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delet this
only 7 days to go
I'm afraid to click the link, what is it?
Fuck, it's the same day as my exams... I never finish the uni...
ARG viral marketing
Proven to be another nigger tier psyOP.
Go on real chan sometime.
Nice viral marketing, faggot.
countdown clock till apocalypse.
where was that proven? I've been in 4 threads about it...what the fuck are you talking about user?
what is this
ARGs are funny thing... after some time you start having problems to separate real from the game, does that make it real to?
That's a nice dragon drawing on the site.
>does that make it real to?
No, it just makes you a dumbass.
Whatever makes you sleep at night mate. You are the center of universe.
wow its fucking nothing.
The Illuminati isn't going to make a website with a countdown to the apocalypse and creepy background music.
>unable to tell the difference between reality and an obvious ARG
>not a dumbass
Pick one.
>Thinking something big will happen.
All that I'm saying is, when enoug of people start believe in this shit, it becomes real enough.
Wow, a nondescript website with an ominous countdown.
I've never seen that one before.
"This is not an ARG, trendy little puzzle, social experiment, or viral marketing scheme.
When the timer ticks down, you will see what is happening."
>when enoug of people start believe in this shit, it becomes real enough.
This painting was posted on MrTeeth facebook page with anagram world puzzle "BADSELFEATER"
Also painting behind where both Clinton and Trump can be seen posing together
And where is the "real" in this web...?
You can't call this thing a "happening" if you don't even know what is that countdown.
Doesn't TGS start next week? inb4 viral marketing for a video game
No, but the Shadow Brokers may...
Then go on and search something about it. Someone put a lot of effort in this shit.
>This is not an #ARG or #meme. Make it go #viral
Always the hallmark of a stupid post.
>a lot of effort
This is on the level of a high school art project.
Fucking lazy cunt. Just search it next time.
What did they mean by this?
wasn't it figured out already that it's just referencing Obongo extending the terrorism state of emergency for a 15th year in row and that he's the dragon on the back with the BEWARE OF ISIS book propping him up
what's the background music, sumbdy pls tell me
If the site is just some stupid shit like shilling a music album or whatever I'm going to mock the /x/ retards forever.
Wow, we've got a bunch of good predictions there
It's going to be all the dox on how the Clinton Foundation is our shadow government and Trump is her red herring.
Include me in the screencap.
>Include me in the screencap.
prosper, bitch
You know I'm right when this shilling CTR faggot keeps shitposting in my direction.
You're going to make a very festive lamppost ornament.
Enjoy your (((documentary))), retards.
This is more for /x/ , every thread about this ends up in bible verses and tarot card readings. The /x/ boards so slow your thread won't slide as easy desu
get ready for 10 paranoid nutjobs calling you a shill
Hidden in the page source
I broked mine
For a second I thought you typed AVGN viral marketing.
Now you've done it!
there's some interesting code on some of the images, as you know the main page image is made in layers, there's the outer bill edges and then the centre dragon image overlaid on that.
Well if you disable that dragon layer and then reenble it, it is set to not appear for another 60 seconds. This seems ultimately pointless but leads me to think that when the timer finishes, the dragon will vanish, something else (Likely a youtube embed) will appear and a minute after the embed is banished the dragon will appear again.
Something odd about the color on this one, but I can't figure out why. The bill images were (per Photoshop) perfect on color, contrast, and image tone. This one is off on tone and color, reverting to a near gray scale image of a dragon/serpent. For so many deliberate things, that makes me wonder.
What did he mean by this?
It was interesting until I actually went to the website and the music started. Once the music started I realized this was just another fedora tier (probably "anonymous") thing where it'll just link to a youtube video of someone wearing the guy faux mask saying we demand free college or something like that.
Here's some information on the painting.
But the important part is Picasso decreed that the painting was to not return until democratic liberties were restored in Spain, upon which the painting was returned on September 10, 1981.
Some of the letters to the exterior of the back of the bill are an anagram for "MARK THE TENTH"
it says S E R P E N T
>Back to back
>Trump has the head of the Dragon / Beast
>Hillary has the wings of the Dragon
>Trump is the head / leader
>Hillary is the wing / wingman (woman) / accomplice
Trump is also a deceiver. He is not a Christian but a 33 degree Mason.
@0:49 Look at where is his family's picture placed, at the back instead of another abominable painting.
What the fuck is all this about?
Trump is Mason not a Christian, to add to my recent post.
There is a global currency reset coming, The year of the jubilee is about forgiving your debts.
Say bye to the petro-dollar.
this actually means "no girls allowed"
Thanks for Correcting the Record! I'm with Hilldog now!
Go back to /x/ you utter moron.
Sheeeit, Hillary was hot
its a liberal art project, no happening desu
>any time something weird
Calling something an ARG is just another way of saying "nothing to see here", and is a shill tactic.
what are we? orks?
The panda in the pic is WWF
Shills gonna shill.
does that say 65?
What browser?
>tumblr pic
OP confirmed for tumblr faggot
t. art student working on arg
BadSelfEater is an anagram for
Federal Beast
Bottom left is Oppenheimer's quote for the Manhattan project along with the letter "A" symbol as their unofficial emblem. The hanged man is above it.
These bills were found in many of the states where posters previously compared them to 1 dollar bills.
>aren't inkjetted
The amount of coordination, effort, and what's been placed onto the bill (that could get someone sued for defamation of their intellectual property) all hint at this not being an ARG.
>could get someone sued for defamation of their intellectual property
holy shit lmao
>What does the book say? BEWARE GENESIS or WE ARE ALL ISIS ?
>What is THANKMRTEETH an anagram for?
>What are the letter pairings on the back?
1st corner: The beast will eat itself. (The fedral reserve will colapse)
2nd corner: the all seeing eye and the owl, NWO?
3rd corner: CERN and "I am become death" together with iconography of Lucifer being thrown out of heaven.
4th corner: The serpent, aka Satan returns to eden.
Why would it have the Disney and Apple logos then?
There's logos plastered all over the bill. I'm sure companies that like throwing their lawyer hammer around would love to see their shit used to promote this edgy shit, and without getting their permission first. A person using their logos as this person/s are might make them think they're trying to insinuate that their company is related to the giant fucking satanic beast seeing shitting all over the constitution and religion. Yup, they'd see nothing wrong with that and their public image getting sullied.
if it was just fox stuff that would be a little obvious
it's fair use
what's the beast doing with this hand? it looks like it's picking something up with its middle two fingers or washing them off
is this the new binding of isaac expansion?
fuck off steakmund, quit shilling your shit here
As much as we all love reddit. Majority of breakdowns are here.
Mr Teeth just posted this for the normies
stalin quote?
kys shillary cuck
He's using the fluid to "anoint" someone or something. You basically dip two fingers in, and then "snap" the fluids out at people to bless them. Or maybe in the case of the beast curse them or something idk. I've seen it being used in very traditional christian ceremonies.
It's an Oppenheimer quote.
Both Stalin and Oppenheimer are represented.
>large fatalities quote
>genesis of nuclear weapons symbol and quote
One can dream.
The cross menorah symbol on the back.
The lapel on Hillary's jacket is Planned Parenthood
Bit of a contrast against trump's playboy bunny, which seems to me to be a symbol of fertility
That painting is from the bombing of Spain during the spanish civil war in the 30s.