Not even memeing, what are some Kafkaesque movies?

Not even memeing, what are some Kafkaesque movies?

Other urls found in this thread:

naked lunch?

Kenan and Kel

>naked lunch?

The Trial

Was he loyal to his capo?

lost highway

A Bug's Life

Did he really write that? What a legend.

Why are the hardest anti semites jews themselves?

Shrek, unironically

because they both have the superior jewish genetics and the self-awareness of what is disgusting about the jewish race

anti-semitic jews are literally the master race

>I shun others, not because i want to live alone, but because I want to die alone.

our guy

Non-jewish anti-semite here. This man is correct. They know.

Cast a Deadly Spell.

After hours and Brazil
Both are great

The Machinist


All a bit lovecraftian.


The Fly

Any movies that are Doyteveskeyian?


Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream That One Calls Human Life

Shockingly accurate.

Is this all it takes to make a meme these days? To just spam it in every thread for a day or two?
Sup Forums is pathetic

bondage ecstasy (1989) by hisayasu sato. it's a gay-themed sex flick from japan about a dude who turns into a bug

>Not even memeing,
are you daft, op isnt even memeing?!?

It was too one-note when it was just Lovecraft. Now that it's starting to mutate, it's getting more interesting.

It's downright Kubrickian.

Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life.