THERE IS NO SUCH PLACE. YOU THINK THERE IS BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW BETTER. I lived first in Paraisopolis because yes I was poor and just traveling for fun. After witnessing rape and murder I decided to fuck off. I went to Vista Alegre thinking it would be better and IT FUCKING WASNT. I then moved to Paralheiros. STILL FUCKING AWFUL. I finally found a guy that lived in Brooklin that let me live in his place. The prices for everything were exorbitant and IT STILL WASN"T EVEN AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS. ITS CONSIDERED A "RICH" PLACE IN SAO PAULO.
One big fucked up country.
theyre everywhere in Sao Paulo and Rio
brazil trying revise pyscholagy.
Why the fuck would anyone wanna move into your nigger-filled, poor as hell, disease-ridden shithole?
>living in Paraisopolis
What did he mean by this?
>Move to Brazil
>die because you caught AIDS after having a puddle touch the knife wound you got off a criminal trying to rape your daughter
Youre exactly right. Everyone there looks just like that. Only darker skinned. Also, might i add, you guys suck at ice cream. It's horrible. Your pizza on the other hand is TOPS.
The only two things Brazil can do right are Pizza and Churrasco.
We also have great Pasta and great everyday's food. Really.
>revise pyscholagy
British education everyone.
You also have niggers that are worse than murican niggers, didn't think that was possible but it's true, user, it's true.
No they're not worse than American niggers, really.